CC's Biggest Loser Challenge Week 12

Hi everyone welcome to week 12.

New people are still welcome. Here are the rules/guidelines of the challenge. Congrats to Wachugan, last week's winner, with a 1.39% loss!

Biggest Loser Challenge "Rules"
-everyone weighs in each week on the same day
-Please try to post your weight as early as possible, this makes it easier for me

Just like on the show
-each week the person with the highest percentage of weight loss since the last week will be our weekly Biggest Loser
-at the finale the person who has the highest percentage of weight loss since their starting weight will be Biggest Loser

Good luck everyone!


  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Hey! I won one! :-)
  • cc_campbell81
    As you all may have noticed we've lost a lot of our people. Is there something I can do to keep everyone motivated? I know this can be a tough journey but I have found that if you just keep trying that things will keep going in the right direction. I hope you all have a great week. My challenge to you this week is to log on everyday. The support you can get at this site is very helpful, even if you just log your food or read one or two posts i think it can help keep you focused. good luck.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Yes. I realize I only won this week because we've lost a few people. I hope they come back. I have finally been sticking with it the past 3 months and it has been totally worth it. I just posted a before and after shot on my blog today:

    Yesterday, I watched blind people and people with only 1 leg ski down Whistler Mountain at the Vancouver B.C. Paralympics nearly as fast as the Olympic skiers down the same mountain 1 month ago. It was so inspirational. I wish I could ski like that! It made me realize that I can't make any excuses. I can do anything if I put my mind to it.

  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I didn't do great last week... not bad either but not great! :O) I'm ready to get rockin' this week! :O)
  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    When is your next weigh in? Can I join you? I watch The biggest loser every week, well everyday actually. I missed previous seasons so I'm catching myself up. Awesome motivation for me!

  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm sorry i have been off the site for a week. My weigh in on thursday was not good.
    LW: 178.5
    CW: 179.5
    I gained a pound and have been cheating on my diet blindlessly and kept saying to myself i will get better tomarrow. I think what also added to this was that i felt very big headed, last weekend i won my first karoake contest and cheated for a week. I didn't realize this until i was in Target on saturday and i really wanted to buy clothes and my bf told me you don't deserve it, you've been really bad on your diet. I knew i was doing bad but it was something else to hear someone i love say that and i decided to start all new today. Plus he lost 3.5 pounds this week, my competitive self was freakin out. I went for a 10 mile bike ride already today and have been good on my diet. There is a light at the end of tunnel, you just have to take it day by day and i am officially back.

  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Happy Tuesday!

    Last Week: 169.8
    This Week: 170.0
    Gained +0.2

    Stupid TOM!!
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Ooookay... :o) I didn't do wonderful this week but... I still lost 1.2 lbs!! I have to wonder what I would have done if I'd worked out and eaten like I was supposed to!!??!!?? I did good on the day that I was worried about (my son's birthday party was Sunday) but wasn't great the rest of the week. I stayed under calories most every day but wasn't eating good food... mostly junk. (Also, by under calories I mean no more than 50 under (I try to keep within that range)). :o)

    LW: 225
    TW: 223.8
    +/-: - 1.2
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Ooookay... :o) I didn't do wonderful this week but... I still lost 1.2 lbs!!

    1.2 lbs is AWESOME! And a very healthy rate to lose weight. You should be proud of yourself. And happy birthday to your little guy!!
  • augustbells
    augustbells Posts: 113
    Hi all!!!

    Last Week: 242.4
    This Week: 241.0
    Lost: 1.4 lbs.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    I'm sorry I've been gone for so long...I was fighting what I thought was a cold for two weeks. Come to find out I almost allowed my ear drum to burst with a severe ear infection in one ear, a mild ear infection in the other and a nasty sinus infection. Still not 100% but doing better.. i have yet to get back into working out but I'm attempting to start running again.

    Last week my weigh in was 134.6 and I was SO mad! But...this week I'm weighing in at 132.0!!!

    SO EXCITED :)))
  • neenaof4
    neenaof4 Posts: 41 Member
    cw this week 175.0
  • deeann1459
    deeann1459 Posts: 116
    Well, I'm doing it at work so I may as well start it here... if I can =)

    Starting weight: 175

    I weigh in on Monday of next week =)
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    weight this week 151.4!! down 4.8 pounds this week!
  • cc_campbell81
    MRobbins82 - we usually weigh in on Tues or Wednesday. But you can do whatever day works for you.
  • cc_campbell81
    welcome deeann!

    Here's the results for those who posted. Congrats to clheide for being our Biggest Loser with a 3.07% weight loss! Way to go!

    deeann1459 na- 1st week
    clheide 3.07%
    dreedub 1.93%
    cc_campbell81 1.53%
    augustbells 0.58%
    elysant 0.53%
    neenaof4 0.51%
    wachugan -0.12%
    sarina87 -0.56%

    I am very happy to share that I am now in the 120's! When I started this journey last year I did not think I would get here. I figured if I got to 140 I'd he happy. I had bad weeks, times where I gained, got injured, or just didn't feel like doing it! I am at a point where the # on the scale isn't too important but there is still work to be done. I have a lot of toning to do. My waist is really fighting me. At 128lbs, 5' 3" I have a 32" waist. I'd really like to see it at 29" or less. I wouldn't mind adding those inches to other areas instead! Oh the joys of weight loss! You never lose it where you want to! I am excited to see where we all are at the end of this season of Biggest Loser. This show has really inspired me. Keep up the hard work!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I am very happy to share that I am now in the 120's! When I started this journey last year I did not think I would get here. I figured if I got to 140 I'd he happy.

    WOW! Awesome job CC!! Congratulations!