new here, Hello!

So this is my first week on here... so far so good. Seem to be doing well with my food, but it's the exercise part of it that I'm slacking on. I have tried dieting/losing weight before and it seems like I do really well in the beginning, but then I revert back to horrible eating habits and give up. A lot of it has to do with time; I'm a mother of a wonderful 2 year old boy, a full time nursing student, I work full time in dialysis and I have a very supportive fiance. Trying to set aside the time to prepare and plan meals is so difficult! And then addiing in some kind of exercise is even more difficult. We have a little gym/fitness area at our apartment complex, but I am so intimidated to even walk in there! I'm afraid it will be full and everyone will be looking at me like I'm crazy and it's about to be too damn cold here to walk outside. I'm just full of excuses, aren't I?! :) I guess what I really need is some encouragement and motivation. I know why I need to do this, but doing it is another story. So, if anyone has any advise on how to keep going, please share! I want to do this right and need to do this for me and my family. Thank you in advance!

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  • wonderwomn27
    wonderwomn27 Posts: 40 Member
    no excuses,,think positive about the future... u can do this!!!! :) i 2 just started, but i know we can do this.. keep urelf moving,and dont deprive urself
  • madtownjeremy
    Little bit at a time...most people give up because they don't see results right away, which yes, can be discouraging.

    Remember that you didn't get to where you are now overnight, and you won't turn it back the same way. Small steps in the right direction and tracking every bite/step/personal victory will get you where you want to be!

    Keep at it!
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    We like to complicate things, it gives us a reason for failure. Don't let that be the case. Take an hour and plan out the week when you have an hour. Try to set aside a time to do it and make it happen. You can succeed! If you fail to plan you plan to fail is true so step up and turn away from something for an hour and make it happen. If you need to just pop on here and adopt a friend's menu from yesterday. If you need a friend feel free to add me. I get home from work and cook for my family each day and prepare menus during the odd hours that I have for prep at work and then I just stay focused on getting in some exercise even if its just using my pedometer and getting in more steps today than I would have without it.
  • sakthorp
    sakthorp Posts: 13 Member
    They say it takes 21 days to make a habit....... find a exercise you can tolerate and just tell yourself you're worth taking care of! I hate exercise but now that I'm in my 50's I can't afford to NOT exercise, I want to be strong as I age!

    You'll be a good role model for young boy, that's worth a bunch and might help motivate you to keep on track.

    This site is full of great info, dig around and be inspired ????
  • afatwomanonamission
    It's such a challenge getting a new system in place - especially when you're as busy as you are - but it's critical. I have found the best thing to motivate me was a) setting small goals along the way and b) finding a reward that made me want it badly enough that I would do stick with the system I've set up. The funny thing is this: everyone will tell you that the weight loss enough should be your reward (at least that's what I'm encountering) but I find that having something in sight that is tangible and exciting can be enough to keep me on track. I don't know that bribery works for everyone, but so far I've managed to find little (fast) ways to make my day 'healthier' and without the addition of exercise (yet) I've managed to lose 25 pounds in two months. In my experience, it's the little things that add up that really pack on the pounds, so by making little changes, you'll be ahead.

    If you are looking for support or to exchange ideas, feel free to add me as a friend - I'm by no means an expert at this, but I am very passionate about getting healthy and getting my life on track to wear I want it to be.

    Best of luck! :)
  • CelebrateLife
    CelebrateLife Posts: 247 Member
    One step at a time! Keeping active is key -- you're headed in the right direction
    Until you are able to get an exercise regimen going just remember every time you get going even if it's at work keep track of the time that you're walking to and from during at home- household chores- meal preparations dishes laundry its all some form of exercise so keep track of them and log it -- eventually that in itself will get you going to incorporate an exercise schedule

    You're doing great! Keep it up!!!