Endless Pit

Recently, I would say for the past 2-3 days I have come to a dilemma that I have never experienced before in my life. I have generally been okay at keeping my weight off and my diet under control.

However, for the past few days it feels like anything i eat isn't "satisfying" my hunger. I almost feel as if I can eat, eat, and eat more. I will give an example. Tonight my boyfriend made Greens, Biscuits, Porkchops, and Baked Beans. Usually when I eat, i eat a little bit of everything and often only eat some of what i put on my plate. But tonight I ate everything on my plate, then went back for seconds of Greens, and Baked Beans. Then about an hour after that I was still having this feeling of hungry, and I had a PB&J sandwich! And now I was sitting here and all of a sudden I had a desire to eat a plain hotdog & a sugary snack. I haven't ate that or anything...but I am just so perplexed by this never ending feeling of hunger.

I'm wondering if it has something to do with my menstrual issues or something? I started BC called NuvaRing, which basically you put this flexible ring inside of you for 3 weeks, then remove for 1 week. During the removal time within 2-3 days you should at least start a cycle. Well it has been 3 days and my body decided it didn't want to do that.

Uggghh I just don't want to feel like I can eat, eat, and eat. This is the first time in my life this has happened. I'm trying to lose 3-5 pounds before next year and this hunger thing is hard to avoid due to the constant thoughts. Also I know that I am not dehydrated because I drink a lot of water throughout the day so it isn't me thirsty instead of hungry.

Oh also I thought i would mention something else, this might be unrelated. But this past Saturday while I was taking a shower all of a sudden i started seeing different colors of spots and felt very dizzy & I had to call out for help to get out of the shower before i felt like passing out and I got a headache. Again I'm not sure if this has anything to do with original question.


  • hbarker216
    hbarker216 Posts: 24 Member
    No response?
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Consult your Dr.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I was on Nuvaring several times, and I never had any issues like that.

    Is this your first cycle with Nuvaring? If it is, did you use a backup method of birth control for the first 2-3 weeks while the hormone built up in your system?

    Honestly, the hunger issues sound like the first few weeks I was pregnant with my youngest son. I was *supposed* to be on a lower carb diet (50g net per day) under doctors orders. I would do fine until evening, then I would lose total control when the kids were eating their bedtime snacks. I can remember sitting on the couch and stuffing handfuls of peanut butter stuffed pretzels in my mouth, then feeling SOOO guilty about it. That went on for 2-3 weeks, then I found out that I was 4-6 weeks pregnant. From what I remember ( The baby IS 7 now...), the inability to control my eating habits began practically at conception. Truthfully, the dizzy and headachy feeling would fit too...

    I agree with the PP that you should check in with your doctor.
  • hbarker216
    hbarker216 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh, I should probably consult my doctor. But yea, no possibility of pregnancy because I haven't had sexual activity in 7 months or more.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    If you're having dizzy spells, I'd go to the doctor.
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    my first thought was you were pregnant as well, but since that not the case, are you going some kind of stress that is causing you to be emotionally eating. Wouldn't tie in with dizzy spells..see a doc for that one.
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    My first thought was preggo, too! That's how I felt for the first month. Ridiculously hungry. And tired. But, if you aren't getting down, you aren't getting preggo. Have you ever had your thyroid checked?