Eating enough fiber, drinking water- still constipated!

I just cannot seem to be able to move my bowels in a normal manner. I'll be backed up and feel icky and bloated for a few days to have a day of constant bathroom trips complete with runny oily stools. Then the cycle starts back up again! I seemed to poop more regularly and "normally" before I EVER watched what I was eating at all. So, what's the deal?

I consume the daily recommended amount of fiber on a regular basis, I'll even go over from time to time. I drink tons of fluids (diet soda, coffee, tea, and quite a bit of water). I recognize that I should shift to even more water and less of the other stuff but nobody's perfect.

Anybody have any insight/advice?


  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    I was told when I was pregnant the tea is a diuretic, so basically you pee out more than you take in. I remember because I drank a GALLON of (decaf) tea trying to stay hydrated and wound up in the hospital, the same night, dehydrated on an IV. Don't know if any of the other things are diuretics. Just a thought.
  • not sure but maybe its your body ajusting to the change (??). how long have you been eating better?
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    If you are having "oily" stools, you should see your doctor. There are several causes for oily stools and your MD can help you determine why you are having this problem. It may also be the reason for your inconsistent bowel habits.

    Best of luck. Make that appt. tomorrow morning; (sorry, I am a mother!)
  • jquintinjr
    jquintinjr Posts: 191
    I have the same problem. I find water and lots of fruit helps. Bananas blueberries and grapes a cup of each then a cup of black coffee. Always works. Sure your sugar is gona be high from the fruit but just workout after or who cares cuz youll finally have gone
  • slsoenen
    slsoenen Posts: 3
    Anything with caffeine is dehydrating. I agree plain water is hard, but it might be part of your problem. I feel the same way with with the bloating. Fruit, veggies and water, water, water always help. A banana is a great way to get things moving.
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    Hmm... I've been eating better for about 5 months now. I do think that I might want to look into making a doctor's apt.
  • I myself have encountered that problem a few months ago. To this day, it still comes on occasion. I have consulted my doctor about my problem of being "backed up" and he prescribed me Natural Fiber Therapy and it's the equivalence to Metamucil. You should at least consume 25 grams of fiber and liquids like water add fluid to the colon and bulk to stools which makes bowel movements softer and easier to pass. Other liquids, like coffee and soft drinks, that contain caffeine would have a dehydrating effect. All fibers, no matter their source, can cause flatulence. However, since bacteria vary in their ability to digest different types of fiber, different sources of fiber may produce different amounts of gas which explains the feeling being bloated. So my only suggestion is to try taking Metamucil if you haven't done so yet. Oh and dates always get my digestive system moving. Good luck!
  • kermiehiho
    kermiehiho Posts: 193 Member
    When I was watching what I ate, I used to go several days without a BM even eating lots of veggies and papayas, etc. I ended up eating fiber one cereal and fiber one bars, but still ended up constipated whenever I did get a BM. Since my doctor has advised that I actually increase my weight and body fat, I've increased my food intake (still watching what I eat, just eating a little more of it), and I get BMs a lot more regularly now. Sometimes it's still a little hard, but at least I poop without having to down fiber one bars for breakfast now. It could be that if you're restricting your food intake a lot (in contrast to however much you were eating before), the food is spending longer in your digestive track, and the longer it stays in there, the more water it loses along the way, thus becoming harder and resulting in constipation.
  • kermiehiho
    kermiehiho Posts: 193 Member
    I myself have encountered that problem a few months ago. To this day, it still comes on occasion. I have consulted my doctor about my problem of being "backed up" and he prescribed me Natural Fiber Therapy and it's the equivalence to Metamucil. You should at least consume 25 grams of fiber and liquids like water add fluid to the colon and bulk to stools which makes bowel movements softer and easier to pass. Other liquids, like coffee and soft drinks, that contain caffeine would have a dehydrating effect. All fibers, no matter their source, can cause flatulence. However, since bacteria vary in their ability to digest different types of fiber, different sources of fiber may produce different amounts of gas which explains the feeling being bloated. So my only suggestion is to try taking Metamucil if you haven't done so yet. Oh and dates always get my digestive system moving. Good luck!
    On the other hand, if you're not really used to coffee and drink a few cups on an empty stomach, it can work the opposite way too. I've heard that some coffee drinkers who stop drinking coffee get constipated. In my case, I'm not a coffee drinker, so when I drank two cups of coffee on an empty stomach, I found myself cramping up on the toilet a few hours later with the opposite of constipation...
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hmm... I've been eating better for about 5 months now. I do think that I might want to look into making a doctor's apt.

    Please do! Constipation and the need for laxatives and stool softners and fiber supplements are for those who do not have daily bowel movements and the stool is hard and difficult to pass. That is not exactly what you are describing. Oily stools are usually the result of things like not metabolizing fat correctly (a job for the liver and gall bladder/bile).

    People who take diet pills that block fat absorption experience what you are experiencing. But if you are not doing anything weird like eating a high fat diet then there is something not quite right and with the help of a good MD you should be able to resolve this.

  • CrazyAdventures
    CrazyAdventures Posts: 44 Member
    As someone who goes through this same thing all the time, I can tell you that I'm all over the place trying to find what the issue is. I truly believe what I have is medical, so I will need to be checked, but in the meantime I will share what has worked for me: Add a strong probiotic, firstly. Try evaluating how much fiber your taking in, too. Could be too much. I'm currently taking a GNC fiber pill/formula in which I take 2 before each meal. I also use an aloe supplement before each meal, too. If you need a little help to get going, get "Smooth Move Tea" at a local GNC store. Drink before bedtime. You will go the next morning (believe me, you will go).
  • I myself have encountered that problem a few months ago. To this day, it still comes on occasion. I have consulted my doctor about my problem of being "backed up" and he prescribed me Natural Fiber Therapy and it's the equivalence to Metamucil. You should at least consume 25 grams of fiber and liquids like water add fluid to the colon and bulk to stools which makes bowel movements softer and easier to pass. Other liquids, like coffee and soft drinks, that contain caffeine would have a dehydrating effect. All fibers, no matter their source, can cause flatulence. However, since bacteria vary in their ability to digest different types of fiber, different sources of fiber may produce different amounts of gas which explains the feeling being bloated. So my only suggestion is to try taking Metamucil if you haven't done so yet. Oh and dates always get my digestive system moving. Good luck!
    On the other hand, if you're not really used to coffee and drink a few cups on an empty stomach, it can work the opposite way too. I've heard that some coffee drinkers who stop drinking coffee get constipated. In my case, I'm not a coffee drinker, so when I drank two cups of coffee on an empty stomach, I found myself cramping up on the toilet a few hours later with the opposite of constipation...
    I suppose it depends on the individual and their own bowel movements.
  • I often have the same problem. I was resorting to using colace to get some relief, but I know that's not 'normal' and I'd rather not get in that habit. What I have started doing is stirring a serving of Benefibre into my evening tea. It dissolves completely and has no taste. So I get an extra boost of fibre, and for the first time ever I've been somewhat regular. I don't know if that is the best habit either, but right now it works for me.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Yeah the oily stools sounds like an absorption problem. You should get it checked out.
  • jessw86
    jessw86 Posts: 29
    I think that some of the best things are probiotic yogurts, activia for example is suppose to improve digestive health so maybe that would help. I also agree with others that lots of water is a must because even though fiber helps if you get too much it will have the opposite effect and you can become constipated. I know I found myself in your same situation this past summer and I went to the doctor and he diagnosed me with irritable bowel syndrome which is really common in young women so you may need something like miralax but I would wait for a doctors advice before doing anything too drastic... I also found that exercise really helps keep me regular too.
  • A girlfriend of mine had this problem when she was pregnant, and the only thing that worked for her was to eat prunes and drink prune juice (at least a glass a day.) She wasn't a big fan, but it was something that definitely helped her!
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    I was in the same cycle for several weeks... I was eating a lot of fiber and drinking a gallon of water a day... I was only going once a week or so and I was not losing weight... despite "doing everything right". I finally figured out from looking at my diary that there seemed to be a direct connection... days I ate more wheat=no bowel movement, days when I ate less wheat =relief.

    So this week I gave up wheat in my diet... I have gone daily and lost 3.5 lbs! It may or may not be wheat in your case... but maybe you have a sensitivity to something that you're eating. On your food diary in the note section... make note of whether you go the bathroom that day. Then look back and see if there are any connections.

    And of course... talk to your doctor. But print out your food diary so that he can see what you're eating and he doesn't automatically put you on a fiber supplement or laxative.
  • Pop, coffee, and tea are all diuretics. This means they trigger a a diuretic hormone in your body that blocks your body from absorbing fluids and instead you pee it out. Alcohol is the same, which is why it makes you have to pee so much.... anyway even though these things are fluids, it is deceiving, because much they act much like a water pill and can make you very dehydrated. Constipation and feeling tired may be the first signs of being dehydrated. More severe signs will be UTIs, back pain (kidney pain), and sometimes stomach ache or nausea.
  • iIhave a glass of acidophilus and bifidus skim milk every night with my dinner. Your body needs probiotics and they are wonderful for regularity. After my morning coffee every day, I, let's just say, I have a good GI cleaning. If I go a couple days without my acidophilus milk, I start to get constipated.

    If you're not a milk drinker, try to the yogurt that has the active probiotics in them. I'm not much of a yogurt fan but I've heard they work well too.
  • Mandyvin
    Mandyvin Posts: 1 Member
    a few of you have said bananas help. if it helps you thats great but there it a diet to AVOID while contipated and it is Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast. i have had the same problem and it also started right after my positive diet change. more fluids, mostly all water, acidophilous daily, been drinking prune juice, taken a digestive cleanse, taken laxitives and nada for like 5 days! bad cramping, even vomiting. and i NEVER VOMIT! this sucks...