Hi everyone...

Hi everyone,

I was recently introduced to this site by a friend at work. Recently as in yesterday. Even in that short amount of time, I find it amazing. My personal situation is an office job at a desk, being happy in a relationship, and the constant need to eat takeaway late at night - all of which dont help for weightloss! But I recently discovered walk it out on the wii (Step to the beat is the uk version). Its fantastic and game me the push i needed to start losing this weight that is holding me back from doing some of the things I want. My main problem is takeaway...to the point where even BEFORE i have had dinner, Im thinking what I will have later as my takeaway. I know I dont need that extra food, but its become very much of a habit and is really tough to kick. But with this site and the fact I am doing 20000+ steps on the wii game per day, I really feel like I can achieve my target. So ill keep an eye on the forum and contribute when I can...


  • angelatheart2
    Hi, this is also a problem with me, as my family does do take out alot. What i have done is just choose more places like subway or selections like wendys salads and baked potatoes. If we have pizza i may have a piece with a salad or two pieces with no salad. I feel that if i cut myself off totally from fast food , it will make me feel deprived and will discourage me from making this a life change. Also there are things like chinese meals from the grocery store that come in the little box just like the take out places that have an authentic taste but with much less calories that would be a good substitue for the chinese take out. Either way i do try to work out a little extra if i do eat out and one thing i have done recently is try to leave behind about 1/3 of the fries on the plate if i get a burger and fries. Its not much, but it shows me that i am in control even if i am eating things i would consider healthy for me to lose weight! Many people do not understand that food is actually just like a drug, very addictive and becomes the shoulder we lean on for comfort. To me it is very much like the addiction i suffered with when i smoked. Somehow you convince yourself it is worth every calorie and push aside the effect if is having on your body even though you really are fully aware. I am on a journey that i am determined to conquer and though it is a slow process, its nice to finally be at the point where i can now see just a little (not alot) results of my dedication. But also, because i have allowed myself to indulge in some of those foods that maybe i shouldnt, maybe my process has been a little slower than other peoples. But i am still able to enjoy cheating here and there. Good luck! :wink:
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    Hey Bradley84. Welcome. Y'know, I'm brand new here as well. Congratulations on taking action. It seems that just getting going is the hardest part, for me. And don't expect yourself to be perfect. I had to learn this the hard way. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one workout at a time!

    Just enjoy the ride--and your new beginning!! You won't regret it!
  • Debbak710
    Debbak710 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey Bradley, I can understand your takeout situation. It's so tough and those things are usually loaded with so much sodium, which is not helpful at all. I don't do much of that, but my vice is chocolate & cookies. Oh, boy do I love those! I have to make myself understand that I cannot eat that all the time. I can't completely deprive myself of it, but know that it's not something I can eat everyday, or it's going to show when my pants don't fit again. Good luck on your journey. I just signed up myself this week, so keep us posted!