Looking for friends!

I joined this site awhile ago but am now making an effort to utilize it... I am married with 2 boys ages 8 and 1 1/2. I come from a family that enjoys food (on both sides) and struggle to keep to my plan while everyone around me is eating what I shouldn't :happy:

I am looking for friends on here to help each other keep motivated, since my husbands idea of motivation is it's ok to cheat this once...



  • cpettigrew
    cpettigrew Posts: 168 Member
    feel free to add me
  • i'm in, your life sounds a bit like mine except i get made to feel guilty for NOT cheating
  • joanmarienana
    joanmarienana Posts: 69 Member
    I am also from a family who knows no moderation when it comes to food, and my husband has always been able to eat pretty much anything without putting on weight! I commend you for getting on track to a healthy weight while you are still young! I am 54, and it gets much harder as you get older, but I am keeping a positive attitude because I am determined to reach & maintain a weight that lets me enjoy an active life.
    I sent you a friend request & hope we can help each other stay on track!
  • Would love to be your friend! I have just started this sight today. I , too, hope that I can find encouraging friends that can help me through my struggles. Together-- I KNOW WE CAN !!!!!
  • etfan
    etfan Posts: 133 Member
    I can relate to everyone around you eating what you shouldn't! Feel free to add me.
  • katelion22
    katelion22 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Jamie! Feel free to add me :)
  • StephieF87
    StephieF87 Posts: 60 Member
    adding you! although I do believe in a free day from time to time..but making sure its just from time to time is my problem lol! Good luck! :)
  • jayleebrenna
    jayleebrenna Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in, too! Your husbands motivation sound a lot like my husband's motivation! :)
  • adding you! although I do believe in a free day from time to time..but making sure its just from time to time is my problem lol! Good luck! :)

    agreed on that. a cheat day maybe once a month or once every 3 weeks can be ok. even less is better. just try not to cheat too much :)
  • Hi! I have a 10 yo and everything about family and food matches my life exactly. You may add me. I'm looking for motivation as well!
  • @sheepy, don't you just hate that! I have people that encourage me to eat as well. Last night I got a text "I've got chocolate candy, want some". It may have been a joke but come on. Like OP, my husband sits on the sofa stuffing cookies, cakes or chips in his mouth, makes me drool. Now I just leave the room, LOL
  • BigJayUK
    BigJayUK Posts: 63 Member
    Hi there
    Feel free to add me
    I come on here daily,
    Its a excellent site with lots of great people willing to offer you advice and motivation

    Anyone else responding to this post, feel free to add too

    Have a great day
  • Tamika_84
    Tamika_84 Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • Anyone can add me too... :)
  • Feel free to add me too...I've used this site before and am starting over so I could use a motivational buddy. We can help keep each other on track and check in regularly. :) Sarah
  • Tisch1985
    Tisch1985 Posts: 107 Member
    Feel free to add me!! anyone can add if they like.
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
    Hi Jamie! I'm adding you - we're all in this together - always glad to have support. My husband is in wonderful shape (has worked out all his life) and finds it confusing sometimes that I just have to look at food and gain but after a gazillion years together we're finally coming to understand each other! The more I do this the easier it is to adjust my food plan for the times I don't want to seem different. It's all in the planning.
  • Hey Jamie feel free to add me. Anyone here can add me too. Te more the merrier when it comes to staying motivated.
  • you can add me ! I need some support too, my family also loves eating what im trying to stay away from. My parents are both over weight and im just really trying to not become like them because I know that they struggle everyday with their weight.
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    feel free to add me :) Love new friends!