realistic mini goals? Advice pls.

ladyofivy Posts: 648
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've noticed that some of you have set mini-goals. I wondered if you could advise me and let me know if my mini-goals are realistic. I have them in my signature, but will write them here for your convenience:

(I started on Monday this week, btw.)

mini-goal: 15 lbs by Mother's Day 2010
mini-goal: 30 lbs by my Anniversary, July 2010
mini-goal: 45 lbs by Halloween 2010
GOAL: 60 lbs by Christmas 2010

I think that it's also important for me to mention that the goal of 60 lbs will put me at 140 lbs, which I'm sure isn't where I'll want to really be forever. I just think that weighing 140 is realistic. If I were to try to put a "weight" on it (which is difficult) of a perfect weight, I'd say I'd like to be probably 125-130. I'm 5'4" and medium build.

Please let me know if you think that these goals are realistic and attainable, or if I'm overestimating myself....


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Realistically, I'd set a goal of 1.5 pounds per week. Slow and healthy weight loss is your best bet. Some weeks you may lose more and some you won't lose at all. As you get nearer your goal weight, you may only be able to lose 1/2 a pound a week.
  • tsherwin
    tsherwin Posts: 8
    Hey there! :flowerforyou: very optimistic but I would suggest you slow it down a little. It's been proven that losing the weight at a slower more natural pace is easier to keep it off! to lose your total of 60 lbs I'd give it 1 1/2 to 2 years. I'm trying to lose 35 pounds total and am stretching it out to 1 year to do it. Don't forget, as you reach certain points you'll plateau or stall out a while...that 's when you need to change it up (your diet, your exercise etc) to get it going again.
  • I believe that is understood among doctors and professionals that sustainable, healthy weight loss for the average person is no more than 2lbs per week. It can be higher than that for people with a lot of weight to lose, so for you since your goals are slightly more aggressive than that, I'd make an appointment to talk to your doctor about those goals and time lines because changing your body's composition rapidly like that can have other effects that you should discuss with an M.D. If 2lbs a week is a good rate for you, though, I believe that is a fine pace to set!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I do not have mini goals as far as pounds are concerned. I wake up in the morning with the goal of getting through the day making the right choices and exercising. The pounds will eventually come off if I do that!

    With that being said, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to BE at a certain point at a certain time. I can't wait to get the hell out of the 180's (just like less than a pound to go) but I just can't set a time limit because my body has been losing so freakin' slow! I'm okay with that :)

    Good luck!
  • You set goals like I do, which seems very obtainable. However, I suggest (just to keep yourself sane & avoid getting discouraged) is to set "between" goals. Here's how i have my goals set up:

    Starting Weight: 196 lbs
    Mother's Day (May 9): Goal is to have lost between 10-15lbs
    Canada Day (July 1) Goal is to have lost between 25-30 lbs
    Labour Day (Sep 6): Goal is to have lost between 40-45 lbs
    Goal Weight: 150 lbs

    I don't like making absolute goals because I know certain months it will be easier to lose weight (i.e. summer-time when I'm more active and motivated).

    Good luck to you!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I think it would be more realistic to slow it down a little. It's great to aspire to two pounds a week, but it's not always something your body can handle, and as you get closer and closer to your goal weight, it will get harder and harder to lose. Plus, if you set them at one pound a week and keep losing two, you'll feel even more accomplished when you meet them early!

    I based my minigoals on losing one pound a week, and I deleted my "deadlines" for them because I'd rather look at it as a goal than a deadline - I know that when I feel I've failed at something, I'm more apt to give up, so with an open-ended date to meet them by, it's a success every time :flowerforyou: Good job looking to set healthy, realistic goals!

    PS - my plan has me losing 55 pounds in just over a year. It seems kind of slow until you're in the middle of it.
  • Wow! I read this to perhaps lend some support but I feel the benefit of all the advice. I am so happy I have found this site and so many people sharing their journeys. Thanks to everyone here who is on their own journey but loving enough to pass along all the wisdom that comes from your hard work! Add me as a friend if you'd like, any of you. Amazing!
  • ladyofivy
    ladyofivy Posts: 648
    Thanks to everyone for the advice and support. To be honest, I wasn't thinking in terms of how much per week, but rather in the sense that I've been researching how long it generally should take to "healthily" lose 60 lbs, and have read an average of 6-8 months, so I was setting myself up for 9 months, and trying to take it in 15 lb increments. The last time I saw my doctor, she was all for me losing weight, so I seem to be healthy enough to work at it. I have lost up to 20 lbs in the past, so I do realize that weight loss comes more and more slowly as I move along. :grumble: :wink:

    I like the idea of setting a "range" of weight loss. I'm going to think this over and reset my goals by tomorrow. Thanks so much to everyone for reading!
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    My goals are pretty agressive, but I have A LOT to lose. I set my goals at 10lbs per month for the first 100lbs. After that I may need to re-adjust.

    I dont have the goal in my signature, I have them on paper and carry them with me. I also have them on my iPhone. I keep them with me where ever I go :)
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