Anti Inflammatory Diet Grocery list



  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    I'm about to embark on a paleo autoimmune approach. A *lot* of it is geared toward anti-inflammatory foods which is very important to me. Feel free to add me if you want! has some amazing information for starters - I highly recommend checking out some of her articles.

    Thanks! :) Will do!
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member
    I've been considering the concept myself, but had no idea where to start....thanks for this :)
  • ACrowsDay
    ACrowsDay Posts: 66 Member
    For me...all the foods above are great...Vit. C and garleek I also take. Exercise (just walking) helps. At one time I couldnt even walk up our stairs, my feet ached, I ached all over. For me...stay away from sugar, white flour foods and drink lots of water. Eating better now...All Gone! Jen :smile:
  • Lovestoscrapbook
    Lovestoscrapbook Posts: 295 Member
  • tameejean
    tameejean Posts: 197 Member
    As for dairy, it made a huge difference for me but it turns out that I'm super sensitive to it. All those years I thought my health was just lousy, but finally got a great doctor who figured out that dairy and gluten were both causing problems for me. I had chronic migraine, awful skin problems, digestive system problems, endocrine system problems, and more. It never would have occurred to me that foods I'd been raised to believe were so wonderful for me were actually causing all these symptoms. If I have even a small amount of milk (or the casein protein in milk) I react. It's a real pain.

    You may not have a problem with milk. But one way to find out is to eliminate it for awhile and see what happens.

    Yep! Me too!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Blueberries, strawberries, cherries, raw nuts, sweet potatoes, salmon and tuna, are some of my favorites. My breakfast is super anti-inflammatory/anti-oxidant rich. Dr Weil's anti-inflammatory diet guidelines are helpful. I also like to check the inflammation factor of various foods on if I'm not familiar with them. I take slippery elm capsules as anti-inflammatory for intestinal system too.

    It's clearly working. My doctor runs an MPO test on me annually, which is a great indication of systemic inflammatory status. Mine is now super low. The bags under my eyes (inflammation) - GONE. Stiff, aching joints - GONE. It's made it worth it to me, for sure.

    Your reply interests me. What blood work did your doctor do to check for inflammation?

  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    As for dairy, it made a huge difference for me but it turns out that I'm super sensitive to it. All those years I thought my health was just lousy, but finally got a great doctor who figured out that dairy and gluten were both causing problems for me. I had chronic migraine, awful skin problems, digestive system problems, endocrine system problems, and more. It never would have occurred to me that foods I'd been raised to believe were so wonderful for me were actually causing all these symptoms. If I have even a small amount of milk (or the casein protein in milk) I react. It's a real pain.

    You may not have a problem with milk. But one way to find out is to eliminate it for awhile and see what happens.

    I am extremely congested, so I think milk may be my issue! :) Thanks, I'll try it!

    Were you able to drink mother's milk as a baby? If so, you're probably not getting congested from the dairy. But if you were allergic to mother's milk and also soy formula as a baby, you could have a whey and casein protein allergy that will cause congestion and chronic sinus/ear infections. I am allergic to them. I can have Greek yogurt with minimal problems b/c the whey is strained out, but I cannot have too much dairy on a regular basis. Remember that if you're looking for protein. People who have a whey and casein protein allergy tend to have the same effect from soy. So I stay away from soy protein for that reason and many others. I use egg white protein powder for supplementation since I can't have whey, and my Shakeology has sprouted, fermented brown rice and pea protein in it. Hope that helps!
  • ItsNever2L8
    ItsNever2L8 Posts: 8 Member
    I was stuck at a plateau for over 6 months with no weight loss, exercising regularly and keeping my calorie intake to 1200-1400 per day, and I still felt pretty lousy even though I was eating only "wholesome" multi-grain products, organic fruits and veggies, and very little processed junk.

    After trying a modified Robb Wolf approach (a highly anti-inflammatory Paleo diet) I'm consistently losing about 2 lbs per week, with fewer joint pains, zero stomach/intestinal issues, feeling energetic, skin is terrific and the brain fogs gone finally. For me at 51 those results are phenomenal!

    My grocery list is simply fresh fruits/vegetables (no corn), meats/fish (grass-fed or wild caught if possible), and pretty much no boxed crap. Honey, coconut milk, nuts and nut flours for baking (no peanuts/legumes).

    The only dairy I use is a little cream for my coffee twice a day and an maybe an ounce of cheese every other day, no yogurt products. It was definitely the grains and hidden sugars causing the problems for me, my calories are still the same. Good luck with it!
  • Pammy820
    Pammy820 Posts: 117 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What is inflamed? Wouldn't it be more sensible to find out from your doctor what it is and what is causing it and then act accordingly?
  • I have RA and was so swollen and stiff. I started going vegan and within a few days, pain was gone. I no longer do vegan, but my primary thing is fruits and veggies. I eat other things also at times. I like egg protein and pea protein powder. If I eat wrong things, my body lets me know. Fish oil capsules also made a huge difference..yay for tumeric and ginger. I use powdered though with ginger mostly and put it on all salads..
  • Skepti_Kal_1
    Skepti_Kal_1 Posts: 16 Member
    Since switching to a mainly plant-based diet, the weight has been falling off of me and I find I feel a lot better in general. I really do believe that severely restricting, if not eliminating dairy is worth the effort and although I have always loved cheese, it hasn't been as hard to do as I thought it would be.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    As for dairy, it made a huge difference for me but it turns out that I'm super sensitive to it. All those years I thought my health was just lousy, but finally got a great doctor who figured out that dairy and gluten were both causing problems for me. I had chronic migraine, awful skin problems, digestive system problems, endocrine system problems, and more. It never would have occurred to me that foods I'd been raised to believe were so wonderful for me were actually causing all these symptoms. If I have even a small amount of milk (or the casein protein in milk) I react. It's a real pain.

    You may not have a problem with milk. But one way to find out is to eliminate it for awhile and see what happens.

    I am extremely congested, so I think milk may be my issue! :) Thanks, I'll try it!

    Were you able to drink mother's milk as a baby? If so, you're probably not getting congested from the dairy. But if you were allergic to mother's milk and also soy formula as a baby, you could have a whey and casein protein allergy that will cause congestion and chronic sinus/ear infections. I am allergic to them. I can have Greek yogurt with minimal problems b/c the whey is strained out, but I cannot have too much dairy on a regular basis. Remember that if you're looking for protein. People who have a whey and casein protein allergy tend to have the same effect from soy. So I stay away from soy protein for that reason and many others. I use egg white protein powder for supplementation since I can't have whey, and my Shakeology has sprouted, fermented brown rice and pea protein in it. Hope that helps!

    I don't have a mother so I'm not sure if I was allergic. I bought some greek yogurt and almond milk. I've noticed with cows milk I become extremely congested after eating it, not sure what causes it. Thanks for the info though!
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Since switching to a mainly plant-based diet, the weight has been falling off of me and I find I feel a lot better in general. I really do believe that severely restricting, if not eliminating dairy is worth the effort and although I have always loved cheese, it hasn't been as hard to do as I thought it would be.

    I did that for about 6 months and became extremely anemic. I need meat. :) Thanks though!
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    What is inflamed? Wouldn't it be more sensible to find out from your doctor what it is and what is causing it and then act accordingly?

    I have gone to multiple doctors and specialists. I am acting accordingly by going on this diet. I'm also on multiple medications.

    I don't feel comfortable posting what's wrong with me, since it's none of your business but an anit-inflammatory and low sodium diet helps the side effects. :D I'm going to school to become an RD, I know some about it already, I was just wondering what others have used to help. :)
  • Beckycm1971
    Beckycm1971 Posts: 40 Member
    I will be coming back to read up on these posts more. I have been dealing with painful lymph nodes, and it seems to be from food intolerance's which I already knew I have, started with gluten two years ago and has progressed to other things. So I'm needing to get more strict about what I eat, and saw some good info here.
  • KelleyRob
    KelleyRob Posts: 97 Member
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    Go get an MRT (mediator release test) done so you can find out what actually causes inflammation for you. E.g. I know that I can tolerate gluten and solanine etc., but sweet potatoes, berries, greens, etc. are killer for me. It really does vary a lot, there is no 'one size fits all' approach for inflammatory foods, e.g. most of what I eat is 'inflammatory' (per paleo/anti-inflammation diet) and yet my CRP is <1 and all health markers are at the outer boundary on the healthy side.

    In short, you have to eat what YOUR body will not react to with an inflammatory response, and the only way to determine that is via testing. You should also ensure that you have a baseline of bloodwork done prior to beginning your diet so that you can evaluate your results afterwards, if you have not done that already.
  • californiansun
    californiansun Posts: 392 Member
    Go get an MRT (mediator release test) done so you can find out what actually causes inflammation for you. E.g. I know that I can tolerate gluten and solanine etc., but sweet potatoes, berries, greens, etc. are killer for me. It really does vary a lot, there is no 'one size fits all' approach for inflammatory foods, e.g. most of what I eat is 'inflammatory' (per paleo/anti-inflammation diet) and yet my CRP is <1 and all health markers are at the outer boundary on the healthy side.

    In short, you have to eat what YOUR body will not react to with an inflammatory response, and the only way to determine that is via testing. You should also ensure that you have a baseline of bloodwork done prior to beginning your diet so that you can evaluate your results afterwards, if you have not done that already.

    I don't have the money for that. I'm not allergic to anything that I'm aware of, no allergic reactions. I just know that eating fruits, vegetables etc that hep with inflammation are helpful for what I have. :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What is inflamed? Wouldn't it be more sensible to find out from your doctor what it is and what is causing it and then act accordingly?

    I have gone to multiple doctors and specialists. I am acting accordingly by going on this diet. I'm also on multiple medications.

    I don't feel comfortable posting what's wrong with me, since it's none of your business but an anit-inflammatory and low sodium diet helps the side effects. :D I'm going to school to become an RD, I know some about it already, I was just wondering what others have used to help. :)

    I asked a reasonable question - no need to be rude. Good luck with cutting all that out of your diet.