what do you do ???????????????????????????



  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    We have a Wii and I have Wii Fit and some dance games that I use when I need to move but can't get out of the house. I realize that's not in everyone's budget. I also like to put on music and just move around. My kids laugh at me looking like a fool but I don't care. I know it can be tough. I like the idea of calistenics (sp) jumping jacks, sit ups, push ups, etc. I also got a jump rope and a hula hoop.

    Also, it's calories IN vs calories OUT, you don't necessarily NEED to go to the gym to lose weight, just be more diligent with what you're eating on the days you can't get in a workout.

    I sent a friend request, my husband is also a Disabled Veteran. He doesn't necessarily require me to be here as much as you need to be for your husband but we can still support each other.
  • chez_b
    chez_b Posts: 14 Member
    Try your local library as well - depending on their collection, they may have lots of DVDs that you can "test drive" before you buy. Also lots of books with exercise and health tips.

    I would also recommend some yoga for flexibility, strength and stress relief. This too you can find videos on YouTube, at the library, etc.

    Good luck!
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Let me say first, that you should be congratulated for keeping your mind on getting healthy while you are caring for someone else's needs. Also, you are married to a hero and the idea that you are committed to him while he is dealing with the physical costs of his willingness to serve speaks highly of both of you.

    I know a little bit about what it is to be so sick and bed bound that if I didn't have someone at my side taking care of me I'd be lost. There is no underestimating the work that you're doing and I'm sure at times it combines with the physical challenges of your exercise goals and it makes it hard to imagine what you can do.

    I know how hard it is to be a fat housewife who needs to learn to exercise. I promise you, you can do it. Be determined to do everything you can every day. Try hard to resist the urge to be negative. People you have chosen to reply to here are those things you could say didn't work, but the first person who replied to you had the very list of exercises that could help you a lot. Even if you can't do one push-up at your current strength TRY. Even if 20 jumping jacks feel like they're going to destroy your knees or wreck your house there are ways to modify it and make it possible for you.

    You are right. You need to come at this as a beginner. But you're only that at the beginning and I promise you if you commit to doing everything you can every day even if it takes you three times through the day to get through the list you CAN do it. After a surprisingly short time I promise you you'll be able to do the whole list three times a day. :)

    You may find this video encouraging. I'm not big on "inspiration videos" generally speaking but this one has been very powerful for me. I get that you are not a veteran and not dealing with what this man dealt with, but then neither am I, we all have our limits. We all have reasons for why we haven't taken care of ourselves, sometimes it's because we're taking care of other things. Invest five minutes in yourself and watch this and then decide that you'll do what you can every day right there in your own home. I promise you, the changes and victories start coming faster than you can imagine if you treat yourself well and see your goals worth fighting for.

  • lindabee77
    lindabee77 Posts: 14 Member
    Leslie Sansone has a free workout on the web you could try. http://totallyfreeworkouts.blogspot.com/2012/01/free-online-walking-workout-in-2-parts.html
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Leslie Sansone walking DVDs. I really like her 5 mile fat burner DVD.
  • truddy6647
    truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
    thanks everyone
  • jennydant
    I am in a different situation, but can't make it to the gym the same. (New baby) One of my girlfriends lost a lot of weight doing Turbo Fire for 90days. As I started to research the program a little, I got excited about it. I started it 4 weeks ago, and since have lost 3lbs & 1 inch off my waist. Super excited, which makes me even more motivated. And its awesome because I can do it from home. :-) Good Luck-
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    If I depended on a gym to be at the proper weight I'd be in big trouble! You don't need a gym to be fit and healthy! If you have access to one and the time and money to join, awesome, but if you don't there are a thousand other ways to work your body!
  • mmancini73
    30 Day Shred
    Go on YouTube and find the p90x AB ripper video, excellent when done together!