Do I need to eat more?

I posted this in helloitsdan's "In Place of a Road Map" the other day, and today my weigh in was not as desirable as I had hoped. I had burned approximately 4,000 calories last week. I expected to see at least a pound weight loss. Instead it was .4lbs.
Age: 28
Height: 64 inches
Weight 203.2
Goal 140
Body Fat: 47.3%


Katch-McArdle: 1421
Moderate: 2221

I have my goal set at 1800 calories. I've lost 12 pounds so far, with approximately 60 to go. In the beginning I was told it was reasonable to shoot for 1-1.5lb per week weight loss. I am currently not meeting that.

So today, I set my calories at 2200. I am extremely daunted by this number. A) for the fact that eating this many healthy calories seems like a huge feat to me, and b) MFP says this will only be a .4lb weight loss per week. I struggle with eating back my exercise calories. It's a mental thing for me. Instead I will log exercise but 0 it out. Maybe this will stop the mentality of being so scared of going into the red...

Exercise wise I am doing the c25k program, 20min elliptical, machine weights (I know...) and horseback riding. Every other week I spend approximately 6 hours cutting my yard with a non-self propelled mower. (Yard is hilly and it's not an easy task, 2.5 acres of grass). I also walk the dogs 30 minutes once or twice per week with my daughter. I chose moderately active for this.

My diary is open. I try very little to eat out, and try to avoid the soda but that's been backfiring lately. I think I eat pretty healthy, but maybe I have a warped sense of what healthy truly is?

I understand to expect a weight gain when increasing my calories from the weight loss. As long as I fit into a bridesmaid dress (that currently fits) by June 2nd, then I am happy. I'm not concerned so much as scale (although it has been brought up) as much as I am about being healthier. I do see changes in my body, but I have not taken my measurements since 3/26. I will be doing them in just a little bit, however.


  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    Okay, I took my measurements.

    I have lost 2 inches in the waist and hips. When plugging this information into the Military BMR I get a new BF % of 42.1.

    So now I am even more confused. Do I just keep doing what I am doing, or do I change? I do not want to hurt my body, and this needs to be for the long run. I'm happy with the exercise and way I eat now, but I would like to see that scale budge down more :wink:
  • Sunbeam0904
    Sunbeam0904 Posts: 53 Member
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    Bump! Can anyone please respond to this?
  • TenAceUs
    TenAceUs Posts: 3 Member
    big question... are you drinking water?

    I also see 'holes' in your food log. are you not logging or are you skipping meals. If it is the latter.. .not a good idea.
    Also remember.. muscle does weigh more than fat and you may just be at a weight plateau while sculpting fat into muscle... don't get discouraged, you have come a long way!
  • VanessaMFaulkner
    A lot goes into play. Getting enough rest, need to poo, stressed, drinking enough water, eating too much red meat, are you sensitive to carbs, sugars or starches, & you also have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Look @ the overall goal & what you've lost.
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    I log every thing that goes into my mouth. Water is the exception as I use my phone to track 99% of the time and it's down further on the list. I drink at least 2 32oz bottles of water per day. Days I am at the gym I usually consume a 16oz bottle of water in addition to the 64 oz I drink daily.

    I do not try to skip meals, but there have been a few recent days when I was in the car all day. I have a bad habit of snacking while I am driving, so I am trying to break that. (Distance drives, not normal drives).
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    A lot goes into play. Getting enough rest, need to poo, stressed, drinking enough water, eating too much red meat, are you sensitive to carbs, sugars or starches, & you also have to remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Look @ the overall goal & what you've lost.

    I'm happy with what I've lost, but I don't want to be 200 pounds the rest of my life. I don't know if I need to eat more to try and boost my metabolism, or if I should remain where I am. I don't know if I am hitting a plateau right now, or other factors. I am a naturally stressed person. Last week was a stressful week for me. I also have IBS and suffer from those related issues. I guess I will just give it a couple more weeks and re-evaluate :)
  • TenAceUs
    TenAceUs Posts: 3 Member
    so you have not posted in a while. what changes have you made and what progress have you seen.