6' and over, whats your goal weight



  • alycat1990
    alycat1990 Posts: 88 Member
    yay so glad I found this! I am 6ft tall :) 22 years old. Started out at 230 4 months ago, now at 194 and my goal is to be between 140-145lbs and a size 8/10! :)... but I'm willing to listen to my body, and let it tell me where to stop.
    congratulations on your weight loss
  • trikomo
    I am 6'2 and aiming for around 190 lb / 85kg
  • alluvion
  • FreeToGoodHome
    I'm 6' with an extra 1/2" for those that notice :-) last summer was 297 lbs but when I played rugby at Uni I was 217lbs so I guess my target is to get back to my fit days. Started this on 15th October at 292lbs and today at 268lbs. It depends on your build I guess but I can't imagine ever getting under 200lbs I'd look like a skeleton.

    You might be surprised. I'm 6'-2" and I started out at 289 lbs and I'm now at 218 lbs and I still have a gut. I thought the same thing as you when I started. I thought I would be way too thin if I got under about 220 or 225 but now that I'm here I know I still have work to do.

    This is bad news and something I did not want to hear.

    I'm 6', I started at 271.5 and I'm now 181.5 and I still have it lol

    OK now I'm the one that didn't want to hear THAT! C'mon!

    Yeah man... I'm 6'-0" and I got down to 205 this summer and my belly was the only thing that was killing me. It was the last to go eventually (kinda). Then I went on my cruise, boated all summer, drank a bit, and screwed the whole thing up. Now i'm back at it as I hate myself. lol (back to 230!!! Yeah... I know)
  • timmyb057
    timmyb057 Posts: 15 Member
    im 6 foot 1 and im aiming for 175-180

    same here.

    Edited to add: I'm down to 189 from 230 and still fighting that last bit of belly/lovehandles also. Might try to bulk back up some once that's gone (the right way - heavy lifting and clean foods), but the belly has to go first!
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    Do you realize how insanely low that weight is? Good luck with you plan to be grossly underweight. Good luck with getting it up. You correct weight is somewhere around 170. Get a gym membership and start lifting weights.
  • Em7b5
    Em7b5 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 6'4" and currently at 235. I want to get down to 185, and then work on building muscle.

    You are going to be incredibly unhealthy. You should start lifting now, it will help you burn fat, and high resistance training is one of the best ways to get rid of loose skin, along with staying hydrated. Start lifting now and set a body fat % goal and you will be much happier.

    Why would I be unhealthy? I was using the weight machines 2-3x a week, but I kept reading that it's impossible to put on muscle at a calorie deficit, so I stopped because I thought it was pointless.
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    6'0 and currently 229Ibs. My original goal is 215 but I'll like to be 200Ibs
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Hubby is 6"7 currently at 295 BF%-25

    His goal is 270 and then reevaluate... very large frame.
  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    I agree with some of the others. My husband is 6'2" and if he weighed 140 or even under 200 pounds I think he would look like he was dying! 140 is insanely skinny for a man of that height in my opinion. (not attractive)
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I'm exactly 6' and have hit my intial targegt of 180 - but I'd like to get to somewhere in the mid 160's, and build some muscle as well
  • cheamh
    cheamh Posts: 3 Member
    It sounds really low to me but body frames differ so you will be able to judge better than any of us.

    I am 6 and my goal (for now) is 175. When I get there, I will reevaluate.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Why would I be unhealthy? I was using the weight machines 2-3x a week, but I kept reading that it's impossible to put on muscle at a calorie deficit, so I stopped because I thought it was pointless.
    It is pretty much impossible to put on muscle at a deficit - but weight training helps you retain what muscle you have rather than losing it along with your fat. Keeping the muscle mass you have now is a lot easier than building it back up after you've lost it.
  • NRBreit
    NRBreit Posts: 319 Member
    I am 6'1" with a medium frame. My highest weight ever was 215 - I was out of shape but looked decent in clothes. I recently hit my lowest weight at 165 with approx. 10-11% BF. 165 was too skinny for me but I still hadn't reached my BF goals. I think the 170-185 range is best for me. I'm currently on a bulking diet. Hoping to hit 180-185 by early spring and then cut a little fat. My goal is to be 175-77 with 8% BF.
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    Why would I be unhealthy? I was using the weight machines 2-3x a week, but I kept reading that it's impossible to put on muscle at a calorie deficit, so I stopped because I thought it was pointless.
    It is pretty much impossible to put on muscle at a deficit - but weight training helps you retain what muscle you have rather than losing it along with your fat. Keeping the muscle mass you have now is a lot easier than building it back up after you've lost it.

    EXACTLY. Your body won't add muscle on a calorie deficit, but if you keep weight training, you'll drop your fat percentage that much faster.
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    Not true.

    While most cannot gain muscle while in a caloric deficit, some can and do. (new lifters)

    You lift weights while at a caloric deficit in order to retain LBM.

    Again, weight loss is 80-90 percent about being in a caloric deficit.
  • Scottb4857
    Scottb4857 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 6'5" with starting weight 266-270 - currently around 253 after the first month. Ultimate goal is around 200. I have what I guess is a medium frame and from the best I can calculate have a lean body mass of around 180. 200 would put me at 10% body fat if I can maintain the LBM. Twenty plus years ago when in college i was hydrostatically measured at 4.2% and while I could cycle 200 miles and play b-ball 10 hours per week, that 190 lb body looked pretty thin. At age 45 don't think I'll even try to get back to the college days but will have to evaluate when I reach the 200 lb goal. In the end, just need to be healthy again so I can keep up with the teenage boys on the mountain bike trails
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    I'm 6'5" and started at 350.. now at 285 and I'd be over the frickin moon if I could get to 240. Then I'll reevaluate
  • bgrossman22
    Compared to everyone else my goal is pretty low but my frame is small. I have twigs for arms and legs that I need to bulk
  • brightblader
    140 at 6ft2? You'll almost be invisible