This "average" goal seems out of reach :-(



  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    I remember when I was 180 lbs thinking that I would be a rail at 149 lbs and that the charts were bogus. I set my original goal to 160. When I got there, I realized I had room to go. When I got down to 150 lbs, I still had a bit of a gut and plenty of extra weight to shed. I decided that I didn't want to weigh less than that and wanted more lean more muscle, so I worked on gaining 10 lbs of muscle before I did my next cut to 150 lbs. I'm currently on my way down to 150 again.

    You will find out that if you are patient, you will get where you want to be and it will be worth it.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    When I started in May I had been over 170 for 20+ years, usually between 173 and 178. I was then 188 - my highest weight ever.

    Hitting 170 seemed a long shot. 165 - my goal in 1994! - seemed crazy. And I thought I'd never see 150-155, my weight when I graduated from college. I set my initial goal at 170.

    Now, without working hard at all, and just logging doggedly and making more intelligent decisions about food, I'm 162 with a goal of 150. I had hoped to make that by Christmas - I won't. But I think I will make it. In the mean time, I'm the same weight I was when I was 24 years old - 29 years ago. And I feel good.

    It doesn't matter if you can make that 'ideal weight'. You almost definitely can eventually if you stick to it. Whether you stick to it or not is really up to you.

    But working towards that goal slowly and without obsessing about it will move you in the direction you want and keep you from regaining all the weight you've worked so hard to lose. So go for it!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Of course it's attainable, you just need to put the hard work in, go for it!!!
  • bradwwood
    bradwwood Posts: 371 Member
    keep your eye on the long game, but you get there one day at a time. Don't obsess over the future, just don't lose track of where you want to be.... and one day you will get there
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    You will never be the way you were any amount of years ago. Be happy with all the little accomplishments along the way and you will get to that healthy weight. Good job by the way!
  • Firstly Congrats on your progress so far!
    Have to agree with what most people are saying: it's all about the little sustainable changes not that great big number that is a long way down the road. I had great success with weight watchers (lost 40lbs, goal was to lose 30), due to life and all those other justifiable excuses I put some of the weigh back on and am trying to get back on track so I can not just survive the holidays but enjoy them. As a former athlete exercise is a quick win for me & any easy choice (for me); take the stairs instead on the elevator; walk instead of the subway; use my shake weight while watching TV; stand instead of sit - again these things work for me - you will figure out what works for you and what is realistic. In NYC it's easy to walk everywhere, in the burbs, not so much. Skim milk in your morning coffee instead of cream, salad in stead of fries, veggies instead of rice or potatoes.
    Think very long term, as in life changing so your choices have to be realistic. Two great things will happen, you'll start to see the pounds shed and a month or two from now you'll abruptly realize - wow I haven't missed: "insert vice here" (just occurred to me I haven't had bacon in about a month).
    Finally (yes I'm almost done) the longer it takes to lose the weight the longer it will stay off! Almost anybody can drop 10lbs in a week by eating nothing but grapefruit & rice cakes but that's not sustainable nor healthy - GOOD LUCK!
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Well done for the weight loss so far. I agree with so many of these comments as I have a long way to go too. Set small goals and congratulate yourself for getting there. I have lost 16 pounds so far and it averages out at 1lb a week. I am already feeling healthier and want to continue. Some weeks nothing happened and then there was a shift. I am over 50 so now this will take time. Hang on in there, it will be worth it :-)
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Well I dont know about average. My goal is ginormous and it is discouraging sometimes so I break it into smaller chunks so it's seems more attainable. My goal weight to end up 150 lbs is like a starting weight for lotsa the skinny girls on here. Overall I want to lose 180 lbs. I hope I can do it. I think I can because I'm like a dog with a bone when I set my mind to something. I think people around me are starting to believe it cuz they see I haven't given up and I work out like a maniac. But it it still very much uphill from here. I've lost 52, 128 to go. I'll be stoked when that "to go" number is under 100 lbs. Try making smaller goals to get you to your main goal. My goal for Dec is to lose 9 more pounds. That will take me outta the 270's and into the 260's and it will feel good to reach the 1/3 mark. Recent victories include dropping out of the 280's, reaching the milestone of 50 lbs lost, and passing the 25% mark to my main goal. Setting multiple goals gives you more to celebrate which keeps you motivated. If you don't feel like you can do it, you probably won't. So dont even let your brain go there!
  • athryn
    athryn Posts: 59
    Like many others have stated, I set some intermediate goals, and have also changed my goals as I've been going. I started out at 248lbs, and my first goal was to A: get to under 200, and B: be able to fit into the size 16 clothes in my closet. As I got closer to 200, I changed that goal to get to 180, and then as I got closer to 180, I've changed that goal to get to a final weight of 140, which is the weight I was when I was college age.
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    I feel the same way! I'm only 5'1", so I would have to lose an additional 40 pds to be considered "healthy" (I've already lost 70 pds). I started out at 225pds in January. I feel very accomplished for what I have been able to do so far. But now that my scale is slowing down, I get discouraged that I will never reach my Ultimate Goal. We just need to keep our eyes on the goal and actually reflect on what we have accomplished so far :smile:
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    My advice: Pay no attention to all those graphs that say what you should weigh.

    Focus on feeling and looking healthy.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Don't cave!!!
  • thank you all for your kind words and encouragement!!! and good luck to all of you and your weight loss journey!!!!
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    Average is not YOU. I would keep the highest number as your long term goal, but don't just look at that. You want smaller goals along the way to focus on. WHEN you get to that highest number, see how you feel. If you feel you can stand to lose a few more (that's a pretty huge range, btw...usually I get a 10 lb range), then go ahead and do so. You can also consult with your doctor to get his/her opinion as well.

    I stayed up over 300 lbs because I could not see anything but needing to lose 150+ lbs. Now, I have measurement and 5 lb weight targets for short term goals. I also include other goals for the total lifestyle change, including consistent meal planning, taking time to prepare decent, low calorie meals, organization around the house, etc.

    When you make your goals easy to attain, then it's easier to reach them when it gets harder.