
  • I'd like to join too if there's room. Thanks!
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I would really love the extra motivation and I would promise to weigh in! Bet I could be the biggest loser of them all :p
  • KrystalHocevar
    KrystalHocevar Posts: 24 Member
    I would really love to be a part of this challenge!
  • im in bud!
  • Peggb
    Peggb Posts: 84 Member
    I am interested!
  • msmeka77
    msmeka77 Posts: 8 Member
    add me please
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    I would love to join, if there is still room. Thanks!!
  • lyssaloo
    lyssaloo Posts: 39 Member
    I'd love to join if there's still room! :happy:
  • I'll take a shot, if you need more people.
  • wreath7
    wreath7 Posts: 104 Member
    I'd like to get in on this too please!
  • Me please!
  • lisazigg150
    lisazigg150 Posts: 1 Member
    I there is room I would like to join
  • thehealthfitress
    thehealthfitress Posts: 22 Member
    Sign me up!
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    Count me in if there's room!
  • If there is still room, please sign me up! I have a trip to St Thomas in April, this would be great to get me prepared!!
  • melonclarinet
    melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
    Me please!!!!!!
  • I would love to join
  • deanjou59
    deanjou59 Posts: 737 Member
    If there is room I would really like to join! Pleae let me know! :)
  • kmcintyre57
    kmcintyre57 Posts: 109 Member
    I would love to join! Please sign me up and let me know what I need to do if you have room for me!! Thank you.
  • peterdt
    peterdt Posts: 820 Member
    I contacted the leader about this challenge website. hopefully she will use this awesome tool. canned information that I wrote below for other posts already:

    I know you have this challenge. But I found a great tool for this that works much better than MFP. Lots of people joined already. Details of earlier post here. Best of luck in your long term goals!

    Here's the links to the challenge teams:

    Teams 3 and 4 (half full already)

    Teams 5 and 6- completely open :)

    If you want to join a challenge that is easy to track please join this team oriented easy to track challenge.

    I have nothing to do with Skinnyo. You have to do the free signup on the site of course and they do ask for an email address. I have NOT gotten any spam or anything from them and there are no reviews on this site.. I think it is really new. This tool has been needed for a long time!

    When you get on the site there are a lot of different challenges. Mine is
    100+ Pounds To Lose "Burning Man" Challenge

    Why is it better than using MFP for a challenge?
    1. It is a site that is made for challenges like this one!
    2. you just enter your weight and you are done- very simple upkeep.
    3. you can see report that show how everyone is doing. very user friendly.
    4. organized into teams of 8 max each. more fun to compete and ecourage as a team.
    5. you can see results day to day.
    6. forum to easily make comments and chat with other people in your challenge. Easy to keep in touch and support.

    Starts on December 1st. But you can still join.

    Here are the rules:

    This is a long term challenge for people with over 100 pounds to lose.

    Not so many rules. Just be here to support each other.

    This challenge is for ONE year

    You must log your weight at least once a week. If you do not you will be dropped from the challenge.

    It is okay to join even if you now have less than 100 pounds to lose. BUT you need to have needed to lose at least 100 pounds before you started.