Vitamins and health supplements? (Not diet pills)

TalonaCat Posts: 241
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I have always been a bit of a vitamin junkie. I blame my best friend growing up in highschool. I feel like this is a pretty essential component to being healthy.

Here's what I take on a daily basis, and what I think works!

- Daily prenatal vitamin by Spring Valley
-Fish Oil Softgel also by Spring Valley ( the natural enteric sort)
-I also take an extra vitamin C chewable, though I'm out of those at the moment and need to get more. Took my last one yesterday.

What do you guys take that you think works well with your health plan? What don't you think is important or is overdoing it? I'm always open to hearing new things and considering trying some.


  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    Honestly, I don't know if my vitamins really help, but I take a multi vitamin and B complex every day.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I take a calcium because i'm old ;-) and know i don't get enough in my diet and i take an E for slight arthritis (prescribed by my doctor).
  • I take a multivitamin, fish oil and a concentrated fruits and veggie everyday from Nutrilite. My husband introduced me to the brand about a year ago, and I love it! :-) It's the best of the best.
  • kellycrow
    kellycrow Posts: 140
    I am vegan so i make sure to take a B12 weekly... but i eat sooo many raw fruits and veggies that i feel i am set with everything else...
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    I've heard really, really good things about that brand.
  • tazspastic
    tazspastic Posts: 62 Member
    Vitamins give me headaches every afternoon around 3:00, so I don't take them. Something in how it is transformed from a vitamin to a pill doesn't agree with me. It's a pity, because other than the severe headaches, I have more energy and feel really good. :grumble:
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    I take my b-12's everyday, I have severe b-12 problems and iron. I take an iron supplement as well because I don't eat meat so it's harder to get what I need. As a woman (lol) I take a lot of things depending on circumstances. It can be expensive but I dont go to the doctor at all so it's like 200 for my vitamins once every few months isnt tragic. Essential woman by barleans have fish oils. They are my life saver. I take two a day and living greens. They're liquids gels with vitamins and crucial oils inside. That's what's right for me but I suggest at least trying the essential woman! It's really made a diffference to my life.
  • esco2186
    esco2186 Posts: 50 Member
    i drink a lean shake made by GNC its really good helps my muscles since i workout twice a day it works really good! its for women only really cuts down your body fat tones you up pretty good too! haha i have only tried the vanilla and its really good it tastes like a vanilla shake but i usually drink it for breakfast and lunch and then ill eat fruit in here and there and then workout and eat dinner :)
  • they make liquid vitamins
  • I take a centrum multi-vitamin every morning after breakfast and a b12 vitamin every day after lunch. I use to take a liquid vitamin that was really good, didn't taste that great but you mixed it with juice. Absorbs alot better.
  • jmarie9
    jmarie9 Posts: 108
    i've started to take oil of oregano capsules since ive gotten a cold, and i can tell it's helping!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I haven't been recently (forgetful) but I plan on starting up again tomorrow. I take: vitamin d, cod liver oil, and vitamin c. the vitamin d and cod liver oil are for my vitamin d deficiency/skin problems. I also plan on starting prenatals to see if my hair will grow faster/stronger :D
  • esco2186
    esco2186 Posts: 50 Member

    oh heres the link just incase you want to check it out! :)
  • adegonia
    adegonia Posts: 51 Member
    I take walgreen's prenatal vitamins. They aren't as big as other vitamins and don't give you that nasty after taste. They have 200% of my daily vitamin C so you may check yours. You pee out any vitamin C you don't need so I would think you may be wasting your money one taking the additional pill. It's worth checking
  • spomaney
    spomaney Posts: 28 Member
    i take One-A-Day: Women's Active Metabolism...why i have no idea, but my mom told me i needed to take some vitamins lol
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241

    I find that taking a prenatal makes my nails, hair and skin pretty amazing. Plus, I seem to get more energy from my prenatal than from a normal multi-vitamin.

    Also, I'm noticing a trend. A lot of people taking some sort of fish oil. So many people can't be wrong!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Thought this was relevant:

    Snake Oil Chart Highlights the Worth (or Lack Thereof) of Supplements
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    I've been taking a muti-vitamin from a company in New Zealand called Xtendlife.

    I've been using it for almost three weeks now and I feel amazing.

    I've seen an increase in my mood, less PMS symtoms this month, my skin and hair are amazing too. I am also using one of their creams called Active Defense Day Lotion. My skin has never been softer and between the two products I am noticing some of my loose skin is tightening and more elastic. So far the products are working awesome for me (after trying tons of other stuff!!). They do have a website and their products carry something like a 1 year money back guarantee!!

  • kfsooner
    kfsooner Posts: 40
    I take a b-12, b-6 & folic acid supplement (b/c I try to eat vegan), vitamin D and vitamin C.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I take calcium and vit D
    Dandelion for fluid retention but not every day
    Fish oil

    I have lots of bone and joint issues so I am heavy on the bone strengthening vitamins.
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