
I just joined yesterday..My eating has gotten out of control and it needs to stop!!!! :sad: I'm hoping I can do it with all your support..thanks so much!


  • Kanderson46
    I just joined yesterday..My eating has gotten out of control and it needs to stop!!!! :sad: I'm hoping I can do it with all your support..thanks so much!
  • Road2Hotness
    Have you tried using an appetite surpressant like Phentermine which could only be prescribed by your doctor and only given to you for usually a max of 3 months?
  • Kanderson46
    No I havent tried that..and I might just do that..thank you!!! :-):happy:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, the best website ever. You will love it here. I :heart: this site. It is so motivational, supportive, helpful, and everyone is so nice and friendly here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.:smile::flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Kanderson46
    I walked yesterday at lunch and last night too.......BUT then I ate some junk.....and then I ate oatmeal this morning, which was okay BUT then I got to work and ate some malted milk balls (which I can eat the whole bag if I really wanted too).....and then I ate 2 peanut butter cookies..and Im feeling bad.....:sad: .........and I feel like a failure, which I know sounds silly..but just when Im doing so good I have to screw it up....blah......:noway:
  • Road2Hotness
    Haahahahaha! Don't feel that way. Don't take my laughing the wrong way. Let me explain why I laugh...

    My older brother yesterday and for the last 2 days has been trying to tempt me to eat those delicious malted milk balls. Luckily I have kept resisting. He even had my 3 yr old son come to me and say, "Uncle E said you need to have one of these". I dropped on the floor laughing my *kitten* off because he just won't quit. My brother's and I are really close.

    Hey, we all have our days that we seriously just need to eat junk food. As long as you don't make it a habbit of doing this every day then you should be fine every once and a while treat yourself. At least that's what I think. We all know this isn't easy. At least you walked and had some excercise. Do the same thing today. Get a little bit more of a work out and PUT THOSE MALT BALLS AWAY! LOL! Throw them away or have someone hide them where you can't just go grab one. Don't feel so bad. Take it one day at a time.
  • Kanderson46
    Thank you for your post....it really means alot ......And ya know...I really don't know why I even buy those malted milk balls BECAUSE I'm the only that likes them......my boys don't really like them..sooo I won't buy them again....blah...............AND its okay to laugh......Laughter relieves stress and makes us happy ....:smile::laugh: Thanks again for your post!!!

  • mblenk
    I am a newbie and I need help. I have been trying to loose weight for the past 6 years. I weighed the same amount for most of my adult life and then I started to use prozac for anxiety. I am happier than I ever have been but I have gained about 20 lbs. I won't to get back to my "regular" weight which is approximately 20 lbs less than I currently weigh. I CANNOT get past loosing 3-5 lbs. I gorge at night. I am great during most of the day but once I get home and make dinner for my family, that is when I blow it. I am looking for stategies, appetite surpressants, anything to help me with this. I am turning 50 in april and want to be back to goal weight before I am 51, HELP!!!! :frown:
  • butterfly09
    butterfly09 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, I have been on MFP for a while now but I can not seem to loose weight either. I stopped smoking and started Prozac about 11 months ago and like you I have gained about 20-25. I am so much happier than I have been in several years but I have always been a pretty small person and this extra weight is driving me insane. I lose 5-9 pounds and then I gain it right back in a matter of a day or two. I have also found out in the last few months that I have a gluten allergy and can no longer eat eat anything with wheat, rye, oats, or barley. You would think that a would be losing weight a lot more now that I can't have 90% of the carbs that I use to eat. I guess that I will just have to be a bit more strick about what I eat. Let me know if anything in paticular works for you and I will try it and vise versa I will let you know as well. Not that I am happy to hear that you have the same problems but it sure is nice to find some to talk to that understands this!:sad:
  • Tandriahall
    Welcome to the site. Glad to have you. It is an awesome way to stay motivated and on track. I hope you stay on board and K.I.M.(Keep It Moving):flowerforyou:
  • butterfly09
    butterfly09 Posts: 40 Member