the kind diet

Anyone own this book? I am really interested in the recipes in it but I just hate buying recipe books when I can really only make 3 or 4 things in them because all the ingredients are just ridiculously expensive...and with a toddler and my husband to feed they have to be realistic. Any opinions? :) Thanks in advance!


  • amathus
    amathus Posts: 49 Member
    I rented it from the library. I haven't thoroughly looked throught it yet, due to a busy week at school, but I skimmed it, and a lot of the recipes look amazing.

    I would suggest renting it before buying it.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I have it and I didn't recognize a lot of the names in the recipes.... are you vegan? I am not at all but I was thinking about it when I couldn't figure out a bunch of health issues I was having... there were some good looking things in it but they aren't super easy from the looks of it. Good luck!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I have it on hold at the library (just haven't gotten to pick it up yet). I was a vegan for 3 years and have been a vegetarian my entire life so it wouldn't be anything new to me...but it would probably be a good read.
  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
    Hey thanks,great idea I think I will go to the library first! :)
    and no im not a vegan, BUT I am looking for recipes that include ingredients without refined sugars... I dont really eat any red meat...chicken most of the time or fish. I love finding great eco- friendly products...when I can afford them lol..and I want meals that I can feed my family without spending five hours on it. I saw her on rachael ray talking about her book and thought it looked really interesting. Thanks for the advice!
  • leavinglasvegas
    I have it and I highly recommend it! Definately check it out at the library, but I'm honestly very glad to have bought it. I refer to it daily. She provides a list of replacement foods and that has been a godsend for me. I doubt I will ever go back to not being vegan. This book really put things into perspective for me.

    I've made a few of the recipes. The Crocodile Crunch was a hit for my daughters class on St. Pattys day. The Sicilian Collard Greens were awesome as well. It was my first Collard experience, so I was nervous about it. But it was fantastic! The Superhero recipes are where the odd ingredients come in. Its a much stricter plan. I haven't ventured that far into it yet. I plan to soon though.

    I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have!
  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
    they didnt have it at the library so I ended up at Borders skimming though it and I am definitely excited now! I ordered it through amazon and I cant wait for it to come in. I feel like this kind of diet is ultimately my goal in feel good about what I eat and know its good for the earth as well. Food is something I have always let control me...I am not too worried about how much I weigh...I know that eventually I will get to a place where I feel good about my body inside and out, but I really think this is going to be a great starting point! thanks for your advice!!!
  • Jenna423
    Jenna423 Posts: 178 Member
    I know I'm a little late on this thread but I searched it because I read this book about 2 weeks ago and I have been following it to a modified poor girls salary.. lol. I just wanted to give everyone some feedback about it in case anyone was having doubts.

    I have lost almost 8 pounds just by following her general guide of; pick a whole grain, a bean, and work around it with loads of fresh veggies. In general she put into perspective the healthiest way to make a meal, even if I don't have all those weird ingredients. And what really blows my mind is I'm steadily losing weight and I've been slacking on the exercise!

    I feel amazing and I will never go back to the way I was eating before. In fact, I went out to eat with some friends and got a half a chicken quesadilla, picked out MOST of the chicken (I didn't want to look like a weirdo so I left some little pieces throughout), and I was SO sick that night. Had I eaten all of the chicken that was in it I would have been throwing up all night! I felt gross. I will never eat meat again.

    Alicia's book has changed my life in so many ways, I would recommend to everyone to at least read it with an open mind. And if you have any medical problems, check out the little caption boxes in the book and the blogs on her web site ( and you will be totally convinced to give it a try! Any way of life that can stop and REVERSE cancer, MS, diabetes, you name it, is definitely worth a try!!!!!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    I totally agree. I never thought I'd be vegan in a million years, now after only 19 days, the thought of meat sickens me. Wow, God is doing a work on me.

    I went to Target and sat down and read the Kind Diet because I can't afford it right now. It had a lot of recipes but she uses, I think, boca burgers and such. These are not good to be eating but hey, i think if it helps to get started on the program. Why not?

    The site that I started with is by a Dr. Neil ____ at
    Now I spend most of my time on Dr.

    Last night I made lasagna with layers or corn, onion, bell pepper, spinach with layers of ffree tomatoe spagetti sauce topped off with cooked sweet potatoes. Even the kids ate it!
    Dessert was mori tofu in the food processor until creamy with sweetner and `1/4 cup of ffree cocoa. Blend again till creamy and chill for at least 3 hours. Sooooo good.

    I follow his plan for weight loss for now. It is working great. It's called Dr. McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss. But you can get a lot of it on his site for free. Gotta go, be blessed, kc
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I totally agree. I never thought I'd be vegan in a million years, now after only 19 days, the thought of meat sickens me. Wow, God is doing a work on me.

    I went to Target and sat down and read the Kind Diet because I can't afford it right now. It had a lot of recipes but she uses, I think, boca burgers and such. These are not good to be eating but hey, i think if it helps to get started on the program. Why not?

    The site that I started with is by a Dr. Neil ____ at
    Now I spend most of my time on Dr.

    Last night I made lasagna with layers or corn, onion, bell pepper, spinach with layers of ffree tomatoe spagetti sauce topped off with cooked sweet potatoes. Even the kids ate it!
    Dessert was mori tofu in the food processor until creamy with sweetner and `1/4 cup of ffree cocoa. Blend again till creamy and chill for at least 3 hours. Sooooo good.

    I follow his plan for weight loss for now. It is working great. It's called Dr. McDougall Program for Maximum Weight Loss. But you can get a lot of it on his site for free. Gotta go, be blessed, kc

    If you're looking for great vegan recipes check out they have some awesome stuff!
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hello Fellow Vegans,

    It is late and I'm tired from running all day. But I took my food with me and that was a huge blessing. Don't have to wonder what I can get that fits my lifestyle anywhere. And right now that I'm so new to this I think it is better than playing with fire.

    Today I ate oatmeal (I'm diabetic controlling without meds and with diet). My blood sugar flew to 215. Well, i think I've got it through my head that I need to go back to what worked for me in the mornings. And that is protein and veggies. Well, my protein has changed to tofu instead of eggs. I pray that works for me cause this high sugar has got to go.

    Well, any vegans out there keep in touch. I need all the support I can get. kc
  • percyflea
    You can take a look at almost the entire book on Amazon by clicking on 'Search inside this book' found below the picture of the book:

    The Kind Diet: A Simple Guide to Feeling Great, Losing Weight, and Saving the Planet
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi all,

    I am struglling with diabetes and eating vegan. This morning I ate1/3 cup of pinto beans with an ounce of soyrizo mixed in. I ate 1/2 cup corn flakes with some soy milk. High sugars.

    I am so frustrated. I'm about to go back to my egg and zucchin which in the moring worked perfectly. kc
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Hi all,

    I am struglling with diabetes and eating vegan. This morning I ate1/3 cup of pinto beans with an ounce of soyrizo mixed in. I ate 1/2 cup corn flakes with some soy milk. High sugars.

    I am so frustrated. I'm about to go back to my egg and zucchin which in the moring worked perfectly. kc

    Don't feel bad if you can't keep up a vegan lifestyle (I was vegan for 3 years-I'm just a plain ol' vegetarian now) I try to minimize the amount of animal byproducts I consume..but I love diary. I eat greek style yogurt pretty much everyday. I don't feel too bad about it.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi again,

    I did go on Amazon and couldn't get that many pages. I went to target and looked through it quite a bit. (The Kind Diet)
    She eats Boca burgers and it is not recommended on McDougall. He feels soy products are bad for us. Well, all I know is that I gotta start some where. I have given up diet drinks, sweet/low, meat, wheat, dairy, milk, cheese, yogurts, breads, blah, blah, blah.

    If a Boca Burger makes me happy two or three times a week on a portabello mushroom then I say I am doing great.

    I have also decided to eat a little tiny amount in the morning. One, it stops my liver from making sugar, and two it settles my blood sugars. Then I will save the oatmeal for when I go to the Y because I need the carb. I'm learning that even as a vegan, I've got to watch portion sizes.

    But the best thing I love about being vegan is I'm really never hungry and two I have lost my cravings. I no longer have my head in the kitchen wanting to pick. I don't really know why but it's like it's cured my absessive eating thoughts. Thank God. kc
  • jujubntx
    jujubntx Posts: 5 Member
    I bought the Kind Diet around the 1st of April, and have read it all except for all the recipes. I agree with you that eating a plant-based diet does really help cure cravings. I've had very few. The only time I've had any is when I've had a slip. The thing I like best about this book is that it encourages you to do the best you can each day, wherever you are. Just make the best choice you can. If you have a slip, move on and make a good choice the next time.

    It's been a little bit of a shopping change for me, especially since my husband still eats meat. But, I've found it's pretty easy to substitute another protein source like beans, tofu, etc. I've also been encouraged to make some new vegan dishes at home, and explore some of our local vegan/vegetarian restaurants here in Dallas. Keep going....good luck!
  • amtrust
    amtrust Posts: 178
    Never heard of it, but now I'm interested after reading everyone's posts. Never have been a vegan or vegetarian (don't know the difference...someone explain, please), but I'm interested in meatless meals from time to time and struggle with ideas.

    I'll definitely reserve it from the library soon...and thanks for the website!
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    Never heard of it, but now I'm interested after reading everyone's posts. Never have been a vegan or vegetarian (don't know the difference...someone explain, please), but I'm interested in meatless meals from time to time and struggle with ideas.

    I'll definitely reserve it from the library soon...and thanks for the website!

    Vegetarians range from mostly meatless to strictly meatless. Vegans consume absolutely no animal products whatsoever. Veganism is a lifestyle that involves protecting animals as opposed to using them. (No eating them, wearing them, testing on them, hunting them, etc.)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    You can find some sample recipes from the book online. Here are 4 posted on