Stretchmarks, post baby



  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    Just like me you were not blessed to be one of those women who's skin elasticity is magical and they dont get one single stretch mark. *****es... lol. I had my son 3 years ago and I gained over 50 lbs during my pregnancy, and didnt get stretch marks until about 35 weeks (for a little while I thought I was going to get lucky...).

    You may hear it a lot, but listen.... after having a baby you go through so many emotions, and for me my self esteem was the lowest it had ever been and probably will ever be. I felt like a monster with the weight/stretch marks. It's one of those things you just have to live with, my stomach will NEVER be the same, but it was worth it. My husband has told me several billion times since we've had our son that he loves the curves that came after pregnancy, and loves my stomach. I found it very hard to believe for awhile, but I know that he is infatuated with my body and what it is capable of.

    I've looked into all the magical "serums" and stuff for stretch marks... and nothing works miracles. The redness will fade, that's a promise I can make to you. I haven't been able to find anything or the severe stretch marks I have... but I've come to accept them. Hopefully one day, you can as well. I'm finally to the point where I am proud of my body. I have worked hard to get where I am now, and I also mothered a beautiful little boy in the process.

    I hope that my words of encouragement help. You've already conquered one big step by joining this site. I've loved this site ever since joining, people are very supportive and helpful to keep you going and sticking to your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend. :)
  • msnewzealand
    msnewzealand Posts: 3 Member
    I have terrible stretch marks and did not have large babies; nor did I gain a lot of weight. My skin just did not stretch. I'll never wear a bikini in public again! I am kind of resigned to it but I hate it at the same time. I almost had a tummy tuck but decided the $9000 wasn't worth having a huge scar anyway, not to mention the after-care sounded awful.

    My stretch marks have faded away to a lighter colour after 8 years, but the largest ones are more than an inch wide and a couple of inches long (you can see the veins though them, yuck). I have them from my belly button down, and from hip to hip. Yay me! :)
  • wakeboardgirl77
    just remember: you're a tiger, and you've earned your stripes!!! they will fade; to what extent depends on age and genetics. wear them with pride!
  • fearlesslove010
    thank you everyone for your kind responses. I read every single one of them, and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to make me feel a little better!