Day after a bad binge?



  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    Acknowledge that you made a mistake and forgive yourself. It's OK, just focus on what you can do today in terms of healthy choices. You may wish to choose low-sodium food, lots of water, tea or fresh vegetable juices. If you don't feel like breads and pastas, feel free to skip them for today. You don't need to punish yourself by starving or over exercising though. Just take today as another opportunity to do your best :)
  • StephG1130
    StephG1130 Posts: 99 Member
    The only thing you can do is start over. its a new day.. don't dwell on the past. just remember how you feel now for the next time you want to binge. You'll get there.. we all have our rough days. dont sweat it. just learn from it.
  • dorlincecum
    dorlincecum Posts: 39 Member
    It is over and you can't change it. Tomorrow is a new day. Winners do what they have to. Losers do what they want.

  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Exercise it off! I tend to binge on my rest days for reason but I make up for it the next day with extra cardo
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I understand the feeling. Really the only thing you can do is start tomorrow as a new day. It will go away. Plenty of exercise and eat vegetables... particularly green ones and plenty of fiber.... (helps that bloaty feeling move faster if you know what I mean...)
  • Alicia7519
    Forget about what you ate. Get back on your plan, drink your water, exercise, and stop feeling guilty. It's not worth it.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    I try and drink a ton of water since usually my binges include a lot of salt, while also trying to eat better and net less the next day. I'll also go for a run and try to push myself harder than normal with intervals. You definitely do feel like crap physically and mentally after a binge like that. Just try and make tomorrow a new day.
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    I did this Saturday . I had my kids this weekend and we made a favorite food of ours and I pigged out, shamefully.

    I tried to fix it today to reach my weekly goal and still ended up a SINGLE CALORIE OVER :/

    Not to mention that I'm bummed I've gained 1.2 lbs since last week. I'm gonna have to get a handle on this nonsense. A backward slide is not an option.
  • Denisegp37
    Denisegp37 Posts: 47 Member
    I have been reading the 4 hr body and he encourages scheduled binges that he calls re-feeding. The next day he suggests lots of protein and limit all white carbs, fruit, sugar, etc. Only eat protein, green veggies, beans-- drink LOTS of water. You can also have unsweetened tea and coffee. Take vitamins and do some cardio. He also has lots of tips on minimizing the effects while you binge-- like taking supplements, drinking grapefruit juice, etc. Look into it and it might be helpful.

    Best of Luck!
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Log the calories.

    Drink x2 your normal amount of water.

    Get active (intense cardio or weight lifting).

    Eat mostly fiber (fruits and vegetables).

    Know that you are human, humans make mistakes, so get up and dust yourself off.

    PS: you'll be ok... most 1 day binges get sluffed off as excess through your digestive system... it's the 3+ day binges that are deadly.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Day after a bad binge?

    Do not repeat and you'll be golden :)
  • SheenSZF
    Exercise several different times during the next day.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Do you know what triggered it? Maybe have a bit of a think about that and once you figure it out.. don't think about it any more. Drink water like everyone else said and get active. One day won't undo you or your work.. stop feeling guilty and get moving! We've all been there before and look at us.. we're all still here!
  • pig2twig1992
    I had a spectacular binge yesterday, on the water and back on the bandwagon today! I find if there's baked goods in my house I WILL eat them! No more baking for me for a while.
  • Claire_x90
    honestly? I usually binge again! takes awhile for me to break the cycle :(

    but some tips that are actually helpful? and somehow always the last thing I try even though I KNOW works

    1. drink so much water it's a joke (usually more the night of a binge) (to fight the sugar headaches and bloating)
    2. avoid sugary or oat products (including fruit) (they trigger more binges for me)
    3. eat NORMAL portions often all day long (when I restrict I fail and binge again)
    4. Up my calories for the day (too often I try to compensate, get hungry and then binge again)
    5. keep busy and do something physically nice for myself that isn't related to food or weight like get my hair done (feeling pretty about something that isn't weight/food related makes me feel stronger)
    6. exercise in the morning (makes me feel in control again and helps food digest)
    7. avoid the scales for 3 days (wanna keep positive here!)
    8. eat natural yoghurt (helps my throat if I purged)
    9. keep busy (so I don't think about what I did)
    10. FORGIVE MYSELF!!!!!

    Things I do that usually trigger binges again?
    -feel miserable
    -stay in bed
    - restrict / fast
    - over exercise
    - buy replacement food
    - think of all the foods I COULD have eaten
    - cry
    - place really high/unrealistic expectations on how much exercise I can accomplish that day and feel crap when I don't reach it
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Move on.

    Seriously, that's my best advice. Don't dwell on it. Just move on.

    ^ This.
  • mrssmith329
    exercise and dieters tea!!!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I forgive myself for it now and start new the next day. Every day is a fresh start.
  • splitdog79
    splitdog79 Posts: 106 Member
    I forgive myself for it now and start new the next day. Every day is a fresh start.
    Wisdom, this. It's really all you can do unless you want to risk some kind of shame spiral.

    As someone above said, people make mistakes. It's unavoidable. What IS avoidable is letting your mistakes be your master.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I fast the next day till the evening, and that gets me right back on track and feeling great :) Everyone is soooo different so you have to figure this one out for yourself. It has taken me almost a year to figure out what works. Logging on to MFP every day and reaching out also inspires me to get right back on track.

    Part of this battle is figuring out how to pick yourself back up again. Remember 3500 calories on top of your maintaining calories is an additional pound. You haven't done any damage if you pick yourself right back up again. MFP friends are great, lean on them when you feel crappy, it helps. :). Fasting is not for everyone but it has definitely become for me. That empty feeling inspires me and makes me feel fantastic.