Starting over again

Hi everyone,

I started using MFP a long time ago. I did great the first few months then lost my motivation. I am trying again. They say its never to late to start. Gastric bypass Surgery was recommended for me. Well I don't want to go through all that so here I am. I am going to put my heart and soul into my health this time. I don't want to be defeated...


  • Hello!
    My name is Lila I just started using MFP again after a long time off. I could really use some friends on here to keep me motivated
  • big girls u are beautiful fat bottems girls u make my rockin world go round literally
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee, 49. Motivation is a problem for everyone. If you slip off the wagon, just get back on. Don't let a bad day or week turn into a bad month. You can do it and sound like you have the right attitude. Please feel free to add me.
  • Hi everyonei! I just started the process (again!) too. I don't have any kids but four little dogs that would love more walks with Mama! I also just got married and really want to get in shape in order to have the best life possible with my beautiful wife. Friend me if you'd like to help keep each other motivated!!! Best of luck!!!
  • Desmond056
    Desmond056 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi ladies! I signed up for this about 5 months back and never did anything with it. I'm now trying again and have had 4 successful days of checking in. I've completely blown my target to bits -- but at least I'm still checking in. Baby steps. Maybe this week (or next), I'll actually be on goal!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    If you're sick of starting over, stop giving up!
  • vachm
    vachm Posts: 19 Member
    I'm starting over AGAIN too. Set a goal at the first of November and didn't make it through the month! Trying again. Add me to your friends for motivational support - I need it too!
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member

    I am completely in the same boat. I had some success with MFP in the past and swore I'd stick with it... well, I'm at my highest weight ever and finding that even walking up a flight of stairs has gotten a lot harder than when I used to be in great shape. I'm 20 and I want to live my life to the fullest- which includes being able to walk up some stairs without being winded!!

    This time I really need to do this for myself. I've got about 40 lbs to lose. The community on MFP has been great in the past.....

    I'm ready to do this and I think other people are too.... especially good to be able to blog about these things now, because I know Holiday Season is a hard time for many people when it comes to diet and exercise.

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi!
  • CarrieJ85
    CarrieJ85 Posts: 106 Member
    I am starting over again as well! If anyone is looking for new friends, feel free to add me. Best of luck to you all!
  • ehmadore
    ehmadore Posts: 72 Member
    If you're sick of starting over, stop giving up!

    This!! I rarely have a perfect week. I'll admit it. But everyday I'm accountable is a good day by me. Slow and steady wins the race!:flowerforyou:
  • superdeedooper
    superdeedooper Posts: 95 Member
    This is me... starting over again. I was on here before as cc_fitnhealthy. I stayed on track and worked hard. After a medical scare I lost every bit of motivation I had and I've been really slow to come back. MFP was a blessing once before and I know it will be my 2nd time around. I have some exercise restrictions (no running, no jumping, no heavy-lifting) so I'll be doing a lot of walking. I still remember all the rules with food & water and now that I'm forcing myself back out there... well here... I hope to start the downhill trend on the scales and get back into my regular clothes.