New Member Intro

Howdy Fellow Gym Rats and Fitness Enthusiasts,

I began my journey to a more fit lifestyle after years of sloth and allowing myself to get to a scale crushing weight of 345lbs. I was always VERY fit and athletic in my youth and played Football from Jr. High all the way through my sophomore year in College when a leg injury led to an early retirement. My story is not unlike many in my shoes who, after graduating college, began life sitting behind a desk yet kept eating as though I was on the gridiron full time. By the time I was 40 I was up to 300 pounds and, at 46 and my weight topped out at 347 pounds. It was at that point that I experienced my first, and hopefully last, what seemed to be a heart attack. Fortunately I was always blessed with a great lipid system and after my trip to the ER the Cardiac Catherization showed no blockages, and I was told I had experienced what the doctors called an Atrial Spasm and not a full blown heart attack, but was warned that I was very lucky and had to do something about my weight. That was enough for me! I began a basic regimen of daily walking, cutting my carbs, greatly increasing my protein intake and began drinking water like a fish. As with any weight loss, the first 50 pounds were relatively easy as the majority of that was water. It was after that it became real. It was slow going but after all, it took me over 20 years to put this weight on and I knew it was not going to come off over night, so I persisted. Being both a native Texan and three-quarters German, I love nothing more than a good challenge and the further into it I got, the more strict on myself I became. Well, I'm happy to report that as of this past summer, I hit my low weight of 167 pounds and have gone from a 62" waist, wearing 4XL Shirts to a 36" waist wearing Lg shirts. If it were not for the lose skin, my doctor says I would have about a 32" waist, something I have not seen since age 20! My trainer tells me a period of tough core training will remedy much of that and save me a plastic surgeons fees. The problem I face now is that I became so strict in my dieting that I put myself in a severe catabolic state and lost not only fat but a lot of healthy muscle too. The last time my weight was at this level, I had very muscular 19" upper arms. They are now a pencil, pathetic 14" and my upper back and torso has lost nearly all strength. So, earlier this year I joined a popular home workout program and then two months ago I joined a new gym and hired a professional Dietary Coach and what I have been told is one of the best Personal Trainers in the Houston area, so now, after two months of metabolic testing, a new direction has been charted and at the tender age of 52 I am starting over with a slate that has been wiped completely clean. I am very excited not only about running in the upcoming Commitment Day 5K but, more so, starting a new year with a healthy new life. Who knows? Perhaps there is a new girlfriend and possible wife may not be too far behind!

The road has not been easy but nothing worth while ever is which is why I call it my "Journey." SO my new friends, I'll close with a saying my father always told us...

"The Steeper the Mountain and the Tougher the Climb, The More Beautiful the View is On Top!"

Keep Climbing and Stay "Healthy" My Friends! Stay Tuned...

PX Mike


  • Flamenquero
    Mike. That's a great story. Congrats! I am also in Houston. Sending you a friend request.
  • IslandRider
    I'm neither a gym rat or fitness enthusiast, just a regular woman trying to get in better shape and be healthy. But, it is nice to meet you Mike, so a request is on it's way.
  • pinkgumdrop123
    pinkgumdrop123 Posts: 262 Member
    Very inspirational! Congrats!
  • Flamenquero
    ... just a regular woman trying to get in better shape and be healthy...

    Nah! Ain't just "regular," but extra cool :drinker:
  • IslandRider
    ... just a regular woman trying to get in better shape and be healthy...

    Nah! Ain't just "regular," but extra cool :drinker:

    Well, aren't you sweet! :smile:
  • samigirl25
    Mike, that's amazing!

    While I'm not a gym rat yet, I definitely aspire to be! I'm 26, a married mother of 2, my little guy just turned 5 and my daughter is 7 months. I suffered with Gestational Diabetes with her and was at my heaviest ever when I got pregnant with her. I'm absolutely terrified to end up with Type 2 Diabetes, which happens quite often after having GD, so I have to get into shape. I ran my first 5K in October with no training to see how it would go. It was the Mud Fears Me 5K which has 20 military style obstacle courses littered in the 3 mile trail. I did better than I thought, but it made me realize how badly out of shape I was. So, with help from a great friend, we have decided to put me on an excercise and food plan to get me ready for the next Mud Fears Me in April, where I will be running the 10K. I want to run a marathon before I'm 40, and I want to be healthy for my family. I'm 5'6" and about 207 right now. My goal is 150. I'm going to add you since now we know a little bit about each other :)
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Awesome success story, Mike! Thanks for sharing!