
I'm Michelle. I have quite a bit of weight to lose. I'm looking for some friends to motivate me. Especially this time of year. I'm an emotional eater and the holidays are tough for me. A couple of years ago my Mom died on Christmas day of a heart attack. Something I would like to avoid. This year my grandma passed away and her house is always where I spent Christmas.

My Mom had diabetes and heart disease. My Dad has diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease. I'm diabetic and would like to avoid adding anything else to the list. I have a 4 year old son. I need to get healthy for him and make sure he has healthy habits.


  • Armani0434
    Armani0434 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey there

    I also have a lot to lose. I know its going to be a long journey and having some support/motivation would be awesome. I'd love to help you along your way as well.

    Add me if you like :)
  • necie75
    I'm always looking for serious weight loss friends.Add me if you want to:)
  • Grankakes
    Grankakes Posts: 128 Member
    i'm starting today - was actually going to start jan 1, but decided to get a head start. got about 100+ to lose. i need help too! and motivation! i've GOT to get this weight off so i can play with my grandkids like i want to!
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Welcome to MFP. There are a lot of people out here that can help you stay motivated! Please feel free to add me as a friend. I would love to help! We all need that extra kick in the pants every once in a while.
  • johnnlinda
    Hi Michelle! I know how hard it can be, but it sounds like you have to do it for your health. Your family history and you already being diabetic is a eye opener for change. Plus your 4 year old needs you.
    Number one. Always, always track all your food and don't go over. You will find once you're making healthy choices with food, it is hard to go over.
    Start slow with walking. Exercise is just as important as diet. You need to get moving. I don't know what level you are now, I assume not too much.
    Get yourself a pedometer and see how many steps you take a day. Then you can see how much activity you are really getting and will be able to increase it. Everyone on here is very helpful and supportive. You can do this! Start today and don't stop. Be honest with your diary and leave it open to your friends. It makes you a bit more accountable. You don't want them to see the bad stuff. It helps me. Feel free to add me. I have struggled my entire life with my yo-yo weight and bad eating habits. mfp is really helping me do it right this time.
  • eilispha
    Hi Michelle - you've done the hardest part already and that was beginning! So good for you. I also have to lose weight for health reasons - I have Lupus and other issues. I've been on this for a week now and it's so easy to use that I like doing it. I haven't lost any weight yet but one of my issues is I don't eat so I have dead metabolism. I'm taking last week and this week to force myself to eat a little bit every couple of hours. I walk every day so far and hope to increase that. Going slow and steady. You can add me as a friend if you wish, the more the merrier --- best of luck to you
  • vcferlita1
    Welcome. Good luck to you.