How did you push through your plateau???

mommy2js Posts: 196 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Need help, been here before and it is a real DE-motivator!!! Anyone have any new ideas? I know, exercise harder, eat different foods, etc., but any great tips that worked for you specifically? I'd love to try your tricks! Thanks!


  • oh god I am right there with you, been stuck here for the last 2 weeks with no movement up or down, it is so frustrating now every time I submit my food for the day I get cranky when it tells me what I will weight in 5 weeks
  • mommy2js
    mommy2js Posts: 196 Member
    Yes, it makes me want to give up. I hate it. I just need to make it past this one and I know I will have another one in about 6 more pounds.
  • lal19541
    lal19541 Posts: 3
    Switch it around.

    If you run, try the elliptical. If you do the elliptical, try the bike. Whatever you do, try something new. Keep your body guessing.

    I even switched around my lifting. I did some research on different ways to exercise the same muscles.

    It started melting away after that.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I wasn't exercising, and now I have just started - so lost the 3 pounds I had gained, and looking forward to losing more, I was on a plateau prior to the gain (for 4 weeks weighed the same). I can tell you that I was logging my food, but not eating nutritious food - and tried cutting down some of the saltier and processed foods (some) and implemented the exercise, and also began drinking more water (I had pretty much slacked off on drinking water).
  • abursey1
    abursey1 Posts: 36
    I don't know what kind of exercise routine you are doing, but I am also going through a plateau right now and when I spoke to the lady at the nutrition store she told me the same old, "change up your work out, diet, etc"....So I decided to change my work out first. I was doing Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones for about 1 month then I hit my plateau, I took that as a sign that my body was getting use to the workout everyday. So I just went out and bought her Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and let me tell you it is a hardcore cardio workout. The No More Trouble Zones was more toning and strength using 3lbs weights, with very little cardio. The Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism is more intense cardio with zero weights. So I am hoping with the change in my workout, that will help break my plateau. I am also taking a protein shake with my workouts and the lady at the store told me to change up when I was taking the shakes and that would help the plateau as well. Before I was taking my shakes a half hour before the workout and then immediately after the workout. She told me to take one in the morning with breakfast then take one after my workout. I am not sure if you are taking a shake or not, but hopefully it works! Good luck on breaking your plateau!! If you come up with any tips that help you please let us know!! Being stuck is sssooo demotivating.
  • KeriD
    KeriD Posts: 324
    I know, very frustrating!!! Interval exercising is very helpful. You can do this in almost all kinds of exercise. For instance if you walk then try spurts of faster walking or running. Also, the scale isn't the end all. Have you measured yourself? You could be losing inches and the scale is not showing that.
  • changing up the exercise routine is a darn good idea. I do 45 mins on the treadmill almost every day and some days it is a chore. Once in a while I get as sense of a "good workout" after I finish my lifting plus cardio.....just not often enough.
  • Hey ... I am still at the base of the hill. Can't help with a platue. Sorry
  • vjh431
    vjh431 Posts: 38
    Well I always do my cardio in the morning utilizing intervals and periods where every two weeks I up the difficulty and after 8 weeks start right from the beginning (It keeps your body engaged in whats happening rather than just the same old routine). If your body starts to become accustomed to doing the same thing over and over it adapts and the workout is no longer effective so its time to up the challenge level/resistance/incline and go at from that point; or just switch to a new cardio exercise and that will surprise that muscle memory.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I just came out of a 25 day plateau. If you look at my profile picture you can see it, right in the middle (the long horizontal bit of the blue line, which measure weight lost). You can also see from my picture that the reason was that my caloric deficit was way below my weight lost. For some reason I lost weight before I earned it, and I had to catch up before I could shift the weight again. You can see as soon as the red line (the cumulation of my daily caloric deficit) caught up with my weight loss, I started loosing more weight again.

    I managed to stay motivated because I could see the catch up happening, and I knew why my weight was stuck. If you want to see how I made this graph, send me a message and I'll email you my food diary in excel. You can easily (well it takes a bit of time) do it as far back as you want to the beginning of when you started using MFP.
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