Most embarrassing thing done in front of coworkers?

TraciStivers Posts: 116 Member
Okay, so this morning I managed to totally embarrass myself in front of my co workers. I am the only female employee. So this morning I am talking to several of my male counterparts when one points to something behind me and says "Uhmm... whats that?." In the floor behind me was a super sized maxi pad that had fallen out of my pocket. As soon as he points it out everyone starts laughing and giving me crap. It was embarrassing. As they are all leaving they say "We'll be back in a week when we know it's safe!"

So that made me start thinking, tell me about some of your embarrassing moments. I need a good laugh!


  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    A few years ago I had bad bronchitis with cough and congestion and dr. had given me a very strong cough syrup. Could not keep my eyes open at my desk and I'm sure I had dozed off numerious times. I don't think anyone saw me but I was so afraid I would start snoring ... Never took that stuff at work again.
  • btwalsh132
    btwalsh132 Posts: 289 Member
    Travel to Memphis for an important sales call. Never met the gal before, except for over the phone, where she was short with info and pleasantries. All of my vicious charms didn't work so I hopped on the plan. Rented a car, found the place (this was back in '97, '98? So no GPS)

    I'm in a suit, and after an hour or so in the car, you have to rearrange your shirt and t shirt, making sure its tucked in and nice and neat, right? So I do what I always do, open my fly and pull down my t shirt and dress shirt from inside the fly. I'm checking myself in the car window to make sure all's well. Pick up my brieface and go meet Ms. Negative. 45 minutes into the meeting I glance down and notice not only is my fly open, but the white dress shirt is poking out of the fly. I look at it, then at her, and she looks down at it, then at me. I smiled and said "oops" and just continued.

    After an early dinner at a famous Memphis Rib joint, I made my way back home. About a week later, I received a very large order, far exceeding my expectations. You never know.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    At work, we use abbreviations for different company names. The one happens to be SEC and we say it as "Seck" which is all well and good, until you make a statement like I did one day.

    I was going through my files with a coworker & suddenly remembered something and said out loud (in front of many males) "oh, that reminds me, I have to do SEC's stuff" & my coworker was like.....i'm sorry what? I immediately caught on to what I had said and started laughing & said "you know what I mean, with Jay S********" and they start razzing me "OMG ANG?! you do SEX STUFF WITH JAY S********"

    yeah, great, lol
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    passed out at a Christmas party, ambulance was called. It was terrible.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    Mine wasn't in front of coworkers, but at work. I'm an adult education teacher and I used to sit on top of my desk with my legs crossed in front of me (used to call it Indian-style, but I don't know what we call it anymore...). One day, after class I went to the bathroom and realized that I had just spent two hours sitting cross-legged with the crotch blown out of my pants. Full-on eye-level crotch shot for my entire class of Muslims, the most modest culture on Earth. I WISH it had been in front of coworkers instead.

    Edited for grammar and spelling.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    I was wearing a wrap around skirt with heels and fell down a few stairs. Got up and my skirt had come unwrapped. No panty hose. Thankfully not many coworkers were around, but several saw all.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    Years ago, when my now-husband and I were newly dating, we were kissing on the couch one evening, when his beard was scruffy after not having shaved since morning. It left me with a bright red, perfectly round abrasion on my chin. The next morning, I was due to go to a meeting with a bunch of primary physicians. They all looked at me, puzzled, and one of them asked me how I scraped my chin. 'I fell' was my first response, and the chief doc said 'No, that's not it.' Damn, if I didn't end up explaining it to them after an embarrassing interrogation.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i dont go into the office that often, but one day i was going to go in the afternoon when all the guys got back. i had put some pimple cream on in the morning and completely forgot about it... so i walk into the office, all the guys are there, and i have white crap all over my face. they were in giggles, i had no clue..

    one of the guys said, "maybe you should go look at yourself in the mirror" i did, and was totally mortified. i tried to clean it all off but some of it wouldnt.

    they dont make fun of me anymore, but this was almost 5 years ago. i was the butt of the joke for years. so embarrassing.. my cheeks are red just retelling it lol
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I just had one recently.

    I have a corporate plan at a fitness center with big bathing complex, including roman and Turkish baths. It's pretty unpleasant to be all sweaty in font of your colleagues but being naked covered only in a towel in font of the coworkers? Not fun.

    So I went to Turkish bath to relax and enjoy, and what do I see? My naked colleague (total *kitten*) laying there with his wiener out. Took us towel off, what an *kitten*!

    So I'm nt renewing my gym membership anymore. I need my bathing without extra stress.
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    Far too much drink at a Christmas party + extra shots of Sambuca = me vomiting everywhere like the girl in the exorcist and decided it would be good to take off all my clothes.....
  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    My kids get a kick out of me when I burp my name I was at work one day and I had just drank a dr. peper and without thinking I burped my name out. I immediately covered my mouth and said excuse me. My co-workers just looked at me like I was missing a few screws lol.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    The latest one:
    I needed help moving 25 steel plates that weigh roughly 75 pounds each. I can move the plate no problem but lifting and putting them in the bin I cannot do because of my height and the height of the bin.

    I work in a shop with all men, I was talking to our shipping office (they were 10 - 15 feet away from me) and I yelled to the shipping supervisor "Travis! I need a man get over here!!" yeah to this day when I ask for his help he goes "you know I am married with kids right?"

    I have so many stories... I think thats the worst one tho - other than ripping my pants open on a piece of sharp aluminum...
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Not in front, but in an email.

    I was going to send a client some forms.

    Dear bla bla client,

    I will **** the forms out as soon as possible.


    Meant SHIP
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I sneezed once and accidentally let one rip in the process. In my best Ed McMahon voice, laughed and said, "YES!".
  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    Not in front, but in an email.

    I was going to send a client some forms.

    Dear bla bla client,

    I will **** the forms out as soon as possible.


    Meant SHIP

    Did they respond with, "NO! No need. Just ship them!"
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Not in front, but in an email.

    I was going to send a client some forms.

    Dear bla bla client,

    I will **** the forms out as soon as possible.


    Meant SHIP

    Did they respond with, "NO! No need. Just ship them!"

    The respose was:

    "Laugh out Loud, Ill let you decide when you want to do that"

    then I realised what I wrote! lol. good thing they were not one of my Lawyer/DR clients :)
  • DeniseBromley
    DeniseBromley Posts: 123 Member
    Not in front of a coworker...but over the phone.

    I was calling in sick one morning a few years ago, and I just couldn't get my boss off the phone fast enough... I started vomiting while he was still on the line! I quickly hung up and called back later to apologize.

    I'm still mortified by that one!
  • TraciStivers
    TraciStivers Posts: 116 Member
    Mine wasn't in front of coworkers, but at work. I'm an adult education teacher and I used to sit on top of my desk with my legs crossed in front of me (used to call it Indian-style, but I don't know what we call it anymore...). One day, after class I went to the bathroom and realized that I had just spent two hours sitting cross-legged with the crotch blown out of my pants. Full-on eye-level crotch shot for my entire class of Muslims, the most modest culture on Earth. I WISH it had been in front of coworkers instead.

    Edited for grammar and spelling.

    This was a good one! The new politically correct term is "criss cross applesauce" according to my daughter! LOL
  • SofaKingRad_
    One time I performed a settlement analysis on a drilled shaft foundation using a Coyle & Reese method. I assumed that there was a vertical load applied to the top of the shaft that was 10 kips. After about an hour of iteration (because I couldn't get the solver to work right in excel) I finally had the solution and presented it to the client. They told me it was supposed to be a 20 kip load on the foundation! I was so embarrassed!!! And not to mention I had to recalculate all those iterations (because I broke the shaft foundation up into 100 sublayers in my analysis) :blushing:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    When I was in high school, I worked at a children's clothing store as a sales assoc.
    The only guys that worked in there were 3 guys that worked in the stockroom. They were all best friends and were constantly giving us girls a hard time when we had to go to the back for something. One guy in particular I had a crush on.
    All employees shared a bathroom. So, I had to go one day. I knocked and no one said anything. I open the door and there's my crush with his pants down, in full view of me and his 2 best friends. I slammed the door, turned and ran. I was so embarassed.
    As I was running out, one of the guys yells, "Did you see his penis?!". It's safe to say things were awkward for a while after that.