Handling the Holidays



  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I enjoy, eat and drink whatever I want and I don't log. IT'S THREE DAYS OUT OF THE YEAR. It's what you do with the other 362 that matter!

    ^this^ I employ the same philosophy on vacation. I only go on vacation a few weeks out of a year and I enjoy myself. That said, I usually don't go completely crazy and eat 10 pizzas or an entire pecan pie.
  • MyIrishSpirit
    MyIrishSpirit Posts: 43 Member
    I'm with the having what you want party. But on Thanksgiving I did a LOT better than I normally would have and it felt great. I had a full plate of food but just a bit of this n that, mostly turkey and salad. Then 2nds of turkey >_< I had to work a 12 hours shift right after the meal so I told everyone I needed the protein to get through!

    I feel like...it's 1 day. Tomorrow is a new day. On Christmas Eve I will eat my mom's cheesy lasagna at about 4000 cals a slice. On Christmas day I will eat a turkey dinner with my in-laws. On Dec 26th I'll be back at the gym, portioning and logging. Even if you try really hard you won't gain 10lbs in one day.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    FOUR! 4 threads about holiday food! AH HAHAHA HAAAAAAA!

  • I've handled it different ways different years. A lot of my weight loss is through low carbing, so on years where I wanted to stay on target and not risk a "slip" I would stick to low carb items like turkey and deviled eggs. This year I actually did allow myself the treat on Thanksgiving but I handled it by only taking a spoonful or two of each of the items I shouldn't have (stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc). All in all I ended up with one dinner plate of food that had mostly turkey. It allowed me to taste each of the things I enjoy. And if I'm honest it's really the first bite or two of things that I love so much. I also did allow a treat of a slice of pumpkin pie :). I worked out the next day extra to make up for it.
  • KL_24
    KL_24 Posts: 28 Member
    Great advice, thanks everyone!
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    Just fast the whole day and eat at night and maybe eat less one day before and have your workouts done before as well, it is once a year so just enjoy it :)
  • merkuri22
    merkuri22 Posts: 13 Member
    The week leading up to Thanksgiving, I made a point to not eat back as many of my exercise calories.

    For Thanksgiving, I tried not to overdo it on appetizers, but once dinner came out I didn't care. I ate what I felt like eating (but not until I felt sick). I put 2000 "quick calories" into MFP for that day as a really broad estimate.

    I then went for a walk after supper, and that weekend I took a walk with my mom to the nursing home where my grandma lives. It was almost all uphil, and my FitBit scored me 38 flights of stairs that day.

    Overall, I came out of Thanksgiving week 0.5 lbs lighter than I went into it.

    I'll probably do something similar for Christmas.