Gym Fees

Locally gym fees vary from about £35-£100 a month, which I think is too much even at the lower end.:angry:

Personally, I don't need much advise and don't necessarily want or need to use all the equipment and services that are on offer.
For me I like the treadmill, the rowing machine, the static bikes, the situp bench and the step machine.
When I ask if they can do a package tailored to my needs they all say no as its the full service that is on offer. I find this very frustrating and would think during this tough time financially that a member paying half the fees is better than not having another one on the books.

If I go to a cafe and order tea and toast I don't have to apy for everything on the menu.

Its very annoying as when the weather is bad/cold it would be good to still get some exercise b ut hey I guess business is business and this sector takes advantage of ones predicament and charges in a greedy way. I don't mind paying and appreciate the equipment and such costs a fortune but surely there could be a basic package that could be offered.

Even the local swimming pool (which has now got, apparently, a new gym) charges for the gym £45 a month and this is supposed to be subsidised to make it affordable. If thats affordable in their minds then they must think we are all earning their sorts of income. Its a joke..

Thats it really... Sorry


  • mollyelliott
    mollyelliott Posts: 55 Member
    im not sure how close the pound is to the american dollar, but a membership here is about 40 bucks a month too. im more than willing to pay, because i find that me paying the price holds me accountable to go. my gym offers incentives too, such as 25 workouts= free training session with a trainer etc. i like that i have the option to switch up the type of exercise i do. anyways, i suppose its all how you look at, and how you prioritize your needs and wants. ive had to cut down on other spending to afford my membership, but hopefully the overall benefits will make it worth while :)
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    I know what you mean.

    I've been (finaly) using a 20-visit punch-card that my mother got me for my birthday over a year ago. Now I'm down to one punch left. I'm going to have to sign up in the next few days at the ridiculous price of $75 a month for my wife and I. But this gym at least has a pool, which makes it more worth it. My daughter who's 3 now absolutely loves the pool, but when she turns 5, it's going to cost me another $25 a month to add her to my account! And children under 12 are barred from the exercise room, so the pool would be the only benefit she'll get out of the deal. Perhaps I'm just a cheap *kitten* (and I am) and these are really fair prices that I just don't appreciate.

    But I love that place. We were members years ago, back when I lost all that weight. Something about forking over that much $$ motivates me I guess. Or maybe it's just the novelty of having a place to go that's dedicated solely to fitness.

    We purchased a quality elliptical machine for $1000 a few years ago ... it's sitting in my living room right now. I could use that every day for free, but I don't. Meanwhile my wife is rocking the Wii Fit and EA Sports Active to great success, but I just can't be bothered to do it in the comfort of my own living room. Something about going to the gym is so much more motivational to me.

    My favorite machines are the treadmill, the elliptical machine, and the power cage. Man I love that power cage ... It almost makes me feel like a real bodybuilder! I'm up to 30 reps @ 60lb. (I'm sure the real muscle-head types at the gym are laughing at me behind my back, but whatever).

    Oh well ... for now at least, they'll get my $75 a month.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I pay £30 a month for my gynm,which includes unlimited classes,swimming pool and gym use. I find it well worth it, and am definately getting my moneys worth, as I go at least 5 times a week,sometimes twice a day. You shouldnt do the same workout all the time as your body gets too used to it. I got "top attendee" at my gym last month and won a free 30 minute massage.
    Do you not have a local council gym? They are usually quite cheap, or at least offer a flexiable package or discount card.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Locally gym fees vary from about £35-£100 a month, which I think is too much even at the lower end.:angry:

    Unfortunately that sounds about right :grumble: which doesn't really help. When I used to be a member of a private gym I used to pay around £45 a month for peak-rate access (after the working day). Luckily where I live now, I joined the local leisure centre (run by the city council) and they charge £27 a month for unlimited access - that's classes, using the gym and pools. And that includes being able to go to any leisure centre in the city - which I think is a good deal.

    I guess it comes down to what sort of facilities you're after and how much you're willing to pay for them
  • tanyewest
    tanyewest Posts: 113
    Yeah I pay £58 a month for my gym membership. It sucks
  • baxyboy
    baxyboy Posts: 70 Member
    Depending whereabouts in the UK you are you might want to take a look at - they have gyms in Leeds, Manchester, Edinburgh, Wolverhampton and (from May) Sheffield, and they charge £12.99 a month and are open 24/7.

    I was taking a look at the website yesterday as my office is quite close to the one opening in Sheffield in May, so there's a couple of us considering joining.

    I agree though - the membership fees charged by most gyms in this country are far too high (and they wonder why so few people go!)... for the most part it's because you're also paying for all the extra fluff you're not using, like personal trainers, sunbeds, saunas, swimming pools etc.

    It's one of the reasons I spent the money on my own treadmill at home instead - I will (and already do) get more regular use on it than I would a gym, so it helps me get active better/more, and not paying £50 or so a month for an expensive gym it will have paid for itself in under a year and a half.
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Depending whereabouts in the UK you are you might want to take a look at - they have gyms in Leeds, Manchester, Edinburgh, Wolverhampton and (from May) Sheffield, and they charge £12.99 a month and are open 24/7.

    I was taking a look at the website yesterday as my office is quite close to the one opening in Sheffield in May, so there's a couple of us considering joining.

    I go to the Manchester Pure Gym, it's brilliant!! I only pay £9.99 a month though becuase I joined before it was built! They are very basic, but gradually they are putting classes on and they're starting a boot camp next week- I'd really recommend them!
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Also, Pure Gym don't have contracts, which is soemthing that really put me off the other gyms liek Fitness First and Bannatynes, you get tied in for a year or more :mad:
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    You can also see if there is a 'the gym' in your area
    Open 24 hours, and generally a bit cheaper. The one near me is too far away, so I go to the 'subsidised' council gym, which is actually run by DC leisure (Kinetika gyms) and that costs me £42 a month which includes gym, pool and classes (which is a bit of a joke as there are about 2 a week, and they're all in the day time when I'm at work). They do a swim only membership for £24, but not a gym only membership...bah. I'm not allowed to swim anymore on instruction from my osteopath so I never use the pool.

  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    I pay £32 at a newly opened council gym/swimming pool because I joined before it opened - otherwise I would be paying £42- i don't mind paying this much - but the problem I have with this gym is that there seems to be no benefit to being a member and to be honest it feels like we are second class - e.g. Monday - Friday from 7pm til about 9 - the swimming pool barring 1 or 2 lanes is closed for swimming clubs - and if you complain they say this is how they make their money - but to me they are not much cheaper than normal gyms - is £10 a month really going to make that much difference

    Gyms are money making businesses which sometime don't care about their members as they tie you in to 12 month contracts - and because they are all as bad as each other, there is almost no point moving - the saying "out of the frying pan and into the fire" springs to mind!

    Unfortunately, if you want to get fit and keep active - you use them - as investing in your own equipment is expensive and the gym is a practical start!

    I can't wait until I can run again and buy a new bike - I think I will stop paying for gym membership altogether!
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Morning, Froggy,

    I hear ya. My gym charges $6 per visit, but the more visits you buy at once, it gets cheaper. My mother-in-law gave me 25 visits for my birthday, so it was $4 per visit. I *really* need to use those visits, and that's in the plans for the next few weeks. Am getting over a shoulder and collarbone injury, and my doc and physiotherapist don't want me in the gym yet, so for now, it's just walking.
  • lordfrog
    lordfrog Posts: 12
    Thanks for all the information and comments. I see I am not alone in being cheesed off.

    What is so gauling is the fact that, here in Oxfordshire (England), the Council and so called subsidised gyms are some of the most expensive. Doh!!!???
    And the media, government and health authorities bang on about peoples' fitness and weight. If it worried them that much then I am sure it would be free or atleast very cheap but I guess its just another load of hot air that they bandy around , as a smoke screen, so as to justify our taxes boosting their dodgy deals and quangos.

    Soory but it infuriates me and I will join a gym I guess when hell freezes over with my payrise.
  • baxyboy
    baxyboy Posts: 70 Member
    I agree - it always amuses me when politicians, "experts" and general fear-mongers whine on about how everyone's getting fatter and we need to do more to get people active, and yet gyms, fitness/sports clubs etc all charge a fortune!