do i look too thin at 140 lbs

My new profile pic is me at 140 lbs before put on 30 lbs. My goal is to get back to that weight but everyone says that's not a healthy weight for my height 6'2". Does this look ok or is it too thin. Would like some opinions


  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    It looks ok... but I'm not sure I'd believe you if you told me you weighed 140. To me 140 on a 6'2" guy would be stick thin, with no muscle tone. But what do I know.
  • JezzD1
    JezzD1 Posts: 431
    Can't really tell because of the baggy clothes, but I would not say you look sickly.
  • tonightokayalright
    tonightokayalright Posts: 289 Member
    Maybe the picture is deceptive, but you don't look 140 lbs. Anyway, I'm 5 inches shorter than you and the thought of being 140 lbs freaks me out a little... To each their own, though. I wouldn't dream of going below it, that's for sure.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Can't really tell in the picture if you have any muscle definition or how thin you are since the shirt is baggy. Now this just may be my personal opinion but it is extremely rare that I (or most women I know) think a guy that skinny is attractive and at 140 pounds and over 6 feet tall you'd probably fall under that category. I'm nt trying to be harsh, just honest. I'm sure there are girl who like men thin but not sickly thin. But my ex was 150 with muscle and 5'9 and he was teetering on the edge of being too thin. Muscle weighs more then fat and I'd think it would be hard to be that tall and only 140 and have an ample amount of muscle. And health wise I would doubt that's a good weight for someone your height/size. Why is your goal so low?

    Look up current pictures of matthew maconehey to see what being to thin can do to your appearance
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I would get your weight checked at the doctors....140 seems wrong for 6'2 male based on the picture.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    u already look fine....... Don't look to skinny because it looks worse on taller people. You look great for your height.......
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    My new profile pic is me at 140 lbs before put on 30 lbs. My goal is to get back to that weight but everyone says that's not a healthy weight for my height 6'2". Does this look ok or is it too thin. Would like some opinions

    No homo, but I see dudes bodies on another site all the time, and I'd venture to guess that you aren't remotely close to 140 in that picture.

    And now that you've asked at least 3 times about this. 140 is unhealthy. There are programs online that will tell you how much body fat you have based off of your measurements. Find them, use them. It will give you a rough idea of what your goal weight should be. All that being said, do what you want. Why do you care what others think. If you like being emaciated go for it.
  • ropermom
    ropermom Posts: 52 Member
    My husband was overweight just in his belly and thin everywhere else. He has gotten rid of his belly by following the blood type diet
    Every time he goes off it here comes the belly again! You might look at the blood type diet:smile:
  • samerzz16
    I cant tell in your picture how much you weigh because of your clothing, but if I had to guess I wouldn't say you look 140. I would think more around 160-165. Im 5'8'' and about 140 pounds, but looks can be deceiving.
  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    I think you should weigh more actually. If you lift heavy weights, you should be able to bulk up your arms and legs and tone down your stomach.

    Just my opinion!
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    that's pretty dang thin for a guy who's 6'2". i'm 5'7" and a girl (well obviously lol) and my ultimate goal weight is somewhere around 135-140. but you look more than 140 in the pic though...
  • chnkysoup
    chnkysoup Posts: 79 Member
    I actually have a male friend who is 5'8 and 140 lbs and he looks very very thin. I guess something about the picture makes you look like you weigh a bit more. Honestly, I am 5'6 and 140 pounds looks too thin on me, I think that weight is far too light for a man who is 6'2. You should probably be at least like 165-170. Just my opinion! I would focus on lifting weights and making sure you are taking in enough calories, you certainly don't need to eat any less than 2000 calories. Again this is just my opinion.
  • 2getgeorge
    2getgeorge Posts: 81 Member
    140lbs @ 30% body fat looks totally different than 140lbs @ 9% body fat regardless of height. body composition should be more important than your weight. you should be more worried about the visceral fat around your belly, its the worst type.
  • CasablancasTX
    You look about 160-180, not 140, in my opinion.
  • bgrossman22
    Can't really tell in the picture if you have any muscle definition or how thin you are since the shirt is baggy. Now this just may be my personal opinion but it is extremely rare that I (or most women I know) think a guy that skinny is attractive and at 140 pounds and over 6 feet tall you'd probably fall under that category. I'm nt trying to be harsh, just honest. I'm sure there are girl who like men thin but not sickly thin. But my ex was 150 with muscle and 5'9 and he was teetering on the edge of being too thin. Muscle weighs more then fat and I'd think it would be hard to be that tall and only 140 and have an ample amount of muscle. And health wise I would doubt that's a good weight for someone your height/size. Why is your goal so low?

    Look up current pictures of matthew maconehey to see what being to thin can do to your appearance
    that's the weight I was at before I put on 30 lbs, went only to my stomach.
  • trixietime
    With the baggy shirt it's hard to tell, but your arms look very skinny in that pic. On the ideal weight charts for men, 6'2" starts at 170, and 140 is even low for a woman of that height. I do see that you're 21 now. A lot of times if you have growth spurts in the late teen years, you can still have a low weight for a while, then your body evens things out (weight gain.) I'm guessing that the 140 was more appropriate when you were a bit younger. Unless you have the bones of a sparrow, 140 seems extremely thin for a male at that height. My ex was 5'11" and 187 when met him, and that seemed just about right. I would concentrate on a reasonable body fat %, and see how it goes. Sounds like you're not far from a good weight now, maybe you just need to work on body composition.

    Hope that helps!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    It looks ok... but I'm not sure I'd believe you if you told me you weighed 140. To me 140 on a 6'2" guy would be stick thin, with no muscle tone. But what do I know.

    This is what I am thinking.
  • bgrossman22
    I do have broad shoulders which is deceiving . I got weighed at the doctor office before and she set the old scale at 200. She thought I at least weighed that lol
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I think your scale might have been faulty as no way do you look 140Ibs there. totally not.
    You would be much skinnier, no matter what your build at that weight and height.
    My bf is 6' and 148-154 ibs and he is way way skinnier than you appear in that photo.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    You again?

    Dude, you've posted multiple times on this. 140 is not healthy for a 6'1" guy.

    And looking at your build, you're not meant to be 140 pounds.