Military diet?????



  • stoddyo
    Haters gonna hate. All the girls and I at work are trying this. Today was the first day. I will let you know how it goes because you never know untill your try!
  • Hawnpunch22
    Yikes! I've been on Active Duty for a loooong time and I would be concerned if anyone I know tried it. Essentially the diet is to eat as few calories as possible and pray for the best. On duty we burn up a lot of calories so I can't see it being a good practice. Good call posting for a check on this one.
  • gaiylem
    My ex husband was a Marine Corp recruiter; they would use this diet all the time when they had a recruit that needed to weigh in at MEPS that was having issues losing weight. I don't think this was anything they used mainstream- because you will gain the weight back on this diet- this is for short term effects only......
  • clkuchtyn
    clkuchtyn Posts: 193 Member
  • My one friend had just recommended me to this diet since i want to lose weight fast. Her and her bf both did it for a week and each lost 5-10 pounds she said it works great! I am about to get myself on this diet as soon as i can!
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    I realize I will probably get a lot of slack for this, but I wanted to get opinions and hear others thoughts on this. I came across what this blogger calls the "Military Diet" yesterday. She said that you stay on this for 3 days, then are off for 4. If you want to do it again, you can..for as long as you feel necessary. Apparently it is what the military use when they need to lose about 10 lbs quick? And she does go on to say that it works better when you do an hour of exercise...
    And as a disclaimer, I have not tried this. I am wanting to do research first before. And that is why I am asking your opinion. But please, be nice....


    You know, I have heard of this many years ago. Supposedly, there's something chemically in the way they put the food together that does the trick. I've never tried it myself.
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    From what you wrote:
    Apparently it is what the military use when they need to lose about 10 lbs quick?

    This is the diet for someone who desperately needs to make it for a weigh-in, not for someone who's looking to lose the weight and keep it off. If you want your weight lower for a couple days, you could consider this, but if it was me I'd be absolutely miserable for those days, definitely negating the "benefits" of any temporary weight loss
  • angelica2k
    i have tried this it was amazing but critcal to keep going for the 3 days and no cheating i remember losing like 3 pounds in a day
  • rlg720
    I used this diet years ago & lost about 9 pounds/week. I am trying it again, beginning today. I will give an update in a couple days.....
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    My one friend had just recommended me to this diet since i want to lose weight fast. Her and her bf both did it for a week and each lost 5-10 pounds she said it works great! I am about to get myself on this diet as soon as i can!
    EVERYBODY, wants to lose weight fast that's why there are so many crash diets out there. NONE of them work for more than temporary results. Was it 5 lbs or 10 lbs? That's a pretty big span for weight loss in a week.
    You know, I have heard of this many years ago. Supposedly, there's something chemically in the way they put the food together that does the trick. I've never tried it myself.
    Seriously? Something chemically? It doesn't say what kind of hot dog, what type of cheese. Nothing in this diet is specific except the fact that it is low cal. I would put money on most diets of similar calorie counts would net the same results. There is nothing special about this combination.
    I used this diet years ago & lost about 9 pounds/week. I am trying it again, beginning today. I will give an update in a couple days.....
    So what happened years ago? Did the weight come right back?

    Why so many first posts in this thread? I suspect trolls.

    People this is not sustainable, this is not a jump start, this is not healthy. Your not going to lose a bunch of weight thinking you'll then go on a healthy diet to keep it off. It won't work. You'll gain it back and then some plus lose muscle mass in the process.
  • CeAnnC
    I saw this diet and I wanted to see if it was possible to function on it. Day one was so easy, almost too much food for me. Day 2 Breakfast was perfect, something I want to incorporate into regular eating habits. But I never eat after 7 pm so when 10:30 rolled around I was dead. I was so hungry and had a huge headache. I am starting day 3, I am pretty nervous about how the day will go. Good tips, drink lots of water if you try it.
    I have been working out at least an hour every day while on the diet, that's no change to my usual work out schedule though.
    Like I said, I am not doing this diet to try and loose the promised 10lbs of weight loss, I just wanted to see if a) I had the strength in me to finish the diet and not give up on it and b) see if I was still a functioning human being through out the day.
  • brandeelo
    and how did you do? Did you lose weight? Have you gained it back?
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Sounds more like the Dysentery Diet....
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    As a US military service member who has been in for 5.5 years, and from the view of a personal trainer, I am offended that this blogger elected to call this "diet" a military diet. I have never heard of it, and I always encourage my soldiers to make healthy decisions in regards to weight loss and body composition.
  • neesono
    neesono Posts: 61
    I'm on day 3 of this 3 day "diet". I'm not dead yet but I'm not sure how much weight I've lost, if any. I'll weigh in tomorrow then post results here.

    I've seen a lot of people make comments about this being called the "military diet". They say "I was/am in the military and we didn't/don't eat like this." I'm pretty sure everyone knows we don't actually eat like this in the military.

    It seems the reason this is the "military" diet is because supposedly people in the military would eat like this before a tape/weigh in. I was a combat engineer for 10 years and I don't recall anyone ever doing this. But that's neither here nor there. The name of the diet is irrelevant. What counts is the results.

    Other people are talking about sustainability or the lack thereof. Welcome to the Obvious Club. This diet obviously isn't meant to be sustained for more than it's 3 days on 4 days off cycle and even then it's obvious this should not be a lifestyle choice. It seems to be for those looking for a quick way to drop a few pounds in a few days.

    However....everything about this diet screams "WRONG!". No matter what fitness camp you're in the science all points to the same things: create a healthy calorie defect, eat 5-6 times a day, get the right ratio of C/F/P, hydrate, move. This diet is lacking and goes against some fundamental rules about nutrition and weight loss.

    As we all know there is no quick fix to lose weight. You either put in the time and effort to lose it the right way or you don't. There is no in-between.
  • joyjay4fun
    joyjay4fun Posts: 160
    Haha, your friend found this on Pinterest! When I first saw it it made me laugh.

    I've been in the Air Force for two years (not that long, I know) and have NEVER heard of that. We actually have programs that encourage healthy LIFESTYLES, not crash diets :)

    ^^ I have been in 13 and havent heard of this either. Im not surprised though as people go to crazy extremes when it is pt test time.
  • scoobyharley
    Bit extreme that!
  • gregpasq
    gregpasq Posts: 14
    ....and neesono knocks it out of the park......
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    This is stupid. And unclear.

    Is it one cup of Haagen Daaz vanilla at 600+ cals or one cup of your bog standard supermarket soft scoop at 350+ cals? And if you are eating either of those at the end of the day, why dont you just eat something sensible throughout the day instead of filling up on stupid calories at the end of it?