Looking for dedicated, encouraging friends

Hi, my name is Deborah. I am 29, 5'2" and I started at 202 and now weigh 172. I am getting married in June and would like to be at least 160 by then. I eat healthy and buy healthy groceries, know a lot about nutrition, but struggle with binge eating from time to time. I can be very dedicated though, and I do go to the gym. I log on regularly and am just looking for some people who are in the same boat- logging in daily, and really trying. I am very encouraging and would love some encouragement and accountability!


  • JustJennie13
    Feel free to add me... I also have another "friend suggestion" her name is erillyn. She just joined a few weeks ago as well and is also getting ready for her wedding :) similar goals would help each other stay motivated and encouraged!
  • muscat_princess
    hey add me. im 5'1 and i just had baby four months ago. im 186 and just started to lose 40 pounds.
    i also suffer with eating disorders. i used to be bulimic but stopped......some days im strong but on a few days i do binge....n then i get right back on track!
    never ending circle.
    my binge was last week.......three bowls of cheerios back to back! i think it was stress?

    but yep. thats me. add me
  • sunshinefrei
    Feel free to add me. I am 49 years old, started at 240lbs, have lost 20lbs. Eat very healthy and have an open diary!
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome, Feel free to add me if you like.
  • salsagal36
    salsagal36 Posts: 91 Member
    Hiya, I'm 5ft 4, currently 234 and getting married in August. I'll send you a request and hopefully we can motivate each other :)
  • sconvers
    :flowerforyou: Hi Deb! Congrats on your wedding. Usually I don't reply the posts here but now I feel compelled to share my experience hoping some tips could help. I know that sometimes some advices don't suit everybody needs, but hey! you can try!!!

    Six months ago I was bedridden, just barely walking to my physical therapy appointment and by the time I was at home again, I just wanted to crawl into my bedsheets and cry. I have fybromyalgia, depression and some sort of bad luck. That mix is not good, trust me!

    My physical therapist became frustrated at me because he saw no improvement and the last resort were some corticoid shots into my sore points (not a pleasent perspective, let me tell you!). But he told me about hydroaerobics and encouraged me to look some place where to practice them. To make the story short, I found the place, a gym where I was a attended by a sports medicine doctor who assessed me and told me that I couldn't do the hydroaerobics because my muscles were too contracted to even float!!!. I started to cry! That was my last hope! But he continued talking and recommended me the hydrotherapy classes at the gym. Those saved my life!

    I started slowly and despite of the pain, I kept going because even the pain changed. It was there (I think it will be my long lasting companion after all) but it was bearable. With patience I improved even with great bouts of pain after the first month, but at the end, It took me 3 months to be able to attend my first hydroaerobic class (the one I wanted in the first place). I was beyond happiness 'cause I love to swim, the water, the oxygen. Each time I'm in the water I visualize that the movements and the water are oiling my joints, erasing my pain.

    After that I could start my regular workouts at the gym machines, something it seemed impossible to me. And I have to eat more because sometimes i forget to take some food, usually I don't feel hungry (in this case, myfitnesspal is great to keep score). Also, I'm doing some yoga to rest my head spinning course of thought.

    I didn't start these workouts to be thin, I just wanted to be able to move and don't cry all the time. Getting thinner is a welcomed secondary effect. It will be a long journey (20+ kilos to lose) but more than an amount of weight to measure it, I just to count the smiles I give and get through the day. My advice to you is: Find whatever activity that makes you smile and happy. I have some ups and downs but relying in my friends (my best friend swims and does her workouts with me) I keep myself on track.

    Keep going! You've already took the first step! You are here!

  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    Hi there! Feel free to add me. :) Congratulations on your wedding!

    I'm 5'4 currently weighing 163lbs (lost about 34lbs, starting from 197lbs) and I am on every day, planning my meals and motivating. :)
  • pika_doh9
    pika_doh9 Posts: 3 Member
    hey! congrats on the wedding and the weightloss! i struggle with binge eating too, its easy during the week when I dont go anywhere but weekends if i go out with friends etc, they are all super skinny but yet can still eat out lol but one day i decided to watch what they have and that's when I noticed they will eat only half of their main and be full (whereas my plate was already empty) they also share the dessert.

    I know the biggest problem is control, choosing the right thing and just not getting lost in eating everything, its easy to get into the mind set of, ive already had one bad thing today might as well continue cause my diet day is ruined.

    sorry writing an essay here lol if you try to remember that taste doesn't last long maybe it will help, thats how I am trying to get through the days when cookies come floating my way lol