Can't do Squats or Lunges, help!

I hurt my knees last year over training and they have not recovered, even after going to several doctors. So, it hurts to stand up or sit down and prevents me from doing the best strength training exercises like deadlifts, squats and lunges. I know I need to lift heavy doing compound strength movements but I feel severely handicapped not being able to squats or lunge.

I'm currently doing overhead press, stiff leg deadlifts, bench press and rows; 3 days a week. 6-8 reps, 3 sets.

Will I see fat loss from only doing the strength moves listed above? Any suggestions on anything else to work my quads?


  • annie_bob
    annie_bob Posts: 7 Member
    Do you get swelling on either side of your knees? If so, there may be issues with the Meniscus (cartiage between your femur and tibia - the 'cushioning') which will only show up on an MRI...
    I had doctors tell me that there was nothing wrong with my knee, and after insisting on seeing an orthopaedic surgeon, found I had a completely torn ACL and torn meniscus in my left knee! Nothing wrong indeed...

    Insist on seeing a specialist and having an MRI... The issues you are describing sound like it could be serious, and even I can still Squat and Lunge with the issues I have. (much to the disgrace of my physio!)
    If you can't afford the fees of an Ortho, go and see a Physiotherapist, they may be able to pick up on something..

    Have you tried the leg-press machine at a low-weight?
    You can use less than your body weight, thus reducing the impact on the knee joint.
    Use minimal weight to see if your knees will allow the movement pattern to begin with. If they don't allow, there is something not quite right happening in those joints!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Joint injuries are some serious *kitten*, and I wouldn't feel comfortable suggesting alternate leg exercises that may do more damage than they're worth....I would get in to see a physical therapist and get them to develop a safe program with you.:ohwell: Wish I could help!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    Will I see fat loss from only doing the strength moves listed above?

    fat loss comes from a caloric deficit

    thats all it will ever come from

    no particular exercise will change that
  • u need another doctor or specialist for this. You look pretty young and a training injury should not put you out for this long.

    As far as losing weight from weight lifting exercises, I think you can but I think you'd lose faster if you did some cardio too.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I have knee problems (patella tendonitis in both knees) currently and can't really squat, lunge or deadlift either. I'm trying to work around it a bit by doing the following exercises:

    Single leg half squats
    Half dead lifts (from a power rack at knee height)
    Romanian dead lifts
    Calf raises
    Hip thrusters (these are new to my routine and are fantastic!!!)
    Hip abductor machines
    Plus some butt-strengthening pilates exercises - not weights but given to me by my physio

    I know these don't really compare to being able to do heavy squats, lunges and dead lifts but it's going to have to do me for a while because I value my knees and want them at 100%. It's really hard to work the quads without bending the knees fully but the half squats sort of do it.

    On that note - you probably should see someone and sort out what's actually going on with your knees

    Also - rule no. 1 - any pain while doing these exercises and you sould stop
  • annie_bob
    annie_bob Posts: 7 Member
    Forgot to add; if you're going to try something (which is not recommended!) make sure it's under the guidance of a professional!
  • I hurt my knees last year over training and they have not recovered, even after going to several doctors. So, it hurts to stand up or sit down and prevents me from doing the best strength training exercises like deadlifts, squats and lunges. I know I need to lift heavy doing compound strength movements but I feel severely handicapped not being able to squats or lunge.

    I'm currently doing overhead press, stiff leg deadlifts, bench press and rows; 3 days a week. 6-8 reps, 3 sets.

    Will I see fat loss from only doing the strength moves listed above? Any suggestions on anything else to work my quads?

    The type of compound moments you are doing are the reason why your knees hurt if you are lifting heavy. It is all dependent on your form and how much stress you put on your knees. You could potentially have chronic tendonitis or bursitis if you are constantly using your knees and considering your lifestyle and the way you are training, it is almost impossible for these problems to go away. In my orthopedic surgery rotation, I see patients with the same problems all the time and it could severely affect the rest of your life and cause future arthritis if you don't take the proper precautions right now. Message me if you would like some more information on this.

    If you are trying to target fat loss, the only way to effectively do it is with a proper diet where you are in a caloric deficit. You can workout everyday of your life and still not see any weight loss if your calorie intake exceeds your daily recommended values. The best piece of advice I could give you on this is remember "diet is king and workout is queen". Hopefully this is just an acute stint of tendonitis that you can shake off with rest. Please be careful with the heavy lifting
  • Oh and also if you want to continue to do squats and lunges, wrap your knees if you don't already. Keeping them compressed will help ease the pain and reduce the amount of stress that is directed towards just your knees.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I also have knee issues. I am a dancer and I do yoga, so between that and weight lifting (3 days a week) I am working on strengthening my muscles in ways that work for me and continuing to progress. I make sure everything I do leaves me with DOMs in my muscles and not joint pain (which is counter productive). I'm always looking for more info as well. Another one that might help you is step ups. Some people find they hurt their knees. For me it helps my knees. I make sure the step is just high enough that my knee is parallel (or lower), I hold heavy dumbbells and I step up, using my working leg (do all reps on one side and then reps on the other side), rest and then do more sets with rests in between. One point rows or one leg Romanian dead lifts are helpful for me as well. Sometimes using a machine or two can help you target the muscles while recovering (or the cords attached to your ankle to lift weights). I use the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Life" and find it extremely helpful.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    No one here can prescribe exercises for you. You will have to seek a specialist and inquire about exercises that may be contraindicated. I believe you will have to strengthen the muscles and connective tissue about the knee but only a specialist can truly give you answers.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    I concur with physical therapist/specialist. Perhaps isometric type exercises might be useful without joint movement, but of course I can't know.
  • runninglol
    runninglol Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for all the comments, guys. I have been two three doctors all prescribing physical therapy with no results. I'm seeing a new doctor today and will push for an MRI.

    I have basically stopped training my legs since last year, aside from cardio.

    Thanks again for the words of advice.

    (Thanks for the reminder that its mostly diet. I get so discouraged from not being able to train my legs. Jut need to stick with it)
  • runninglol
    runninglol Posts: 44 Member
    I also have knee issues. I am a dancer and I do yoga, so between that and weight lifting (3 days a week) I am working on strengthening my muscles in ways that work for me and continuing to progress. I make sure everything I do leaves me with DOMs in my muscles and not joint pain (which is counter productive). I'm always looking for more info as well. Another one that might help you is step ups. Some people find they hurt their knees. For me it helps my knees. I make sure the step is just high enough that my knee is parallel (or lower), I hold heavy dumbbells and I step up, using my working leg (do all reps on one side and then reps on the other side), rest and then do more sets with rests in between. One point rows or one leg Romanian dead lifts are helpful for me as well. Sometimes using a machine or two can help you target the muscles while recovering (or the cords attached to your ankle to lift weights). I use the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Life" and find it extremely helpful.

    Stairs don't bother me so will see about the step-ups. Might try some yoga also =)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yeah, I find going up stairs and doing step ups is a pretty gentle way to strengthen the muscles surrounding my knee. The thing that bothers my knees is going down stairs or down hill. Going up hills and stairs is great, though. My physio approved it for me. I understand needing to find more ideas and options and you can always run everything we suggest by your own physio, that's what I do. But, if it was not for furthering my own education then I would not be doing as much as I am now. It helps to be creative about exploring options, no one is looking out for our best interests as well as we can for ourselves and we are the ones in our bodies and that know what hurts and what helps. Yoga is helpful to me as well.