R u like me or close? Am 32, 5'3", 185 lb

Hi there am looking for others like me to ad as friends so we can help each other lose our unwanted jiggles ;) I like to do reg. workouts but also live finding new and fun ways of working out. I just started dec. 1 2012. Am 185 and aiming for 120 by June ;)

My workouts actives include:

- walking
- running
- weights
- sit-up/crunches
- taebo
- wii Zumba (really fun and you burn a lot...1 song 48 cals)
- wii biggest loser (also fun)

What do you do?


  • IronGirlShae
    IronGirlShae Posts: 58 Member
    WOW! Almost the same. I'm just under 5'3", about 180 lbs (the pic is from a couple years ago when I had lost 84 lbs. Put most of it back on after a surgery) I'm hoping to get down to 120-130 before July so I can be cute on my birthday. I have lost a lot of weight before, so I know lots of good tips and recipes. I love to cook and hate to exercise. I have lots of pain so I might need encouragement to be active. My boyfriend got this app because he is in a weight loss competition at work, and I thought I'd try it too. Add me if you want. :)
  • I am 26, 5'2" and started at 184. My aim is 125 but I have no idea what that would be like having been big since my teens. Not got a deadline either!

    I am doing Zumba twice a week, walking every day and am going to look into different workout DVDs probably by Jillian Michaels. Oh and weights too!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I was! I am 5'3", 31 and my starting weight was 172 (ish!) now at 130 and aiming for about 120. I started weight lifting a few month ago so mainly focused on body fat/lifting performance (as well as toning my *kitten*!). I have done the Couch to 5K prog - which is amazing, and 30 day shred, as well as lots and lots of dog walking!
  • Bloodredmoon
    Bloodredmoon Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'6, 29, 194 lb. Aiming for 145 as I am a bit taller, that and I start to loose my boobs below that weight lol. I love yoga & hiking mostly but I also hit the gym for some group classes like Zumba from time to time. I have trouble with running, I almost completed a 5k program but I am injury prone. I also get tendonitis in my wrists so weight training is tricky. I stick to what I can do and enjoy though, don't let it get me down. Sometimes I'll just work in a quick at home dance session for fun :)
  • Hi I am 32, 5'2'' and weigh 148 pounds. I have put on about 20 pounds in the last one year and finding it very difficult to go back. My old clothes dont fit me and I feel bloated and plump. I used to go to gym regularly but am looking for inspiration because I have stopped going for the last many months and not getting the motivation to start again. My food habits have also become bad. I eat a lot of sugar and junk and tend to eat more when depressed. Looking for weight loss buddies and inspiration from other woman.
  • I am 5'2 182lbs..starting insanity today to "jumpstart" my weight loss! My goal is 135-140lbs. Good luck :)
  • Yep, I'm just like you add me and we can do this together...Promise I will help keep you focused if you do the same.
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    35, down 46 pounds from 186 in April 2012. 25-30 pounds more to go. Activities:

  • I am 36, 5'4". 182 pounds and want to get to 130 by this time next year. I am not doing any exercise yet as I have been having back trouble, but I am controlling my diet and have lost 2 pounds already. Good luck to you on your journey. Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • JezzD1
    JezzD1 Posts: 431
    I am 5'3" was 180lb when I started. I am now at 173. Goal is 135 in about 6-7 months. I do weights, calisthenics, and elliptical. I also like incorporating fun sneak workouts. =)
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    I'm 5'4, now at 181 after losing 15 lbs. GW is 150 and then I will reconsider from there - hoping I can make it into the 130s eventually but I can't even fathom that!
  • hey ya'll! i'm 5 foot 3 inches and weighed in at 201 today. =( however, i am aiming for 150 lbs and then we'll see from there. i used to be over 240 so i'm proud of myself for getting this far but still need to get further. it's hard to find motivation and time to do what i need to do to exercise and lose it! i like doing unconventional exercise methods, too. like i've heard that hula hooping is great for exercise and cardio as well as your core muscles. that as well as belly dancing and pole fit exercises. anyone tried any of those?
  • I am close... 5'3" 187 currently, been as low as 182. My goal is 140 by my birthday next July. I am on a slump currently.
  • firelle
    firelle Posts: 118 Member
    Hey! I started right where you are now :) (5'3.5", 185.4lbs). I'm 170.0 now. Definitely feel free to friend me!

    I do TurboFire, BeFiT (YouTube series, some nice butt work ;P but also have some basic vids that have the same nice routines just lower impact than in the serious vids like Insanity... no lie. There's burpees, scissor kicks.. and they're all 10 mins!). When I feel like it I do elliptical and/or treadmill. Aug-Oct and Jan-Mar I do Zumba 2x week for a total of 2 hrs a week. :) I'm also thinking about getting into lifting!
  • meg you sound like me! my lowest has been 182 as well and i'm in a rut right now as well. hoping that adding some friends on here will help me get out of it!
  • LKG31
    LKG31 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm 5'5", 187lbs and hope to be down to around 140 by June next year. Been on MFP just over 2 months, and although not much has moved on the scale, I have lost some inches. Most of the time has been spent trying to figure out what calories and macros work best for me! I have also been strength training so gaining some muscle over the 2 months as well. Feel free to add me! Support is great on this website!!
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    I'm 195, 5'3''. Same kinds of activities too- I have a 5k in two weeks! :)

    I'm also an avid Zumba attendee- I have the DVD's, but I have classes 3 days a week which are tons of fun! :)

    I also weight train.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    I'm 5'3" and a half, started at 183. I have nearly reached my preliminary goal of 140 but then will go to 126... my weight loss has seriously slowed down since reaching the 140's
  • KateRepine
    KateRepine Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 5'4" barely - lol. I started out at 182, feel free to add me, slow and steady wins the race!
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Nope. I use full words and grammar. :D