No More Excuses Week 20

Last week was almost too good to be true, we were due for a little bit of a bounce. Congrats to Renae and Hawkeye for losing weight this week.


Laura, I hope it's ok that I used the weight on your signature. If its outdated, I will update next week.

NOW, its time to issue a new challenge!!!

** Exercise all seven days this week, even on normal off days, walk a mile or so. (doesn't have to be high impact)
** Log all your food for this week, even the little bits and bites of stuff that you think doesn't count.

Personally, I ate horrible this week, so I was lucky to only gain a couple tenths of a pound. I have been stuck at this weight for about a month, and I am ready to knock out these last 5 pounds. I need to tell keep telling myself I must stay focussed until I hit my goal. Need to get disciplined again.


  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Great job on the chart Jack, and the challenges sound good. I know I usually don't log on Friday nights, and Saturday, so I will definately give it a whirl this week. Same with the excersing 7 days a week, like you said it doesn't have to be high impact. On the off days, I may take the kids for a walk, still burns cals.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Thanks for the chart Jack.

    I like the challenges as well. I need to do a better job of keeping up with "everything" I eat. so this will be a good motivation to do so. I also don't exercise 7 days a week, so will give that a try as well.

    Hope everyone has a good week.

  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm sorry i have been off the site for a week. My weigh in on thursday was not good.
    LW: 178.5
    CW: 179.5
    I gained a pound and have been cheating on my diet blindlessly and kept saying to myself i will get better tomarrow. I think what also added to this was that i felt very big headed, last weekend i won my first karoake contest and cheated for a week. I didn't realize this until i was in Target on saturday and i really wanted to buy clothes and my bf told me you don't deserve it, you've been really bad on your diet. I knew i was doing bad but it was something else to hear someone i love say that and i decided to start all new today. Plus he lost 3.5 pounds this week, my competitive self was freakin out. I went for a 10 mile bike ride already today and have been good on my diet. There is a light at the end of tunnel, you just have to take it day by day and i am officially back.

  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Thanks Jack...I love the challenge. I soooooo need to keep track better.

    Just finished watching Dancing with the Stars. The only night I really "hog" the tv cause now "Castle" comes on!!!! During DWS....I made myself get up and jog in place during the commercials. There are many commercials in that show!

    The week-ends are when I get a little lazy on the excercising thing so that is going to be great to have that challenge.

    Everyone have a great evening. See ya in the AM.....
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning team...Hope you all have a happy Tuesday. My oldest had a soccer game last night and I nearly froze. I wore my winter wool coat plus a scarf and then wrapped up in a huge quilt and still froze. I was thankful that my son remembered to put on his under armour shirt for some warmth. They tied 0-0. No more games til Thursday so hopefully I can finish cleaning the carpets today and tomorrow.

    Jack...Thanks for the chart and the challenges. I have to get moving. I'm tired of staying the same weight month after month. I know it is better than gaining but this is not where I wanna be.

    Sarina...Glad to see you back.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Well I can't make it to step aerobics tonight, and I really didn't feel like the treadmill today. So I packed up the kids and we went and did out 3km walk. It was a little chilly -8C, but we walked 3km in 45 mins and burnt 426 cals. Hope to do a few sets of weights on my arms in a bit.

    Have a busy day today, Jesse has playschool from 1-3 then we are off to Foam Lake for an appt at 4, then skating at 5. Should be home by 6:30. Just in time to have a quick supper, bath the kids, put them to bed, and watch BL at 9. Hubby won't be home till later this evening, he is hauling grain, then going out for wings with the boys. Hope everyone has a good day.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Afternoon team!!!! Here comes another dad gome snow storm tonight into tomorrow! I am so ready for Spring. I want to be able to go outside after work!!!!

    Have Parent/Teacher conferences for our youngest (middle school) tonight. No biggy, I get on the district website and pull his grades all the time so I don't get any surprises. He is at Straight A's once again. If he can manage one more qtr he will have them for his entire MS career. I hope he can because he will be devistated if he doesn't! No twirling tonight because of conferences and that is where we have lessons! Don't want to have to dodge all the people and I'm sure they don't want to dodge flying batons!!! ;)

    Not much in my little world today, just work!!! Talk to everyone soon!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning team...Only 3 more days til spring break. My boys are so excited. We are planning to go camping Easter weekend, which will finish up their spring break nicely if the weather cooperates. My hubby plans to take them golfing and fishing and I will take them swimming and bowling so they have some fun activities while they are out. My oldest may or may not participate, as he wants to spend some time with his friends. He has a new girlfriend this week. We are just getting started down this road. Up til now it has just been his XBOX addiction and I hated that thing, but I have a funny feeling I will miss it pretty soon into this new journey with girls:laugh: Hope you all have a fabulous day. The sun is shining in SC and it is going to get up into the 70's. :bigsmile:

    Ann..Congrats to your son on his grades. What a big accomplishment!!

    Renae...Good job getting your exercise in. I missed the gym yesterday and felt terrible but I am going today as soon as I finish typing.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Morning all! Well, yesterday was pathetic for me when it came to eating and it showed on the scale this morning! EGADS!!!! I took some antihistemine (sp) for my sinuses which always makes me drowsey (even the non-drowsey kind) and it makes me have the munchies. SHOOT!!! Anyway... I'm back at it this morning. I did make it to curves yesterday but won't make it today because they are closed!!!! They closed all of the area schools today because of this spring storm that has decided to set in on SE Colorado. I couldn't believe they actually closed the schools,....they never close our schools unless it is literally a blizzard. They are calling for quite a bit of snow but I made it into work and don't think it is that bad out there! Oh well....the kids are enjoying it. Even closed the college so the oldest at home doesn't have to go either!

    I have one employee on vacation, and the other couldn't make it in either this morning. She lives in the country on dirt roads and I guess it was pretty bad out there! Told her not to sweat it!!! the radio just played a Christmas song!!! Think I am going to be sick!!! I am ready for SUMMER!!!!!

    Curves closes if the schools close, so I will have to get on the wii tonight to make up so I can meet our challenge for excercise this week. That will be okay though.

    Well, I guess I will see what trouble I can get into today all by myself in my office!!!! ;)

    See ya,
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Definately not a good eating day today. We went into Yorkton, I had a dentist appointment. I did drag my butt to step aerobics thou tonight and burned 689 cals, so with all the yucky eating I still managed to be under cals, but was using all most all of the exercise calories.

    Tomorrow will try to get on the treadmill for W4D2 of C25K.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening team...I made it to the gym today and ran the outside trail. I decided to walk it for a second time around and did okay. We are walking in Walk America at the end of April and it is about 6 miles so I want to add a little to my walks each time to get ready for that. Had a great day eating and exercising. Finally got groceries so now we have something to eat. The cabinets were pretty empty. Sleep well. See y'all tomorrow.:yawn:
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Morning team! Yesterday was a waist for me. I have noticed my last few posts have been negative!!! SORRY!!! No More!!! It is a new day and I am off to a new start. I am tired of feeling tired and drug out. So......Only I can change that and so I am!!!!

    Off to make it a better day and make the right food choices!!!! Have a happy one everyone!

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Morning all, definately feeling a gain this week. Haven't been eating well a few days, haven't been drinking my water or my green tea. Definately have to get back in the groove. Did W4D2 of C35K and burned 346 cals. Feel good. Cold here today -16C, but by Monday it is suppose to be around 9C. Looking forward to that. Son has playschool today from 1-3, and I am the parent helper. Still have lots of books and taxes to do, so will get my butt in gear with the tomorrow.
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Morning all, definately feeling a gain this week. Haven't been eating well a few days, haven't been drinking my water or my green tea. Definately have to get back in the groove. Did W4D2 of C35K and burned 346 cals. Feel good. Cold here today -16C, but by Monday it is suppose to be around 9C. Looking forward to that. Son has playschool today from 1-3, and I am the parent helper. Still have lots of books and taxes to do, so will get my butt in gear with the tomorrow.
    I know what you mean about getting back in the groove. If I miss just 1 of my 5 workout sessions per week, I feel like I have really let myself down. The important thing is to bounce back like you did and get that workout in. No matter how drained or tired I feel, I "always" feel better after a workout. And it doesn't even matter if it's only a very short workout, but just as long as I get to the gym or do something physical. So stick with it like you have been and keep up the good work.

    Take care, Hawkeye
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Just popping in to day hi before I eat lunch. I finished my typing for the morning and have until about 7:00 tonight before I need to start back. I am going to a women's conference with my step-mom at her church Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. My poor hubby is on his own. Friday night he will go to our oldest son's soccer game and then Saturday morning he has to take our youngest son bowling. Then he is taking them both for youth turkey hunting day. It is a lot for him but it is kind of a nice break for me and it is a lot of fun. Hope you all have a great day. Now to make a positive lunch choice...a big salad or the biscuits and gravy that my son is having ????
  • BornNRaised
    Hi gang.....

    Been MIA. Dh got the job....yeah!!!! Now I can't sleep....go figure. Also have 2 female cats that are in heat and 1 male that's not neutered. Guess what's been keep me up at night. Fighting to keep them apart. I finally crated the male, but the females still yell. Weight is up, but need sleep. Going back to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    OK, lunch is over and I had the salad. One small step for Tammy...Yeah!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hi gang.....

    Been MIA. Dh got the job....yeah!!!! Now I can't sleep....go figure. Also have 2 female cats that are in heat and 1 male that's not neutered. Guess what's been keep me up at night. Fighting to keep them apart. I finally crated the male, but the females still yell. Weight is up, but need sleep. Going back to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


    So Happy for your DH!!!! That is super news! Sounds like a tough time with the cats!!! Try and rest up!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    OK, lunch is over and I had the salad. One small step for Tammy...Yeah!!

    YEAH!!! I am back to that point as well. Celebrate the little accomplishments!!! ;) Have a great day!
  • hawkeye01
    hawkeye01 Posts: 162
    Morning Team,

    TGIF for sure!! Not sure what the weather is like where you are, but it's "suppose" to be near 70 tomorrow which will be great since it's 40 something right now. The impending weather has motivated my wife and I to do some Kayaking tomorrow which will be great exercise for us both. We normally don't workout on Saturdays, but this should be fun as well as good for us. I hope all of you also have a productive exercise weekend planned as well. If so, I would love to hear about it. I was motivated by the gauntlet that Jack threw out there this week.

    Take care and have a great weekend.
