Fell off...again

I'm looking for some new motivation. I was down 60lbs and have gained back 17. I'm a 40 something stay at home homeschooling mom, so if you're looking to give and get support, add me.


  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    Thanks for the friend request.

    I don't know what you have done in the past, but my advice would be to change it up. Different exercise classes, definitely adding in strength training if you haven't done so already. I met with a personal trainer recently at our new gym and he showed me on paper how long it would take to reach my goal doing only cardio vs only strength training and then the combination of the two. Adding strength training makes a huge difference.
  • jennasjules
    jennasjules Posts: 4 Member
    Hello First I would like to say congrats, even though you gained back some you still lost a lot so stay positive you are on the right track!

    I agree with gingerb85, changing things up can make a big difference plus it keeps things more interesting. I find if I do the same routine over and over it gets boring and I lose interest real fast.

    Thanks for the request!!
  • The important thing, is that you're back and ready to try again!

    I'll be more than glad to support any way I can :)
  • Hi. I have been falling off as many times as I start. i joined a gym, yesterday, and woke up with a horrendous cold (flu?) today. I went to the gym, anyway. I had to just for my mental state of mind. Only managed 10 minutes (one mile) on the treadmill, a short lunge walk, and 10 air squats. Hardly a workout by normal standards but enough to make my lungs burn and make me think i might be sick.... We all have our blasted battles. I'm glad you posted. It doesn't make me *happy* that other people struggle but it does make me feel as though I"m not alone. Add me if you'd like. I'm not very swift at this mfp thing...