Day after a binge

I was wondering how everyone reacted the day after a bad day, usual routine, tighten up diet or extra exercise?
Feeling pretty bad right now.


  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    Take a deep breath and just start again. It's a lifestyle, not a diet and everyone makes booboos. If you would feel better exercising extra, then go for. Just keep in mind that it's just one day out of thousands and you can and will get it better next time.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Usual routine but please write a 500 word essay (no I'm not kidding) on what caused the binge and what you could have done to prevent it.
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    Take a deep breath and just start again. It's a lifestyle, not a diet and everyone makes booboos. If you would feel better exercising extra, then go for. Just keep in mind that it's just one day out of thousands and you can and will get it better next time.

    Took the words right out of my mouth.
  • Everyone has a bad day now and then. The best thing is just to get right back on track. Don't beat yourself up about it. Acknowledge that you had a bad day and move on. :smile:
  • KuroNyankoSensei
    KuroNyankoSensei Posts: 288 Member
    I've had too many bad days to really sweat it. Last year I started the whole weight loss thing, blew it, then said screw it, and kept binging and went back up to the weight that I was previously.

    When I started again this year, I took things in stride. I blew a day? Get back to it the next day. I blew the whole week? I'll try again next week. It's a lifestyle change, you're not going to die from gaining five pounds back ;P.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    Just eat less and/or exercise more. And what do you mean by 'binge'? As in you ate a whole pizza and then couldn't get off the couch the rest of the night as your body winced in pain and marveled at how you could possibly be so cruel? Or as in you had a package of Twinkies? (oh, wait...) Last night I had a ribeye, a pile of mashed potatoes, a gourmet cheese sampler (I have no idea how many ounces), red wine (again, I was much too busy eating so I couldn't say how much--I wasn't hung over today so it couldn't have been that bad), and dessert. i was stuffed. Like a piglet. Today, fortunately, I wasn't that hungry--can't imagine why. So I didn't eat much--less than 1,000 calories. Tomorrow I'll eat normally. Balance it out.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Back to usual. You don't accomplish anything by punishing your body with a compensating low calorie day. This behavior typically leads to another binge.

    Figure out your trigger and do something about it. Its a habit that you can change.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Take a deep breath and just start again. It's a lifestyle, not a diet and everyone makes booboos. If you would feel better exercising extra, then go for. Just keep in mind that it's just one day out of thousands and you can and will get it better next time.

  • Pema10
    Pema10 Posts: 13
    I agree with the others. Re-set the sails and keep going.
  • I did amazingly for almost 3 months, and lost nearly 40 lbs.... 2 weeks before thanksgiving i LOST IT. I have been fighting myself for nearly 3 weeks. I went to bed on several nights thinking 'Dude... whats WRONG with me? Why do i EAT like this?'

    I felt HELLA BAD on more than one night recently... However, while i still dont know why i have the issues i do with food, and while i still cheat sometimes, i slowly lost back a couple lbs, and im just slowly working up to the way i was.

    I get up in the morning, and just move forward. I used to feel TERRIBLE the day after, like i undid the entire 6 months of trying, failing, excelling, and and progress. But it isnt so., One day, or 3 weeks, wont end your journey. Only you yourself can do that.

    Cut your losses, (or gains in this case) remind yourself why you are doing this, and how amazing it feels to make progress...

    And every time you fall down, eat your cookie, enjoy it bc you know you wont get another for at least a while... and then stand back up, pretend it didnt happen, and do what you know you should, and can. :-)

    Good luck. <3
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    I don't consider a binge a bad thing in my world as my goals typically involve gaining weight. However, maybe I can offer some advice. Binging will usually result in you having a boatload more strength the following day, providing it wasn't all sugary junk. Fats and carbs equal strength so get in the gym and lift heavier and more intensely than you have before. Use that food energy for good.
  • For me, when I have a less-than-stellar day, it's because I allowed myself to "fall off the wagon" in order to have a reason to work out like a demon later. The bad day is in the past. As long as you don't have a string of bad days, fuhgetaboutit! Move on and move up! If we didn't have bad days, we wouldn't know what a good day looked like. I enjoy working out, but to me, since I'm not looking to build that Arnold-body, I need to have some weight to lose in the first darn place! :bigsmile:
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I'll squeeze in extra exercise if I have time, but generally, I try to think of this as a trend toward better nutrition... yes, I'm going to have days where my willpower is weak and I eat three pecan butter tarts and a Lindt bar and wash it down with half a bottle of wine, but overall, the graph is trending towards better choices so I try not to beat myself up about it too much. :)
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    1. Drink green & oolong tea all day! I've read that:
    - green tea speeds up metabolism/fat burning
    - oolong tea helps blocks fat absorption

    2. If I ate so much that I wake up too full for breakfast, I:
    - go on the recumbent bike, pick a somewhat challenging resistance & try to distract myself by watching tv or playing on my phone. I will try to go as ling as I can, maybe 30mins-2hrs.
    - in the summer, I would ride my bike or rollerblade with some tunes!

    3. Strict diet all day! Only eat when actually hungry but do not starve!
    - Low fat, low cal & lots of liquids (Coffee, tea, water, smoothies)
    - Make sure to get healthy protein! (Almonds, peanut butter, tofu, chicken, fish)
  • mochaporter
    mochaporter Posts: 4 Member
    All things in moderation, including moderation. Don't sweat it, just keep on keeping on.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    I was wondering how everyone reacted the day after a bad day, usual routine, tighten up diet or extra exercise?
    Feeling pretty bad right now.

    First off .. learn to forgive and love yourself :heart:

    Realize that there is no way you are going to gain back any pounds in a single day! Just not gonna happen. One day is NOT a failure, nor is it a disaster.

    As others have stated .. it's a lifestyle change and what you need to to remember is that there are always gonna be days.. whether you "binge" .. or .. go out to dinner/drinks with friends .. go to a birthday or anniversary party.. go to a wedding .. or someone's funeral reception. There are going to parties and holidays and special occasions and BBQs your whole life. Those are just ONE day .. not EVERY day. :wink:

    I bet you've been doing well for the almost every day you've been here. One day will never hurt you .. will never be the end for you .. nor is it ever a failure.

    You are a winner and a success!! Just start fresh tomorrow .. it's a clean slate with no mistakes. Don't ever look over your shoulder .. just look ahead to the future! You will get there. Not in one leap .. with patience and baby steps..

    and don't forget .. to forgive yourself .. and love yourself first! :heart: Big Hugs
  • Blossom59
    Blossom59 Posts: 81 Member
    Take a deep breath and just start again. It's a lifestyle, not a diet and everyone makes booboos. If you would feel better exercising extra, then go for. Just keep in mind that it's just one day out of thousands and you can and will get it better next time.
    . I way explained to me.......if you have a don't go out a keep hitting cars just because you had a wreck. A binge is the same way...just because you go on a happened....start all anew and keep going!
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    3. Strict diet all day! Only eat when actually hungry but do not starve!
    - Low fat, low cal & lots of liquids (Coffee, tea, water, smoothies)
    - Make sure to get healthy protein! (Almonds, peanut butter, tofu, chicken, fish)

    Most cases of bulimia and BED stem from highly restrictive dieting.

    I would reevaluate your relationship with food.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Like others said, this is a lifestyle, not a diet. You are human and entitled to lapses. Don't let it deter you from continuing on with being healthier. Get inspiration and motivation from this site. It really helps me
    Food tastes great, and the whole process of eating is pleasurable, at least for many of us, and it is easy to overindulge. Allow for the bumps in the road, and continue on with your journey.
  • Amazing advice guys and girls, feel better just from reading this thread, thanks all.