Natural Anti-Depressants?



  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Definitely Vitamin D, and natural sunlight when you can get it.
    For more details this book is worth a read... you might find a copy in your local library?

    Dr. Marie-Annette Brown Ph.D., R.N, Jo Robinson, "When Your Body Gets The Blues".

    It offers a clinically proven solution through research conducted at University of Washington.
    A simple, drug-free treatment called the LEVITY program (Light, Exercise, and Vitamin Intervention TherapY)
    that can help women think clearly, sleep soundly, cope better with stress, reduce anxiety and depression,
    and lose unwanted pounds.

    I'm indoors so much because of work but I do in fact go to the library at lunch. It's well gloomy here in the winter and in June - which is when this particular bout started.

    I will look for the book. I miss the sun... *sad face*
    I can see how little I get compared to pre-June
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    there is a light you can get that helps with Seasonal affective disorder aka S.A.D. Ive worked for a psychiatrist for 6 years and have some patients that swear by it.

    This ^^^^^ Definitely worth a try. Brookstone has them.|CategoryProductList|830061p

    Edit by Ani to add: I have Full Spectrum Light Bulbs in the lamps I use to read as well as kitchen and dining ceiling fixtures. It makes a difference for me.

    Cool ~ my boyfriend just changed all my lightbuls to full spectrum bulbs for me actually. I like having lots of lights on at home...
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    I had post partim after my son was born- I didn't want to get on anything if I didn't have too so I researched natural herbs to help-

    St Johns Wort

    I take two every morning! If I feel edgy in the afternoon I might take another two to help calm my nerves! I also drink Tension Tamer tea some nights before bed! Very calming and helps me sleep too!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I tried St. John's, mutiple A,B,D, and E vitamins...No dice. :(

    Then I started like...I dunno... baking finely ground, premium grade, marijuana into protein cookies. :D

    Lol. Delicious butter. Makes me so sleepy though! I'm in Cali so I've seriously considered a perscription, but not sure if I want to go that route or if it's best for me. I think I'd want to eat like 10 cookies and watch TV all day instead :D
  • MMark2012
    MMark2012 Posts: 143 Member
    I have Seasonal Affective Disorder(S.A.D the name for real) It runs in my family. My blood/ancestry is from the Mediterranean and the sun, mild yearly temperatures, etc. Vitamin D helps many with this disorder, but I have adverse reaction to even normal doses of Vitamin D. Omega 3 Fish oil is also good for everyone, but especially for people with this disorder. Eating right and mostly veggies /fruits/ lowfat meats/fish/whole grain foods, and getting regular exercise will also help. Something that is not a food is a light box. People use such a device for 15 minutes every day of bright light. This help ward off the symptoms of S.A.D.:smile:
  • I started taking 5-HTP and it does wonders for me, helped me deal with the side effects of quitting cymbalta. It also helps with my carb cravings.
  • I have heard of something called SAM-E on the doctors. I am trying it now. I have only taken it for a week so far
  • JenRN_77
    JenRN_77 Posts: 4 Member
    Regular exercise. Get enough quality sleep, and eat a balanced diet, spend time outdoors when you can.

    This for sure, plus a good multivitamin and this is the essential: 4800mg of a complete EFA (omegas 3, 6 and 9) Trader Joe's has a good one 1200mg tabs.....take 4 daily. Meditation/spirituality/faith centering. Good luck. I am sending positive energy your way! :>)