Craving sweets

Hi Folks! My downfall is usually something sweet or carby, especially if the boss brings in muffins to the meeting, or there's sweets served after dinner at the friend's house. What coping mechanisms do you use that help you steer clear of temptation?


  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    sigh me too I been grabing the fruit a lot and the occasional granola bar it helps fiber one brownies are yummy too
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    Grapes, pears, any other fresh fruit available..

    When invited over to someone's house for dinner I bring a fruit platter and then only have a tiny amount of the other dessert.

    Sometimes it's an urge only some nice dark chocolate will fix. Then I buy the darkest chocolate available and the smallest quantity I can find.
  • YarinaB73
    YarinaB73 Posts: 11 Member
    Water or hot (caffeine-free) tea. I will also chew gum which is probably not the best idea, but if it keeps a brownie out of my mouth... I also do not shut myself off from sweets completely. My head would probably explode if I eliminated chocolate from my diet. I have a sweet tooth the size of Texas, but attempt to keep it under control. :smile:
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    Try a tablespoon of peanut butter with a handful of raisins.. eat them together. I actually love this snack and it's better then eating empty calories.
  • EatingRight123
    what to cope with?

    portion control.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I start my day off with a high protein breakfast. I feel full and have less cravings (than if I would have had toast and fruit... or cereal. )

    Peanut butter is awesome.

    One way I control cravings is by limiting my sugar, or trying to have as little added sugars as possible. Eating a healthy balanced diet *lots of whole grains, veggies, healthy fats, etc.

    Good luck... Sweet cravings are hard sometimes. It's mind over matter.
  • sgv0918
    sgv0918 Posts: 851 Member
    portion control, more exercise to offset, or alternative snack. But when I hardcore crave it, I eat it
  • catinohio
    catinohio Posts: 82 Member
    Try a tablespoon of peanut butter with a handful of raisins.. eat them together. I actually love this snack and it's better then eating empty calories.

    Great suggestion!
    I'm satisfying my sweet tooth with gummy vitamins & JuicePlus chewables.
  • NocturnalGirl
    Will power, do you really need it? Or, fit it into your calories and macros and enjoy!
  • Trickybird
    Trickybird Posts: 23 Member
    I have had no sugar in almost 5 weeks and frankly this shocks even me! Mostly I see it for the fat that it is, as opposed to the yumminess! I also remember that for me, it will set off the craving for more and I never know when I will reel it in again. Maybe one day I will learn portion control but not yet.
  • bullisnn82
    I learned a long time ago not to deny myself the things I really want cuz it ALWAYS backfired and turned into me eating almost all of it in one night saying "I'll be good tomorrow, but today I don't care!" Now I just have a small amount, whatever fits into my calorie needs for the day. Sometimes hard candy is really helpful if you suck on it for a long time, because it makes you feel like you had more sugar than you did. Sometimes the individually wrapped chocolate stuff (kisses, york patties, etc) are good a couple here and there so I don't feel deprived. Once in a while a good cup of hot chocolate makes me feel better, too (and the good thing is, if you make it with Ovaltine the mix is only about 40 calories, so it's not going to ruin your diet)
  • Hawnpunch22
    That's a tough one. I have a sweet tooth too and it's gotten to the point where I will avoid areas in the office I know leave the sweets out. For me, I'll have a little bit of whatever is there just to satisfy my taste buds without satisfying my stomach. Then I'll fill up on fruits and water later. But my mind always seems to be ok having had that flavor trigger hit.
  • fanarad
    fanarad Posts: 97 Member
    Hi Folks! My downfall is usually something sweet or carby, especially if the boss brings in muffins to the meeting, or there's sweets served after dinner at the friend's house. What coping mechanisms do you use that help you steer clear of temptation?

    I really like cutting an apple in slices, sprinkling cinnamon on it and cooking it in the microwave - it comes out like apple pie filling!
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    Avoid it! I find I have a hard time stopping with just one or a small portion, so I avoid it all together. Then replace with fruit, yummy and good for you. Finally, I like to reward myself with a 100 calorie ice cream treat at the end of the day. I like Aldi's Fit & Active ice creams personally. Good price, low calorie, and tasty, too.
  • MySunshine76
    If you want it bad it. But there will be consequences.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Ever since I quit drinking my sweet tooth is out of control. Chocolate is the lesser of two evils for me so I've simply learned to fit the sweets into my macro's. I ate a snickers bar today and 3 meals and another snack and still met my goals of 1300 calories and I didn't exercise today, I hit my macro's as well. You can fit these things in if you prelog everything else and engage in portion control! Also on my rest days I'm sometimes allow myself to go over because I rarely eat more then 1/3rd of my exercise calories back. If it's a special occasion like an office party or whatever then I just splurge let myself have a cheat day and go for an extra long run that day or the next day
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    I used to allow myself one sweet thing a day, then extended it to two - one for morning tea and the other either in the afternoon or evening. I would choose a few sweets OR a piece of cake, sometimes cut in two and split over the day OR a biscuit. This worked a treat. I have been struggling a bit lately but then I haven't been home to do the baking LOL. I have fruit whenever I want it as I consider it natural sugar and at this stage I'm more concerned with getting added sugar under control.

    I allow for my sweet tooth as above, in my daily calories.

    GOOD LUCK!!! :bigsmile:
  • btracy01
    If your craving chocolate, get some chocolate kisses, they only have about 20 calories each. Or some life cereal with cinnamin and unsweetened almond milk ( really sweet, all together about 140 calories) yumms :D Leave some room in your diet to treat yourself, if you don't you'll crave it more and over eat it... trust me O.o
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    you can have sweets, just don't over eat and over indulge. moderation and portion control, and it shouldn't be a problem.
    i like to freeze fresh fruit as a nice cold sweet treat, if you are trying to avoid that stuff. someone mentioned the fiber one brownies as well, those are not bad.
  • dnmoorer
    dnmoorer Posts: 11 Member
    I eat one 100 calorie sweet a day around lunchtime or early afternoon when my metabolism is the highest... I think. lol Anyway it made it easy to stay away from the cupcakes in the breakroom. I just work it into my calorie allotment. I don't deprive myself even a day and I have lost 20 pounds in a month and a half.