Should I really feel THIS quilty?!

So I stepped on the scale this morning, even t hough I had originially planned for friday being my weigh in day. Since this is my first week on MFP and I've felt so good about it I was anxious to see what the results would be. Anyway... I was down 2 lbs since Saturday! Yippee right?! Well I had a mini bagel for breakfast and headed to the hospital to see the doctor I observed last summer and the medical student whom i've become friends with... i ended up sticking around long enough for lunch and since she was gracious enough to take her car i let her pick where we ate for lunch :( We ate at this little mom and pop diner/hole in the wall and of course the healthy choices were non existent, even the salads had fries in them kind of place. I ended up having a "grilled" ham and cheese sandwich with potato wedges. I stopped eating when I felt full which was half the sandwich and half the wedges so I didn't feel too bad about it but then she wanted to go get ice cream and it's kind of our thing... there is this great little shop with lots of vera bradley purses and of course the ice cream. I only had one scoop in a regular cone but I feel SO guilty. It's even worse that I can't really count my calories to get any kind of assessment of what the damage is! I'm stuck at home with no car so i can only go back on our half broken gazelle and get a workout in which probably won't do as much as I need. But I'll also have to have a near to nothing dinner, maybe just a fiber or protein bar and feel bad about it the rest of the day! Should I really feel this guilty, does anyone else ever have this problem, if so what do you do in situations like this?!


  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I usually really push myself hard on thursday to ensure a successful weigh in in friday and then I take it somewhat easy on myself for a day and a half or so and so far this has not presented a problem.

    To me the whole point of "slow and steady wins the race" is to be able to indulge occasionally and continue to enjoy the nicer things in life including good food.

    I try to keep in mind that skinny people indugle occasionally but then they get themselves in check. That's why they're skinny.
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    No, no and no. Don't beat yourself up! Sometimes you're going to eat some things that may or may not 'agree' with your diet. But consider this. What if you completely and ALWAYS deprived yourself? It's going to make those moments when your friend brings in a box of chocolates that much more difficult, honestly. I think a big part of this program is to teach yourself good eating and portion habits. It won't happen overnight. I, personally, learn from making a mistake now and then.
  • Moneygrow3
    You should not feel that guilty!! You have to live your life!! And part of this MFP journey is to realize how to do that sensibly!! WE ALL have days like that!! It happens!!! Don't sweat it too much!!! Get back on track tomorrow and don't stress!!! (that makes it worse!!! )
  • marjaskow
    marjaskow Posts: 81
    NO you should not feel so guilty. A little guilt will help you get back on track, but if you never go off and enjoy a little here & there you will feel deprived or like you are on a diet, instead of making lifestyle changes that you can live with. Have your fun once in awhile and just get right back to what is right for you as soon as possible.
  • Desiderata
    ive definitely had days like this. when i cant calculate the calories, i try to find the closest thing on MFP archive. and be honest. its better to overestimate than underestimate.

    The second step i take is trying to do any physical activity i can. if you cant get to the gym, and youre gazelle is a piece of crap, why not try going for a jog outside? while listening to music, jogging isnt so bad as you may think.

    You could also do some ab and butt workouts, easy stuff you can do in your living room.

    Lastly, since it was a filling meal, dont snack or eat unless you are actually hungry. Just because its dinner time, doesnt mean you have to eat. and make sure than you make a healthy choice the next time something goes into your mouth.

    dont sweat it. its worse to kick yourself for your mistakes than to move o and accept it. you cant change it, so try to do your best next time and work off at least some of the caloric damage. thats what i do :)

    and next time, try packing a lunch, or always having some fruit with you so you have something healthy to eat. that way, if you HAVE to order something, you can have the apple you brought, plus something small at the restaurant. (the apple will fill you up a bit)
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Nope. Don't feel guilty. :) Just do what you can for a workout. Do some jumping jacks to get your heart pumping and do some squats, lunges, crunches, push ups...the normal stuff you don't need a gym for. :) Go for a walk or a jog/run if you can. Dance. Anything to get your heart going and to use your muscles!
  • sendmoretigers
    everyone indulges or makes the occasional decision that is out of whack with what they're trying to accomplish but you shouldn't stress about it. fall off horse, get back on horse, repeat as necessary. being healthy and taking steps towards that goal are great but developing an unhealthy fixation on it isn't a good thing. realistically, being happy with your life is the goal. how healthy is it if you lose all the weight you want to but are obsessive/neurotic about food and eating? obsession, deprivation and denial don't fit into a healthy lifestyle any better than being overweight does. the pleasures of food and eating are important to a happy, healthy life, much more so than crunching numbers and statistics. don't go overboard one way or the other...
  • jessw86
    jessw86 Posts: 29
    Thanks guys! Glad I'm not alone on this one. I guess it's okay to realize your mistakes that way you can fix them. But you're right I shouldn't beat myself up over it. Tomorrow is another day, heck still a lot of today left and time to burn some calories and make good choices! THANKS again!
  • babsmeakin
    Guilt is useless so dump it. I know how you feel though. If I'm honest what I'd be saying to myself is that week one is a little early to "celebrate" though. I would just accept that thought, and move on. I don't know about others, but beating myself up just makes me want to eat LOL! But honest assessment might help you make different choices in the future. Of course, I don't know what those choices could be 'cos I'm still trying to figure out this thing called life too! Chin up and move on!!
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I wouldn't feel guilty. Sometimes you get off track. Just get back on track tomorrow. :-) It is the getting back on track that matters.
  • jessw86
    jessw86 Posts: 29
    Oh trust me if I'd had done this week one of the change I wouldn't have been anywhere close to celebrating! It has only been one week on MFP but I started my lifestyle change the first of February and I've lost 10 lbs since then and have been dedicated to eating healthy and going to the gym 3 to 5 times a week. The first few weeks of February were definitely bumpy and I had lots of getting back on track days... I think thats why I felt so guilty this time because since then I really have stuck to it through thick and thin. Even when I've been out before I've been able to choose the low fat meals or under 550 cal meals and choose the chicken and veggies or shrimp instead of something with lots of carbs but this time I felt a lil helpless. Either way putting the past behind me and moving on :)