Starting Over...

I am a 47 year old woman (that is hard to see in print). I have yo-yoed for years..decades. In my twenties I could run 5-7 miles per day and be ready to take on the world. I was slender and in great shape. Even in my thirties I could hold my own but noticed losing weight and keeping it off was becoming quite a battle. Now in my forties I had all but given up. I looked in the mirror one day and, with tears in my eyes, asked myself who that person was looking back at me. I found myself hating to go shopping because I had grown from a slender size 10 to an uncomfortable size 18! I was depressed at how my once slim and athletic body had become shapeless and flabby. Where did 'I' go? To make matters worse, my 17 year old daughter had asked me to participate as a subject in a science project for her Senior Science Fair. The question: What effect would a fresh fruit, fresh vegetable, lean meat diet have on overall health?. We both got baseline labs obtained by our family md and my results were very scary. I am a registered nurse and knew better than to let things get so out of control. My cholesterol was over 390! A week and a half ago, my daughter and I began to put the new lifestyle into play. We have both been very strict about the rules. No dairy, no fried anything, no sugar, only lean meats which includes chicken breast, turkey breast, venison, or fish, no added fats other than olive oil, and absolutely no artificial sweeteners. Stevia is acceptable. I have been amazed that we have so far been able to adhere to the rules. I even went to my sisters today and helped her bake Christmas cookies and make candies and didn't eat a single bite of any of it!

It is time for a change and I can't wait to see the old me reemerge!! I will continue to post my ups and downs and my struggles that I am sure I will have to deal with. Tip number one I have learned: Keep fresh fruit and vegetables on hand at all times to satisfy any sudden urges to eat unhealthy foods.

Wish me luck!!


  • shepram50
    shepram50 Posts: 27 Member
    Good luck to u and your daughter. Welcome ;)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    A week and a half ago, my daughter and I began to put the new lifestyle into play. We have both been very strict about the rules. No dairy, no fried anything, no sugar, only lean meats which includes chicken breast, turkey breast, venison, or fish, no added fats other than olive oil, and absolutely no artificial sweeteners. Stevia is acceptable. I have been amazed that we have so far been able to adhere to the rules. I even went to my sisters today and helped her bake Christmas cookies and make candies and didn't eat a single bite of any of it!

    It is time for a change and I can't wait to see the old me reemerge!! I will continue to post my ups and downs and my struggles that I am sure I will have to deal with. Tip number one I have learned: Keep fresh fruit and vegetables on hand at all times to satisfy any sudden urges to eat unhealthy foods.

    Wish me luck!!

    You have a fine beginning, but I hope you'll be able to become more flexible as time goes along. I went on a long ago diet that took the pounds off but was very restrictive. I couldn't eat many of my favorite foods. After time passed, I began to regain my lost weight because I'd relaxed my control and was eating too much of the things I loved. This time around I am still eating everything I love and want. I just measure it, weigh it, and count the calories. I'm eating smaller portions, but I have lots of energy and I'm happy. I don't feel any sense of deprivation. I'm trying to train myself to a new, healthier life that lets me use portion control to eat the things I love without eating too many calories. The people and features of this site are unbelievably supportive and helpful. Finding myfitnesspal is very good luck. I hope you're successful.
  • Pema10
    Pema10 Posts: 13
    Great start! Much success to you!
  • tjm1436
    Thank you so much. I know this is probably the toughest time of year to crack down but it must be done.
  • tanyaslosingit
    tanyaslosingit Posts: 178 Member
    I can completely relate to this! I am the same age and also experienced that horrible experience of not recognizing myself in the mirror. Always thin (to the point of looking sick or anorexic) I gained a lot of weight in a short period of time and started getting sick. This was the year I seized The Stranger (me) by the metaphorical throat and decided to take charge...

    But this isn't about me, it's about you! Congratulations on your first steps. If you would like support/encouragement, please don't hesitate to send a friend request :-)

    You can do this!