128 Lbs to Lose



  • cairns19
    Hi. I just started today too. I need to lose 75 pounds. Let's DO THIS!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Welcome Tonya, we are so happy to have you! And I am living proof that it CAN BE DONE! Stick with us, baby, and we will get you there!
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    You can do this! When I started losing weight at the beginning of this year, I had almost 160lbs to lose. It can seem overwhelming when you have this much weight to lose but I recommend that you don't focus on the big picture but make small, attainable goals (like 10 lbs at a time) so that you can feel like you are accomplishing something. That is what I have done and I have lost 72 lbs since Jan. It can be done. Good luck on your journey. We are all here for you to offer encouragement and support.
  • Tonnenator
    Tonnenator Posts: 71 Member
    WOW! I cannot believe how supportive you all are! I don't get on here much but I need to now! You all have made my day! Thank you!
  • Tonnenator
    Tonnenator Posts: 71 Member
    Oh and hey ---- guess what? The 8 is gone bye bye now! :D All I lave left now is the 1, the 2 and the 0!
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    Please feel free to add me as well :smile: I'm a curvy girl as well, trying to keep all the right curves and shrink the one's that need it.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I got to 52 and felt like that too. I decided to try something different. I would exercise and not diet. I would say yes to exercise and never say no. Unfortunately I found out it worked. I thought it wouldn't. I started out a 2 30 minute sessions a week. It took me a year to work up to where I am now. I work out 4-5 60 sessions a week.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Tonya. I'm 39 and I'm a Type 2 diabetic who has 128 pounds to lose. It has always seemed no matter what I do that I cannot lose weight, so we'll see how well I do with MyFitnessPal!

    Hi. I'm Cindy. I'm a type 1 diabetic and I joined MFP looking to lose 127 pounds and I've lost 110 so far. MFP is a great "tool" in the weight loss arsenal. You're more than welcome to add me, I'm a good buddy.
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Hey there I have about 150 to loose so feel free to add me, were all in the same boat here and once you get a good group of friends behind you on MFP then its so much easier to keep going.
  • oukils
    oukils Posts: 20
    Hi! I'm new here too. I would like to lose 100 pounds too :( seems like a huge challenge but I love this message board. Keep going!