Back on track!

Starting Friday, I'm going to get back on track with the rest of my weight loss. I was doing so good, and I have no idea what happend. It's been too long and I've forgotten all the things I've learned. I'm looking forward to getting it off for good but hoping the motivation is there like it was last time.

Since its been so long, I don't really have any communication with all of those I was "friends" with before, so if you are highly motivated "friend" me. I could use ALL the help. Especially if your 5'7", currently 160 lbs and looking to loose 20 lbs. My "twins" helped alot last time.


  • Welcome back!!

    I am just "back" too... Just like you I don't know what made me take a break but I did.

    I have a couple of big events coming up and need to get motivated too! :happy:
  • Hi Cmpace!

    Glad to hear that you're getting back on track with your goals! That is secret to overall and continued weight loss! Most everyone falls down, but you are getting back up and that is where the success happens. I've been on this journey for years and I've had periods where there were challenges such as illness, financial etc..., but when you really want something as badly as good health and weight loss it is worth it to overcome even if challenges derail your efforts every now and then! A word of advice, if I may, don't look back at things you can't change only look forward to that which you can and you will succeed! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Welcome back again. Great choice. I too was doing well and then fell off. Back on again for about 2 months and determined to stay. This time it's different. Exercising AND eating very healthy. Good luck with your healthy journey!
  • cmpace
    cmpace Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks all! Looking forward to weighing in tomorrow (I think I'm looking forward to it) so I can get going again!
  • mvtck
    mvtck Posts: 5
    I am just getting back on track and 5' 7" and 160lbs and want to drop 20-25 pds. Let's do this!!
  • fortynow
    fortynow Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome back! This is my first time trying to diet in my life, so if your looking for a buddy I am here. You can do it! Good luck to you and everyone!!
  • My name is Yvette better known as "Good Girl" I have been off and on trying to lose 50 for ever. Last month was the first time I made a quality decision to really stick to it because time is moving so fast that we have t start somewhere before it gets even harder to keep yourself healthy. I have two beautiful daughters that I want to see accomplish much in life so my girls and my family is my motivation because they are so dear to me. Let keep it up and take a day at a time.