Cheat Meal?

Hey, I am new to MFP - so this topic might have been brought up before - but do you allow yourself a cheat meal every week? Just curious to see if this works/doesn't work for people. Thanks.


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    This is entirely personal preference.

    As a general rule, if your cheat meal increases your adherence to your diet then it can be an effective method. I wouldn't recommend it as a blanket statement for everyone.

    (Obviously, you still need to remain in a calorie deficit over time, and a cheat meal does add additional calories. From an energy standpoint this can add up if you're reckless -- but if it makes you stick to your diet then booya).
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Generally speaking, I think they're a bad idea for people that have large appetites. I can easily blow a week's worth of progress in half a day of uncontrolled eating. A much better route is to eat moderate amounts of food you enjoy every day.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    I allow myself a meal that would sometimes not be healthy, but still ending the day below my TDEE if possible.. Think of it more as a change to your life, and not a diet with a set time frame.
  • kokoforskinny
    kokoforskinny Posts: 91 Member
    I think if you pick a day ahead of time to do a cheat meal then pick the meal. Make it work into your calorie intake and if it don't make sure you go to the gym. Don't look at what you are doing as a "diet" look at it has changing your life and making it healthier. This being said I would say go ahead but make sure you plan accordingly.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I agree with the guys above. Definitely a personal preference.

    It is simply another tool to keep you on track as needed.

    There are some arguments to be made regarding hormone regulation and cheat meals, but I only recently been looking into that area in great detail so I am not the best person to say firmly yes or no.

    If it works for you, keeps you on track, then the small set back is nothing.
  • Sujit8383
    Sujit8383 Posts: 726 Member
    i eat like anything arnd 2500-3000...............including cheats sometimes which increases my daily cal intake a lot...........but i compensate it by burning like 1500-3000 in gym no worries.......
    better u burn those extra cheat cals by gentle walk arnd...........hope it helps.........:smile::wink:
  • db1106
    db1106 Posts: 42
    As long as it fits within your weekly macros, go ahead.

    But I do not see a reason to diet all week long at say a 500 calorie reduction for 6 days a week only to eat at a surplus of 3000 calories for one day for a cheat day. You will never lose weight this way.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    This is entirely personal preference.

    As a general rule, if your cheat meal increases your adherence to your diet then it can be an effective method. I wouldn't recommend it as a blanket statement for everyone.

    (Obviously, you still need to remain in a calorie deficit over time, and a cheat meal does add additional calories. From an energy standpoint this can add up if you're reckless -- but if it makes you stick to your diet then booya).

    if you're new, listen to this guy.

    well, hell, if you're not? still. listen to this guy.
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    In the past, with yo-yo dieting, I would allow myself "days off" or "cheat meals". I lost the weight all right....and then it found me again and clung even tighter.

    This go round I'm changing my mentality about food and trying to learn how to be healthy so that I can enjoy a long life. In order to do that I don't want to feel like I'm "on a diet" that gives the impression that it is something I will be going "off", which isn't the case.

    So, right now I am logging and tracking and eating at a deficit every day, and learning which foods keep me full, learning their "values" in terms of calories etc.

    But, I'm not eliminating foods from my diet.

    Yesterday I wanted bacon - so I threw some on my mini-bagel with tomato. I was still under my daily target.

    The other week-end my husband and I had a date night - I ordered a cosmopolitan martini, and we shared an appetizer platter of spring rolls, mozza sticks, naan bread with hummus, and chicken fingers. I walked an extra 2o minutes on the treadmill that day, and ate back 1/2 of those calories. I was still under my daily target.

    So, if you need a "cheat meal" to feel like you aren't suffering then I suggest you plan it out, and fit it into your daily target. You are teaching yourself how to live a balanced life.
  • woodsy0912
    I will sometimes go over my limit maybe once every other week or so but I never let it go above my TDEE. And when I know that I might do over on a certain day, I try to exercise more that day to make it fit in with my limit.
  • db1106
    db1106 Posts: 42

    Yesterday I wanted bacon - so I threw some on my mini-bagel with tomato. I was still under my daily target.

    Eat lots of bacon. Next to coconut oil and eggs, I always have at least 2lbs of bacon in my fridge at all times. :smile:
  • kadarina
    I don't allow the cheat to be an entire meal. For example, I hang out with my girlfriends on Thursday nights and we take turns cooking. I know ahead of time if its a friend who doesn't exactly cook lightly that I eat something small before I go and allow the "cheat" to be the desert since all of my girlfriends are wonderful bakers. If the dessert is something that is not worth the extra calories I will allow a dessert cheat another night. You can always tailor your "cheats" to your cravings. I don't crave salty foods so I can stay on track as long as there isn't a pint of Ben and Jerry's in the freezer :-)
  • allstarlolo
    Thanks for all the feedback everyone - I will have to figure out what works best for me to keep me on track! And BACON? I am being encouraged to eat bacon? Twist my arm.
  • madlibscholar
    madlibscholar Posts: 30 Member
    I agree with everyone who said personal preference. I don't intentionally 'cheat' as I don't consider any food 'bad'. Tonight we had fish and chips for supper, mainly because my family routine was a bit nutty this evening and I didn't feel like making the effort. I ate a small portion, enjoyed it, and it did bring me over my calories a bit for today, but I was under my goal yesterday and have a workout planned for tomorrow, so it will even out. I won't use it as an excuse to eat 'whatever' for the rest of the was one meal. I think if you can have a meal that's a bit 'off plan' once and while without going completely crazy and binge eating for a whole day, then it's really just all part of a healthy lifestyle.
  • steph2484
    steph2484 Posts: 4 Member
    I have only been using MFP consistantly since 11/26.... I ran into this situation today. A co worker is retiring and bought pizza and casaer salad for everyone. MFP saved my day! I was going to have a piece of pizza until i pulled MFP up to check on calories. I brought my lunch and it consisted of spaghetti, corn and cottage cheese. After calculating the calories i found out that I could have my whole lunch plus the salad, or for the same number of calories I could have had my cottage cheese and a piece of pizza. This made my decision much easier and I feel more motivated for making the healthier choice!