30 Day Shred - for 30 Days

Okay, so i've tried 30 day shred before but quit after a few days in - you know, right when the pain sets in...

HOWEVER, I'm officially committing to the next 30 days, 10 days on each level, and I'll report back every day. Anyone want in with me?

I think i'm going to try 3lb weights tomorrow and maybe alternate until i'm strong enough to keep it up with 5lbs. I started today and MAN my arms and quads already feel wobbly!


  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Make sure you take rest days. Don't do it for 30 straight days. Even Jillian talks about the importance of rest days. I did it a few months ago. Good luck :happy:
  • rkascak
    rkascak Posts: 224 Member
    I just started the 30 Day Shred. I am on day 3. I was going to bump it up a level every 10 days. My arms and legs are hurting and i do think that rest days are important, but I dont want it to hinder my progress,. But i think i will rest if I really feel like i have to
  • krl523
    krl523 Posts: 53
    Count me in!! I am like you...started and stopped after a few days! 10 days on each level sounds great!! Now are we doing it everyday, or having a break in the week? I think it should be done everyday to create the habit, especially since its only 25 mins:)
  • krl523
    krl523 Posts: 53
    Oh I used 5lb weights....
  • tvgal
    tvgal Posts: 87
    Sweet krl!

    I'm going to put in 30 days total - not necessarily consecutively. If i'm hurting too much i'll rest, promise ;) But I'm going to try my best to do it everyday. we can do this!
  • Brittany_Kayy
    Brittany_Kayy Posts: 262 Member
    I just started, well I've been on Level 1 9 days tomorrow is my last day on Level 1 then Monday I start up Level 2!!
    I'm so excited and love the program!
  • jbk014
    jbk014 Posts: 4
    I'm doing How to Win by Losing...she's tough! I had the hardest time making it through the whole thing!