Anyone out there have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Hey ladies! This question is for you.
I have PCOS, have for about 7 years. In that time period I have gained and gained and gained.
The only times I have lost weight are from adderall while in school, but that's another story.
Anyway, have any of you with PCOS found it super hard to lose weight, especially around the mid-section?

I would love to find some other PCOS ladies out there to be friends with!


  • frog8381
    frog8381 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey ladies! This question is for you.
    I have PCOS, have for about 7 years. In that time period I have gained and gained and gained.
    The only times I have lost weight are from adderall while in school, but that's another story.
    Anyway, have any of you with PCOS found it super hard to lose weight, especially around the mid-section?

    I would love to find some other PCOS ladies out there to be friends with!

    Yeah, I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism about 17 years ago. Losing weight is quite difficult, but not impossible. Feel free to add me :)
  • I have PCOS. Hoping the weight around my middle won't be too hard to shift!

    Although I have PCOS I am fat because I ate too much junk and did no exercise .... for years! Working on being healthy now.
  • Hey ladies! This question is for you.
    I have PCOS, have for about 7 years. In that time period I have gained and gained and gained.
    The only times I have lost weight are from adderall while in school, but that's another story.
    Anyway, have any of you with PCOS found it super hard to lose weight, especially around the mid-section?

    I would love to find some other PCOS ladies out there to be friends with!

    Yeah, I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism about 17 years ago. Losing weight is quite difficult, but not impossible. Feel free to add me :)

    My mom wants me to get my thyroid checked also as she has hypothyroidism too. I have lost 3 lbs so far, but I know it will get more challenging as time goes on. added =)
  • I have PCOS. Hoping the weight around my middle won't be too hard to shift!

    Although I have PCOS I am fat because I ate too much junk and did no exercise .... for years! Working on being healthy now.

    let's hope it goes easily for both of us! I have always ate somewhat healthy, but had issues with binging on unhealthy stuff. I am not sure if having pcos could be related to me being insulin resistant also. I know that my metformin treats both though
  • plantgrrl
    plantgrrl Posts: 436 Member
    Yes. Women with PCOS have a 50% higher likelihood of having some form of insulin resistance. My BFF and I both have PCOS.
  • huskerscooby85
    huskerscooby85 Posts: 103 Member
    I have PCOS as well and I struggle with wieght loss as well. Everyone on here can add me.
  • Yes. Women with PCOS have a 50% higher likelihood of having some form of insulin resistance. My BFF and I both have PCOS.

    hmm that is interesting. I got diagnosed with insulin resistance first, and a few years later had horrible ovary pain and got diagnosed with pcos. At least metformin treats both so I don't have to take more than one med though
  • jesroxy
    jesroxy Posts: 5 Member
    Hello ladies! I was just diagnosed with PCOS this afternoon. My GYN highly recommends that I start following a diabetic's diet to help offset the effects of PCOS. On a friend's recommendation, I watch the Engine 2 Diet film to help gather ideas for food (since I'm already a vegetarian). I'm hoping to speak with a nutritionist soon to see what exactly I need to limit etc. If anyone has any good tip feel free to share. And feel free to add me.
  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    Hey ladies! This question is for you.
    I have PCOS, have for about 7 years. In that time period I have gained and gained and gained.
    The only times I have lost weight are from adderall while in school, but that's another story.
    Anyway, have any of you with PCOS found it super hard to lose weight, especially around the mid-section?

    I would love to find some other PCOS ladies out there to be friends with!
    Hey I've had PCOS for 9 years now! Luckily I dont put on much around the Waist area) but I put on a lot on my lowers and hips! Would love to add you on! And keep track! For PCOS everyone says its essential to lose weight but I keep losing inches and hardly lose weight! Any kind of info or help would be good!
  • Lauralei36
    Lauralei36 Posts: 61 Member
    I've had PCOS for almost 20 years. I'm overweight now, have been obese at times and that is with working at it. It's harder for us, but not impossible to maintain a healthy weight.
  • KevinsCatie
    KevinsCatie Posts: 137 Member
    My mom has had PCOS for pretty much my whole life, and has always been heavy. She lost about 60 lbs doing weight wathcers but gained it back when she got pregnant and subsequently had a miscarriage. After that she really wanted to have another baby so she went on Medifast and dropped 97lbs! The medifast is really expensive though.
  • boxem180
    boxem180 Posts: 63 Member
    I was diagnosed this summer but can remember the symptoms starting when I was around 18. I'm on Metformin (XR 1500 once a day) and follow a low carb diet. Feel free to add me.
  • jopipa1
    jopipa1 Posts: 12 Member
    I have PCOS and yes weight (scale-wise) does come off harder but I've noticed that long cardio/aerobic/kickboxing helps lose it better than short exercises, it actually shapes you up before you notice significant weightloss...but if you don't keep up with your exercise and nutrition you'll put it right back (like most people). It happened to me and I noticed that most of the weight I put back on went straight to my midsection again.
    For me, things like Zumba and Turbo Fire work wonders...just on my waist line, I lost 4inches in one month :)
    Also, I got recommended to stay away from bad carbs as much as possible and to eat lots of leafy greens :)
  • I have PCOS but have managed to keep my weight under control. Although I do have to work hard and it can sometimes be a struggle. The key really is to stay active. Feel free to add me :)
  • I've had PCOS for about 9 years now, along with insulin resistance....I HATE THEM BOTH! (sorry for that outburst!) I have been doing really well for 6 weeks, I track everything, only each 1400 calories a day (what MFP tells me) and I do Zumba 3 times a week. In 6 weeks, I have lost NOTHING! It is very fustrating with PCOS and weight loss, I just think of it as not gaining which is so easy for us ladies! Feel free to add me! Maybe in numbers, we can change PCOS!
  • I was diagnosed this summer but can remember the symptoms starting when I was around 18. I'm on Metformin (XR 1500 once a day) and follow a low carb diet. Feel free to add me.

    Do you find taht 1500 of Metformin has heped with weight loss? I take 1000mg (before the XR was available, metformin really messed up my stomach) but I have heard that uping the dose to 1500 helps with weight? Any thougths?

  • LuvHinesWard86
    LuvHinesWard86 Posts: 104 Member
    I was finally diagnosed with PCOS in 2002 when I was struggling to get preg. I've always had a weight issue. Feel free to add me.
  • changing_becca
    changing_becca Posts: 6 Member
    I was diagnosed five years ago when my husband and I decided to try and have a family. Turned out I was insulin resistant and my testosterone was almost triple what it should have been not to mention extremely over weight, obese even i guess. I started metformin and lost my first 15lbs. pretty quick and got pregnant. Then everything slowed down and I have slowly managed to lose 40lbs. total. Now I am really struggling, and it is so much harder to see any change. I am actually starting to put some back on so I really need some encouragement. I haven't added any friends yet, so if any of you would like to feel free to add me and I would love to give you some support too (:
  • Flossie1981
    Flossie1981 Posts: 160 Member
    I have PCOS, was diagnosed about 3 years ago after having a large cyst removed. Have been overweight since I was 19 (am now 31) and really struggle to lose it.
  • Touched670
    Touched670 Posts: 97 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in 1998 at which time I weighed over 300 pounds. I took the meds but didn't change my life style...A few years ago, I quit the meds (not recommended) and starting exercising and counting calories. I have lost 60 pounds. I still have almost 100 to go but I find that the birth control pills regulate my periods and exercising and counting calories is taking care of the rest. Of course the first thing the doctor recommended was 'losing some weight' I'm off to a good start. The other symptoms are very minor at this point....good luck to you ladies...
    It is a hard road but it can be done...just stay determined to beat it!!!