Any pregnant gals out there?



  • tattedchic
    tattedchic Posts: 66 Member
    I just found out I'm pregnant! Luckily I'm in the best shape of my life right now, I just hope I can keep up my workout routine at the gym. I was lifting heavy so now I'm nervous to lift too much weight, I'll have to clear everything with my doctor next week. I'm a little bummed that I was *this* close to seeing my 6 pack, but I'm happy to have a healthy pregnancy. :)
  • nursenikki829
    nursenikki829 Posts: 432 Member
    I just found out I'm pregnant! Luckily I'm in the best shape of my life right now, I just hope I can keep up my workout routine at the gym. I was lifting heavy so now I'm nervous to lift too much weight, I'll have to clear everything with my doctor next week. I'm a little bummed that I was *this* close to seeing my 6 pack, but I'm happy to have a healthy pregnancy. :)

    I was lifting heavy too, but when you are pregnant, the hormone relaxin causes your joints to loosen (causing instability), so to prevent injury, the best thing to do is decrease weight and increase reps. Just listen to your body! And congrats and your pregnancy!!!
  • Hello expecting mummies! :-)

    I'm currently 13+2 and I've been so lucky so far, no sickness at all, not a lot of tiredness, just a lot of constipation! (Sorry for TMI!) this is my first too so not sure what to expect from pregnancy!

    I'm struggling with my weight, my exercise regime has totally changed seen as I was told that I could only walk.... :-/ I've gained 5lbs sine I got pregnant, I went from 128lbs to 132lbs (I'm 5'3)

    Has anyone else been told not to exercise? I'm really finding it hard!

    Good luck everyone, and please feel free to add me at anytime! I love chatting with other pregnant women!

    I would maybe get a second opinion. Was there a reason you were told not to? I did some research and it seems nowadays it's recommended to continue exercise you're accustomed to.

    I have just found out I'm pregnant! I plan to continue a healthy lifestyle through my pregnancy.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Hello expecting mummies! :-)

    I'm currently 13+2 and I've been so lucky so far, no sickness at all, not a lot of tiredness, just a lot of constipation! (Sorry for TMI!) this is my first too so not sure what to expect from pregnancy!

    I'm struggling with my weight, my exercise regime has totally changed seen as I was told that I could only walk.... :-/ I've gained 5lbs sine I got pregnant, I went from 128lbs to 132lbs (I'm 5'3)

    Has anyone else been told not to exercise? I'm really finding it hard!

    Good luck everyone, and please feel free to add me at anytime! I love chatting with other pregnant women!

    I would maybe get a second opinion. Was there a reason you were told not to? I did some research and it seems nowadays it's recommended to continue exercise you're accustomed to.

    I have just found out I'm pregnant! I plan to continue a healthy lifestyle through my pregnancy.

    Ask your doctor why they don't want you to exercise. My midwife has been very encouraging for me to continue exercising, but I'm also a low-risk pregnancy with no complications sofar.
  • belberryhill
    belberryhill Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so excited there are so many pregnant mfp users out there! Very encouraging!
  • I am 13 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I have been attempting very badly to continue with slimming world while pregnant but haven't suceeded. Today is the first day I have so far - it is nearly 8pm so fingers crossed!
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
    I have a friend that lost to get pregnant (with MFP) and once pregnant the doctor recommended her calorie intake at each appt and she stuck with mfp so that she would ONLY gain what was neccessary. She is having the BABY today and last time I saw her a week or so ago she looked great! So healthy and not miserable like I did with my 2 pregnancies.
  • Hey ladies :D I am 15 weeks along and noticed the scale has already gone up about 5 pounds. Its hard to gain weight even though you know your pregnant and its healthy and okay, but I'm still worried that it will get out of control. I LOVE this site! It really helps me put into perspective what I am feeding baby and where I sit with calories. I think from here on out I will gain what I am suppose to and not go over. So glad I found other pregnant women out there who are doing the same :D!!!
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I will be 27 weeks tomorrow. Pretty proud of myself... 6 months pregnant and have only gained 4 pounds.
  • This is my first time posting since I have only been using this site for a week or two. I gotta say it helps to have the community and to see the success stories here. So thanks to all of you who are posting.

    I'm currently 29 weeks preggo and I was overweight when I got pregnant (185). This is also baby #2 for me. I failed my first gestational diabetes test so I decided I'd start doing sculpting exercises to build muscle (because muscle helps metabolize sugar/carbs). I also modified my diet because I knew I was eating too much junk food/sugar. I am using the Butt Bible work out program (20-25 min 4-5x/week) and modifying it for my pregnancy and upping my protein intake. I did the workout for a few days before taking the 3 hour GD test. Thankfully I haven't heard a peep since then from the doctor's office, which means I passed it.

    Using MFP has been a huge help because I see the consequence of what I put in my mouth and it makes me more conscious of food choices. Especially if I get cravings for crappy foods. I have dropped 6 pounds, simply because I'm building muscle and I'm not eating out. Losing weight during pregnancy isn't a bad thing if you're already overweight and have a crappy diet to begin with. If you lose weight by eating clean(er) and ditching the sodas/junk foods - then the baby can only benefit from that.
  • ntsmomma1
    ntsmomma1 Posts: 35 Member
    I am 38 weeks today :)..i haven't been watching my calories to closely but i only eat when hungry and try to stay as hydrated as possible...i tracked my weight the whole time even tho he was/is going up that way i have a more accurate thing on my weight loss journey....i will be breast feeding after he comes so i know that will help me on my healthy diet :)....CONGRATS MOMMIES :D feel free to add me if you would like
  • Melatonin
    Melatonin Posts: 156 Member
    Hey ladies!! Congrats to you all!! I wanted to let you all know that it is possible to have a Fit Pregnancy!!

    I did it!! With working out and eating healthy I was able to keep my gain this last pregnancy to under 25lbs!! Which is great for me since in my first two I gained at least 50!!

    I wanted to offer to you a support group for those that are wanting to be Fit in Pregnancy, its on FB, and you can feel free to add me and I can get you in that group :) Also once you've had your sweet babe, I'll get you over to our Fit in PostPartum group and you can even go on into one of our Fit for Life groups :)

    Here's my profile

    It is possible!!!
    You can also add me here if you'd like!!
  • Lydjoys
    Lydjoys Posts: 5 Member
    I am 20 weeks as of last Sunday. I started out overweight too, but luckily haven't gained TOO much so far. However, due to morning sickness, I had to stop exercising until just recently, so I'm looking forward to trying to get moving again!
  • lemanda
    lemanda Posts: 116 Member
    Im 16 weeks pregnant tomorrow and this weight gain thing is TERRIFYING me! This is my third pregnancy and I gained 45 with the first, and 40 with the second. Aiming to gain between 25-30, but as I've already gained 4-5, depending on the day, that gives me only a pound to gain in in the next 24 weeks. I was 195 when I had my second and thanks to MFP, got down to 139, but have been sitting around 143-145 for basically the last year. I keep my calories set at lose 0.5 a week and although I still track every day, the first 10 weeks were not very good choices. Trying to eat more protein, (midwife recommend 80-100 grams a day) and limit the carbs and sugar. Sugar is the tough one! Halloween was not good and with Christmas coming up- yikes!
    I also read that it isn't necessary to increase calories until the 3rd trimester and I exercise every day. Well, try to. I work nights as well as take care of kids during the day in someone else's home, so its hard to find a time when I am not exhausted.
    Anyone else out there EXTREMELY nervous and anxious about the weight gain thing after almost reaching goal weight before getting pregnant?
  • 1plumpmom
    1plumpmom Posts: 15 Member
    I am 7 weeks. This is baby #7 for me. Its ironic that a friend of mine had her tubes tied 5 years ago and found out that she is also withchild and due the same day as I am. I only got down to 166 since my last child so I have never been this big at my beginning pregnancy. I am usually at about 150 and then just under 200 at delivery. My goal this time is to continue exercising,eating right, and staying active. I do not want to be over 180 when I deliver this child. I know that with the proper motivation I can do this. Good Luck to all of you!!!
  • hojo94
    hojo94 Posts: 140 Member
    I am 28 weeks pregnant... and have been doing well with weight gain, but, at the same time... am worried that after the kiddo comes, I will totally fall off the bus. So, I am trying to get myself back to tracking at doing the things that I know I need to for me. Not gonna lie, excersising, has been a huge down fall, and I have NOT been doing it. I think it is time that I get off my fanny and stop thinking that just cleaning and normal house stuff will cut it. So, I am forcing myself to start logging EVERYTHING again... and I have to work out, starting THIS WEEK... twice this week and next, then bump it up to three times a week. We can do this ladies, right?!
  • lirr10185
    lirr10185 Posts: 37 Member
    I used mfp with my second pregnancy and exercised almost everyday until I had my daughter. I still gained more than I wanted but I still was with in a healthy weight gain range. I did much better than my first pregnancy where I did not track food at all and was a balloon afterwards. Mfp is defiantly a good idea.
  • Loaa
    Loaa Posts: 12 Member
    14 weeks here and gained 2 pounds, its my 3rd pregnancy and I hope I only gain around 9 pounds, I am obese.
    My first pregnancy I gained 30 pounds, second pregnancy I gained 9 pounds so I hoping to do that again but not looking good since 2 pounds already here :(
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    NOT IT!
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    NOT IT!

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