Lost motivation after losing over 590 days...

Yea, you read that right. Over 590 days! :sad:

I didn't even know it happened until I saw on the news feed:

kel7298 has logged in for 5 days. :grumble:

OMG, really!! When? How? Then I remembered! It happened over Thanksgiving weekend. Time had gotten away from me before I finally had a chance to log in after midnight.

Since then my motivation has plunged! I have changed my news feed settings. I don't give props, I barely log my food and exercise. :brokenheart:

Sad what losing that achievement did to me. :frown:


  • Adrian211
    Adrian211 Posts: 52 Member
    First of all congratulations on an awesome feat:) That level of consistency is really remarkable

    Second, you know this is a lifestyle change, and life sometimes gets in the way. My girlfriend went to the Dominican a little while back, and she couldn't log into the website because she didnt have internet access or an international data package. She had previously logged over 250 consecutive days! She was steamed when she got back, but she got over it. You look at the long term habits you're working on and the progress you've made, and ultimately that's more important than some arbitrary number of days you log in.

    Personally I would have thought the lost weight and inches, improvement in self esteem, new wardrobe, and greatly improved health would trump the achievement of how many straight days I logged into the site.
  • Write the administrator. Same thing happened to me, and they restored my days logged in.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Write the administrator. Same thing happened to me, and they restored my days logged in.

    I thought about it, but it was my fault and didn't think it would be fair. Oh well.

    Adrian...your are absolutely right.
  • lambch0ps
    lambch0ps Posts: 79 Member
    I was just about to check on you, but been having trouble logging myself, so I might not be the best motivator right now! But I don't think its seeing the actual number of days that made me lose motivation; after awhile it just gets tiring. After my husband got sick and I didn't log, I realized that logging was an option - I could still stay on track without logging. But then after awhile....duh....I veered off course. So its a chicken or egg kind of thing and the bottom line is logging keeps you on track; but logging gets tedious. I'm still trying to figure out a happy medium. But agree with Adrian - you have accomplishments aplenty and you look fabulous! Keep thinking about what you have done and not about what you have not done (not log for a day, a week? phsssh - what's that compared to 590 days!!!!!)!
  • SarahAFerguson
    SarahAFerguson Posts: 250 Member
    Missing a logging day after getting up past 30 days demotivated me for a bit so I can see why you would be discouraged.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    You didn't lose that achievement. You still accomplished a great run of logging. More than that, you've achieved better fitness. Losing that number hasn't taken anything of real value away from you. You still rock. WELL DONE!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I was just about to check on you, but been having trouble logging myself, so I might not be the best motivator right now! But I don't think its seeing the actual number of days that made me lose motivation; after awhile it just gets tiring. After my husband got sick and I didn't log, I realized that logging was an option - I could still stay on track without logging. But then after awhile....duh....I veered off course. So its a chicken or egg kind of thing and the bottom line is logging keeps you on track; but logging gets tedious. I'm still trying to figure out a happy medium. But agree with Adrian - you have accomplishments aplenty and you look fabulous! Keep thinking about what you have done and not about what you have not done (not log for a day, a week? phsssh - what's that compared to 590 days!!!!!)!

    You hit the nail on the head with that! Definitely need to find my "medium"

    (pulling up my big girl panties and trudging on)
  • YellowRose49
    YellowRose49 Posts: 10 Member
    Oh, kel, I'm so sorry! I did the same thing a few weeks ago when I was sick! Logging in when I couldn't even eat seemed pointless!! If the administrator can restore it then see if they will. I didn't have but a 100 or so.

  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Oh, kel, I'm so sorry! I did the same thing a few weeks ago when I was sick! Logging in when I couldn't even eat seemed pointless!! If the administrator can restore it then see if they will. I didn't have but a 100 or so.


    Thank you ma'am
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    Personally I would have thought the lost weight and inches, improvement in self esteem, new wardrobe, and greatly improved health would trump the achievement of how many straight days I logged into the site.

    This, this, THIS!

    Look at how far you've come. Life trumps a website, every time. What if you lost internet connectivity for a day? Is that going to derail almost two years of an improved lifestyle? And are you going to continue to track every meal for the rest of your life?

    You'll be fine :)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Personally I would have thought the lost weight and inches, improvement in self esteem, new wardrobe, and greatly improved health would trump the achievement of how many straight days I logged into the site.

    This, this, THIS!

    Look at how far you've come. Life trumps a website, every time. What if you lost internet connectivity for a day? Is that going to derail almost two years of an improved lifestyle? And are you going to continue to track every meal for the rest of your life?

    You'll be fine :)

    This AND that! :bigsmile: You really have done amazing, between the not smoking and kicking your own *kitten* with the workouts. You'll get your groove back, and you'll be just fine. :heart:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    Ok listen here,

    you gotta shake that S off! It's an arbitrary number on a weight loss website. It does not define who you are or what you've accomplished!

    I had around 400 some odd days logged. I took one off to prove to myself it didn't matter. That this isn't about numbers or streaks or even MFP. It's about you. Your life. Nothing else matters.

    So get the F up, put one foot in front of the other, and get to the gym!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Is this serious? I don't even have that counter turned on personally. The only thing that tells me is that I eff around too much on the internet.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    So, one day of not logging onto a website and you lost all the motivation you had to log in and continue making progress? It is just a log in day.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Personally I would have thought the lost weight and inches, improvement in self esteem, new wardrobe, and greatly improved health would trump the achievement of how many straight days I logged into the site.

    This, this, THIS!

    Look at how far you've come. Life trumps a website, every time. What if you lost internet connectivity for a day? Is that going to derail almost two years of an improved lifestyle? And are you going to continue to track every meal for the rest of your life?

    You'll be fine :)

    This....I seriously don't get it that a computer can make you "lose motivation"...Are you doing this for yourself or for the praise a dead object gives you automatically?:noway: ....
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    I personally don't feel that I needed a reaming on what SHOULD motivate me thank you. We all have different ways and reasons as to what motivates us. Regardless, I do understand what I have done and accomplished, it's was just great motivation TO ME.

    That said, I will survive and move forward. Most likely a good thing as now I am not a slave to MFP.
  • jodis319
    jodis319 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello, the same thing happened to me a couple months ago and I felt the same way you do. I lost my motivation too, but I think I was slowly losing it before that anyway....I'm still having trouble finding it. Hopefully I will soon :smile: Hopefully you will too...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    I personally don't feel that I needed a reaming on what SHOULD motivate me thank you. We all have different ways and reasons as to what motivates us. Regardless, I do understand what I have done and accomplished, it's was just great motivation TO ME.

    That said, I will survive and move forward. Most likely a good thing as now I am not a slave to MFP.

    The days counter being reset will do nothing to reset all the days of commitment and progress you've made thus far. Just remember that and it's all good.
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    I had a similar letdown, but I had only made it to like 200 days... but then I changed my settings so I don't it doesn't post the "has logged on for "xyz" days" anymore. I realize I didn't need that affirmation, and I didn't want to have it hanging over my head anymore.

    Good luck on getting the motivation back!!