losing fat from elliptical machine

I've been working out in combination with a healthy lifestyle of eating for over a year now and have lost 30 lbs total. I still have about 30-40 more to get to my goal weight though. I seriously hate exercising on a daily basis. I used to play softball so I do have muscle underneath, that was my way of working out and now I do kickboxing,yoga, and the elliptical/stairclimber. I've been using the elliptical 3-5x a week since June and have definitely lost more weight, but I'm at the point where my butt keeps getting smaller/toned. I love my *kitten* how it is right now and I don't want it to shrink any more, my problem areas are stomach and thighs. My quads, calves, and *kitten* are toned from the elliptical but everything else is blah now. I do some strength training for everything else as well. Running kills my ankle and I just don't like it overall even though I know it's probably better for you. =/. I perform way better on the elliptical and work harder on it. (I usually do HIIT, sometimes longer durations, sometimes hill climbing).

I'm kind of down now because using the elliptical is the only way for me to can get an efficient cardio workout, and I dont want my butt to shrink any more but i want to lose fat overall all over my body. How can I continue to elliptical and stairclimb weekly to lose fat? I just want the rest of my body to catch up to the other parts that are toned now, especially stomach. If you have any strength training suggestions let me know as well. Thank you :)


  • bomski99
    bomski99 Posts: 8 Member
    Swimming might be something to try.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    unfortunately you can't spot reduce fat so your fat loss ratios will depend on your genetics
  • krtinich
    krtinich Posts: 3 Member
    Have you tried weight training? I was having the same problem and was sticking to cardio machines. I lost weight, but I still had problem areas. I started using 8lb weights, then upped to 10lbs, and am now doing 15lbs which is what I will stick too, and am noticing that my flabby areas are becoming more firm. I do various exercies, and do them in 3 or 4 sets of 12. In my living room after cardio. If you go to a gym ask a trainer to show you how to properly lift and breathe. I do arm curls, work my tri's, and lots of squats etc. Just a thought. Good luck! It's such a journey!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Yep, try adding in weight training and also Pilates. Yoga might also be good for those problem areas too. Also, Jillian Michael's had a DVD called No More Trouble Zones. It's strength training and has a lot of work for the abs and legs. Might be worth looking into!:flowerforyou: