How do I stop myself from weighing daily? Argh!

So, here's the dealio. (Yeah, that's right. I said dealio.)

When I started my weight loss journey, I was exercising at least 4 times a week. I usually went for a walk, did some 30 day shred, went to the gym here and there, yadda yadda. I was watching what I ate all the time. Still do.
Anyway, at the beginning of October I lost someone quite close to me and it sort of derailed my life for a few weeks. I was spending lots of time out of town with family and whatnot. I was still watching what I ate just not really exercising anymore.
Lost pretty much all motivation to work out. I am having difficulty getting back into it. I've decided to put the routine exercise aside right now until after Christmas, then I'll get back into it. I'm still watching what I eat and losing weight..just much slower than before. That's okay though. As long as I'm still losing weight, I'm happy.

ANYWAY. I used to weigh myself every day in the morning. I'd like to stop because it's becoming discouraging when I only drop like, a pound a week where I was losing 1-3 before. How did you guys stop weighing yourselves everyday?

I know this must sound like a ridiculous question. I've just noticed it's becoming an issue for me!


  • laurenkeh
    laurenkeh Posts: 15 Member
    Some people do weigh everyday, but it can become obsessive. Earlier this year I was weighing everyday and it would play on my mind what the scale said all day. So I asked my partner to hide it from me and I promised myself I wouldn't look for it. But I'm probably in a different situation as I was slowly gaining weight due to studying. But you could always write in your diary the days you "allowed" to weigh in, say once a week at the same time?

    Plus, you need to stop being so hard on yourself! You have to remember how far you've come and be proud of that achievement!
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    You will get a variety of replies, some (logically) pointing out that inches matter more, the weight can fluctuate daily, etc. etc.

    I know all that and choose to weigh daily anyway. However, I only post the weight weekly on MFP. It is interesting to look back over the months on the calendar where I've written my weight. I can see a trend line, some days are different than the others just before or just after by a pound or two. I have learned not to get too excited if it goes down unless it stays down 2-3 days or more, but sometimes knowing the scale weight helps keep me focused through the days when it comes to the intake valve. I think if I didn't weigh daily I would be more obsessive through the week, wondering what the scale would "say" on weigh-in day.

    If it is becoming an issue for you to weigh every day, I'd put the scale somewhere out of sight, like on the basement floor in a store-room or something. That way you either have to drag it out or go out of your way to get to it. If it is just sitting in plain sight on the bathroom floor, it will be way too tempting not to step on it every day. (I would liken it to having my favorite dessert sitting out every time I walked into the kitchen...I would eat it much more often than I do having to search it out!). Good luck.
  • amandammmq
    amandammmq Posts: 394 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time right now... it can be especially hard around the holidays.

    I agree with others who suggest hiding the scale. Make it difficult to get to - pack it away somewhere annoying!

    I have a possible suggestion with regards to the exercise. now, I might not be one to talk, since I really haven't been exercising, but.... now that I am hoping to get more regular with it again, I have noticed how much fitness I lost! Is it at all possible to do at least A LITTLE exercise, a couple/few times a week so that you don't lose all of your fitness gains? I really wish I had taken this advice! I feel like I'm starting from scratch, probably because I AM.

    Of course, if that is just not possible right now, then you dust yourself back off after the holidays and get back to it!