How bad is it eating under 1200 calories a day?

Okay, so I always hear about starvation mode and how bad it is but how bad is it if I'm only a little under, like 50-100 calories under that goal?


  • portwein
    portwein Posts: 29 Member
    Most people do not last on a diet of 1200 calories a day for very long. Often they end up gaining it, plus some. Both eating and dieting in moderation has always made sense to me. Slow and steady, slow and steady should be your mantra. Good eating is a lifestyle, always being on a diet to lose weight isn't a lifestyle, more of a curse.
  • I'm no pro, and I do not know your weight or activity levels, but 1200 is very low to keep any body running at its best. It is also likely to burn you out if you try to lose too quickly. In my opinion, you would be much better off setting your daily calories higher and planning to lose the weight at a slower rate. This will simply make the process a lot easier to maintain and keep long term. Also, throw weight training in the mix if you want to truly transform your body
  • Your fine. The biggest thing about caloric intake is the nutritional value of the calories you take in. In other words, if you ate 1200 calories of ice cream or something like that then your body wouldnt be getting enough nutrients to sustain itself. But if your eating 1000-1200 calories of a balanced diet and you dont feel like crap, then your good. Just make sure your feeding your body with enough of the essentials(carbs, fats, and proteins)
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Among other things:

    1. Dangerous because it makes it difficult to get proper nutrition
    2. When your RMR goes down in response to your deficit, it makes reestablishing a deficit even more dangerous
    3. You can only oxidize so much stored fat in a day, your body will meet it's energy needs by going after muscle
    4. Your body will start to shut down things like hormone production that aren't essential to survival in order to preserve enegy
    5. Your diet has a high chance of failure, because adherence is difficult
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    For me I think that anything less than 1400 calories is too little for anyone, ever.

    Not only is it depriving you of nutrients, but you would be training your body to live and function on less. Who wants that!?!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Eating very low cal is a great way to keep yoyoing forever.
  • I personally eat around 1200-1400 calories a day, and I'm a guy! The reason I'm able to do that though is I'm only 5' 6'' and weigh about 140 lbs. I make sure whatever I eat is very nutritional, too. This helps me keep my energy up and keeps me from binge eating.

    And drink lots of water! I drink about 10 cups (5 bottles) a day. This helps you feel full too!
  • Well this site actually put me at 1200 a day and I eat a very well. Lean meat, lots of veggies and fruit. I eat at least four times a day and I don't feel hungry or tired even though I am very active. I always meet my nutrition goals. That's why I wasn't sure if it was a big deal if I was a little under my goal every now and then.
  • squashyhelen
    squashyhelen Posts: 143 Member
    I had a friend who ate less than that and after two months, she started losing nerve feeling in the right foot, and her doctor told her to eat more. When your body canabalizes itself, you can do serious damage to yourself. Best go the safer route and eat at 1200 or more.
  • PhoenixFitLife
    PhoenixFitLife Posts: 229 Member
    But what's the purpose? Even if u are a 5'6 and 140lb guy, why would u eat that small amount of calories and drink water to feel fool???.... Just go eat something!
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    it's fine if you live a sedentary lifestyle. If you try to be active, then 1200 is far too low.
  • But what's the purpose? Even if u are a 5'6 and 140lb guy, why would u eat that small amount of calories and drink water to feel fool???.... Just go eat something!

    My abs are just barely starting to peek through. I used to weigh 236 lbs. three years ago and I think this last 10 lbs. is what will finally get me into a good looking body that I'm not ashamed of. I want to maintain 130 lbs. through summer, then once fall hits I'm planning on going to the opposite end of the spectrum and doing a bulk to get some muscle.
  • I hate only eating 1200, because it means i can't exercise...

    I eat to exercise, I don't exercise to eat.

    1500/1600 calories and 300/400 calories burnt = 1200 net + less hungry & more nutrients.
  • cma17
    cma17 Posts: 56 Member
    Well this site actually put me at 1200 a day and I eat a very well. Lean meat, lots of veggies and fruit. I eat at least four times a day and I don't feel hungry or tired even though I am very active. I always meet my nutrition goals. That's why I wasn't sure if it was a big deal if I was a little under my goal every now and then.

    If it was often you would need to do something about it but in my opinion every now and again it is fine. Some days you will blow out and other days you'll be slightly under don't worry about it.:smile:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Your fine. The biggest thing about caloric intake is the nutritional value of the calories you take in. In other words, if you ate 1200 calories of ice cream or something like that then your body wouldnt be getting enough nutrients to sustain itself. But if your eating 1000-1200 calories of a balanced diet and you dont feel like crap, then your good. Just make sure your feeding your body with enough of the essentials(carbs, fats, and proteins)

  • Geez, this seems to be a topic people are torn on lol. I appreciate all the advice and help a lot though. I think as long as I feel strong and healthy I'm ok. Its not like I don't eat when I'm hungry. I listen to my body :]
  • PhoenixFitLife
    PhoenixFitLife Posts: 229 Member
  • Moosycakes
    Moosycakes Posts: 258 Member
    A little under is okay, but 1200 is generally the minimum recommended to maintain health and be nutritionally balanced :)
  • PhoenixFitLife
    PhoenixFitLife Posts: 229 Member

    My abs are just barely starting to peek through. I used to weigh 236 lbs. three years ago and I think this last 10 lbs. is what will finally get me into a good looking body that I'm not ashamed of. I want to maintain 130 lbs. through summer, then once fall hits I'm planning on going to the opposite end of the spectrum and doing a bulk to get some muscle.

    I see what you're saying. But I'd caution u and remind u that if you're losing more than 2 lbs a wk then you're dipping into your muscle supply which means you'll be starting with less muscle than u have to on your bulk (i.e. creating double work for yourself)... Rapid lb losses aren't always good. I've had to remind myself of this many times.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Go here:

    Read through it, run your stats through the tools int he links provided in that post. Find out what your BMR is (Basal Metabolic Rate) - the amount of calories docs would give you through a tube or IV to sustain your life if you were in a coma. Most people have a BMR above 1200 calories, which means if you're eating 1200 or less, you're barely giving your body what it needs if you stayed in bed all day. Most of us do get up, move around, go to work, do household chores, and exercise, meaning you need even more fuel to keep those functions going.

    Yeah, a lot of people eat 1200 or less, say they feel fine, lost weight, etc. And most do at first - I did! MFP put me at the standard 1200 when I first signed up. After some initial weight loss, I stalled, saw no progress, was hungry, tired, had little energy to workout. Turns out my BMR is around 1400, so 1200 was way too low for me!

    Now I'm eating around 1700 calories a day, usually more, and seeing fat come off of my body like I never did before. I'm not hungry or anxious about what I can eat that will fit in my goals for the day, and I have plenty of energy to get through my day and my workouts (weights/strength 3 days a week, run an avg of 4 miles 3 days, 1 rest day). I'm not a slimmer but still squishy version of my former self - I'm losing the fat, but keeping my lean body mass by fueling my body well, and I love it!

    Check your numbers out through that link. You might be surprised at how much you've been short-changing your body. And eating more calories doesn't mean eating more junk food to meet the goal, or even stuffing yourself with healthy foods - eat small portions of more calorie dense foods like nuts and nut butters, avocados, healthy oils, full fat dairy.