Looking for support & friends!! Need to lose 100+ pounds

Hey there! My name is Amanda Lee and I am SO ready for a change :) I need to lose 100+ pounds and I am ready to dig in deep and FINALLY do it! I have wasted 24 and 1/2 years, I'm not willing to waste another day!

PLEASE feel free to add me!! I need and want as much support as possible. I love supporting and motivating others as well. I believe this site is an amazing resource and we can succeed if we pull together :)

I don't want a quick fix, I HATE the word diet and I refuse to live the rest of my life telling myself I can't eat pizza. I plan on doing this the natural way by controlling portion sizes, keeping a food journal and exercising. This is a complete lifestyle change for me.

My goal is to eventually lose a total of 135 pounds but I know I need to start with baby steps. Honestly the day I weigh in under 200 pounds I will be on cloud nine. I can't wait, but I'm also excited for the journey as well. I love the support and encouragement I get from the friends I've found on this site! Please don't be afraid to add me, talk to me or get to know me better.

A little bit about me:

The last time I was a healthy weight was in second grade. I started to gain weight in third/fourth grade after some traumatic experiences and have been overweight ever since.When I first started college I lost quite a bit of weight but I didn't even notice somehow. Everyone kept telling me I looked great but I didn't see it. Well NOW I do and I'm fighting to get back to that! Over the years I have been steadily gaining weight and it needs to stop NOW. I am ready to take control of my life and live it the way I should!! :)

Random stuff about me:

-shopping (not for clothes yet though!)
-chilling at home
-sleeping in
-anything that smells good
-Bath and Body Works
-the feeling you have after a good workout
-getting mail
-random road trips
-good conversations
-spending time with my parents and my 15 year old sister
-decorating and rearranging my apartment

-rude,close minded, mean or judgmental people
-anything that smells
-my apartment being dirty
-losing things (drives me CRAZY haha)
-alarm clocks
-people who have control issues (power struggles are a huge pet peeve of mine)
-when technology doesn't work

I could go on forever so if you feel the need to get to know me, just add me and ask away!!! :)


Why I Want To Get In Shape:
I want to get in shape for so many reasons. I am tired of relying on food as my outlet. I am tired of not liking what I see when I look in the mirror. I am tired of feeling like a failure because I always slip back into my old ways. I want my family to be proud of me and most importantly I want to be HEALTHY. I want to be around for as long as possible and I would like to have a family one day. This is the first step to changing my life :)

Please feel free to add me! I would love to help you with your journey as well!! :D


  • You've come to the right place :)

    MFP is a great place to keep yourself accountable and track all the stuff you intake :)

    It really has helped me to make better choices about the food I eat!

    You can do this. We can help!
  • Girl! We are gonna kick *kitten*! We're both the exact same weight loss and almost the same weight loss goals. :) I need to lose 10lbs more than you :)
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    awesome start, everything start with motivation, as i read you do not like the word diet, then follow IIFYM ( flexible dieting ) u can eat anything u want just stay in your calories, if you need help calculating your calories need please let me know,

    about excercising just start with a 30 min walk on daily basis and

    and the secret to losing weight, do eat ALL your calories and never eat your workout calories back :)

    good luck and feel free to ask anything
  • Welcome Amanda =)

    I'm Catriona, 23, and also have the goal of losing 135 lbs!
  • _hesmy19dhero
    _hesmy19dhero Posts: 53 Member
    My name is Courtney. I started by having to lose over 100lbs.
    I'm 5'3 and started at 250. I ended up having a really bad breakup. Once I got settled with moving and a new job, I got hurt & found out I actually have degenerative disc disease. :( I'm only 20 years old. So living every day in pain sucks, I'm hoping that this will help and minimize pain.

    I hope I can get to know any of you. :)
  • phillipspage
    phillipspage Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome! I have a similar goal :) Just keep your head up. We can do it!
  • baxyboy
    baxyboy Posts: 70 Member
    Welcome to the site - you've made the decision to make that change and the weight loss has already begun, so you're off to the perfect start... and by the sounds of it you're approaching it the right way with the right mindset too.

    Good luck to you, and don't be afraid to lean on people here and friends/family when times get hard (they will).

    Most of all, remember... YOU CAN DO IT! :D
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, I log in every single day, and we can motivate one another. I have 60+ pounds to lose--I'll be here for awhile :)
  • Welcome!

    I will send you a request now :-)
  • i want to loose weight help me hunny:frown:
  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    Good luck on your journey. I joined the site in January and by hitting the daily targets it worked for me.

    Log your food and your exercise and you will be successful.

    Feel free to add me.
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    you can do this! you just take it day by day, don't look at the big picture. if you have a bad day, pick yourself up and start again. I eat what I want(I try to avoid fast food and soups because of the sodium in it). I just watch my portions and make sure it fits into my calories/sodium/sugars. right now my exercise is walking. so far i've lost 46 lbs and it is not a diet, its a lifetime change, I'm not like some people that say "I can't ever have a treat, i can never drink pop again". I have pop occasionally if i go to a restaurant, but, its usually water. I have found snacks that will fit into my calories and sugars. I try to drink 8 glasses of water a day(it helps a lot). you might lose fast at first, and it will slow down. you could go weeks without losing, it might get frustrating, but, just keep doing what you are doing everyday, and then one week you will lose 5 lbs that week. (2 lbs one day, 1 the next, etc). that's how it works for me anyways. make small goals. your first goal could be to get to 200, next goal could be 10 lbs etc. :smile:
  • denisemc1407
    denisemc1407 Posts: 50 Member
    Congratulations for making that first step!! You can do this! I also have over 100 lbs. to lose. It might take us a year, but we're adding many more years to our lives, so it's worth being patient and DOING THIS THING! Good luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    Hi, and congrats on making the first step towards a LIFESTYLE CHANGE! I agree with you, I hate the word diet, because it is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I added you, and I log daily and I am in the same boat as you with over 100 to lose! I will be here for a while and I am beginning to post daily! I will support you through this journey. Good luck!
  • amandaraecarter
    amandaraecarter Posts: 9 Member
    I am just starting on the journey of losing 145 pounds. Feel free to add me :smile:
  • feel free to add me!
  • I hear you! Let's keep each other on track and motivated!
  • Awesome, Amanda! You can do it.
    I am also looking to lose 100 pounds in order to be at my goal... after that, I just might keep going! :)
    I have a blog that I try to write in every day or every other day. I just posted yesterday about that horrible 'D' word (diet) and how I refuse to say that I am on one because, it's true... we are changing our lifestyle. You can't diet for the rest of your life. You will do great! I am pregnant right now so, I am not losing weight but, I plan to eat healthy and learn different exercises as soon as I am given the OK and than I am getting started hardcore on this website/app.

    It's wonderful that you are here and looking for support. Please add me, we can chat!
  • aliberri27
    aliberri27 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Amanda! I am in the same boat. My name is Alissa, I currently am 24 and 1/2 years old, and have a weight loss goal of 80lbs. I too need some support. Although my family tries to help as much as they can, they have no idea what I go through, think, and feel about myself. I keep that hidden so that none of them will pity me. I have tried many times to change the way I live and nothing seems to stick.

    I definitely could use some support and motivation from someone who understands what I am going through. All my family members are fit and healthy like my mom... I have more of my dad's genes in me (he suffered being over weight all through elementary and middle school).

    I don't know how this whole "add me" thing works, but you can add me if you'd like! :) Hope to hear from you, or anyone else on here!!
  • ahende3
    ahende3 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, My name is ALICIA.

    My goal is also to lose at least 100lbs I am very ill right now, at only age 22 due in part to my eating habits. The problem for me is I eat to comfort myself, being sick makes me sad and makes me want to eat comfort food. I have been a type 2 diabetic for 2.5 years. I need motivation too, please add me and we can motivate each other. I need a lot of support and motivation to continue tracking my weight loss as well as my sugars!!