Starting the 30 Day shred 3/20 - want to join?



  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Dmags - I don't even know what those are yet....... and I'm scared!!!!!! LOL
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    ferff3 - glad you are in!!! Keep us posted!

    Barty - thanks for giving us motivation, nice job!!!!
  • elf1590
    elf1590 Posts: 28
    just ordered the DVD from ebay! looking forward to joining you guys!
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member
    When I first started the Shred I was using canned goods as I didn't have weights. Yesterday I used weights for the first time and OMG what a difference!! My arms are sore...but I keep coming back for more and I love it. I was up @ 4:45 this morning, cooked my husband and daughter breakfast, but managed to resist the temptation of pancakes, eggs and bacon!! I had a banana breakfast shake and proceed to take the opportunity to do the 20 mins this morning before work. Made it to work on time and I feel GREAT!! When I go home I am going to do both the 20 mins Lvl 1 Shred and 30 mintues Biggest Loser Cardio Max. I planned my lunch, dinner and snacks ahead of time and have stayed with in my calorie goals!!! Thank you ladies for the motiviation!! When I am tired, I think about this group and that it is only 20 mins--> I have to be able to give myself that much time somewhere in the day!!

    Happy Friday everyone =)
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi Everybody,
    Happy Friday!! Woo Hoo!! L1D3 done - been shredding daily thus far and boy am I sore!!! I do this work out with 5lb weights and was feeling pretty good at 4:15 am so on squats and shoulder presses i used 10lb weights !! 30 min power walk on for lunch.
    When I did this w/o the last time I had to go on vaca for a few days in the middle and wasn't able to SHred - OMG was it hard for me to get back into it. If my energy is good I might hit it again, it couldn't hurt right?? For sure will do my Ab routine!!

    Hope everyone has an outstanding day ,

  • Hi Ladies
    So I left home for the weekend and forgot my shred :( I did the Biggest Loser Boot Camp with mom though and we got quite a workout!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Well, I completed D5L1 today. I feel so much better today! The achy muscles have subsided and i was able to get through the whole level with no breaks! Still want to push myself harder through each exercise though! Still enjoying the shred. Hoping to start seeing some results soon. I was thinking that I might continue through the levels with my 2 pound weights and then start over at L1 with some heavier weights,if I'm still liking it after 30D. Would like to start adding in some pilates or more ab work. I'm finding I'm not feeling much in my abs with L1. Maybe L2 is better for abs?
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Okay, so I just completed D6L1. My arms and legs feel like jelly! I feel as though I've toned up some but I absolutely have not lost any weight at this point. I'm really hoping to find some pants fitting more loosly soon. I feel really good about the exercises and feel great after wards I just hope to start seeing some results soon. Trying to stay motivated, gotta watch what I eat more and try to get on that treatmill!! I guess those can be my minigoals for the up-coming week.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Saturday Everybody,
    A quick check in before a hectic day gets moving!! Took time out for me and did L1D4 and FIRM Hardcore Fusion Express (35 min cardio + weights) I feel very glad I did because I have 2 event that I am going to today: a Christening and Birthday Celebration. I am grateful about being invited to both ... and this may sound terrible but I don't want to be around all of that food and I guess I'm a little anxious. I am going to be away from the house for hours and probably won't get home til 10 or so. Everytime my day gets booked up like that I end up making bad food choices. So today I packed my lunch pail - just like I would if I were going to work - with good stuff , cukes, grapefruit, broiled chicken, apples and nuts. If people look at me like I'm crazy - too bad. I don't want to insult any one or their food - but why should I eat a bunch of stuff that i don't know what's in it??? I hope I can do this gracefully - the bday party not too worried about. The Christening might be a little tricky.... I am asking God for help - He never let's me down.
    Hope all are doing well and taking advantage of the weekend,

    Will check back later,
  • mizberg
    mizberg Posts: 21 Member
    Hey everyone! Glad to see everyone checking in. I'm about to Shred in a few minutes! Will check back in today! Happy Saturday!!
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member
    Happy Saturday Everybody,
    A quick check in before a hectic day gets moving!! Took time out for me and did L1D4 and FIRM Hardcore Fusion Express (35 min cardio + weights) I feel very glad I did because I have 2 event that I am going to today: a Christening and Birthday Celebration. I am grateful about being invited to both ... and this may sound terrible but I don't want to be around all of that food and I guess I'm a little anxious. I am going to be away from the house for hours and probably won't get home til 10 or so. Everytime my day gets booked up like that I end up making bad food choices. So today I packed my lunch pail - just like I would if I were going to work - with good stuff , cukes, grapefruit, broiled chicken, apples and nuts. If people look at me like I'm crazy - too bad. I don't want to insult any one or their food - but why should I eat a bunch of stuff that i don't know what's in it??? I hope I can do this gracefully - the bday party not too worried about. The Christening might be a little tricky.... I am asking God for help - He never let's me down.
    Hope all are doing well and taking advantage of the weekend,

    Will check back later,


    I have the same issue with making bad food choices when attending events!! For instance, tonight my husband has guest coming over for dinner. I was asked to cook specific food, which I did, but I am anxious because I know that I shouldn't eat it. I was thinking about just making a simple spinach and shrimp salad. I haven't been able to Shred today as today is my long day at work. When I get home I have to make final food preparations, clean up a bit, Shred and Cardio and then shower.....I will be exhausted as I have been up since 4:45 am, and I am praying that doesn't break me down to caving =(

    But I will say a pray for your strength as well as mine for today's events!!!

    Happy Saturday Shredding everyon =)
  • Hello everyone I'm doing the shred too, I am on L2D3 this is my second time around, the first month I lost 20 pounds, so I'm doing it again for anther 20. What do you all log this workout as in the track your exercise section?
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    OK - I bought the DVD @ Target tonight! Only 9 bucks...what a steal!!

    I'm going to start tomorrow morning and also jog between 2-3 miles 5x a week! Hope I can keep up with up. For once I want to look good in a swim suit :)
  • Hi Everyone,

    I would love to get on this discussion. Will be starting the 30 day shred tonight :) I have done it before but the longest i have ever done it was for 4 days and stopped :( this time I will go all the way i can do people say it's only 20 MINTUES!! I want to lose 20 lbs by the time my husband comes home from his deployment. I also do spinning class at the gym 5 days a week so I think I can make that goal as long as i stick with it...excited to start seeing some results!!
  • do you guys know how many calories you burn on the 30 day shred workout?

    Thanks in advance :)
  • tmlane810
    tmlane810 Posts: 87 Member
    Hello everyone I'm doing the shred too, I am on L2D3 this is my second time around, the first month I lost 20 pounds, so I'm doing it again for anther 20. What do you all log this workout as in the track your exercise section?

    I enter it as circuit training~
  • im now on day 6 lvl1 yay hubby says he can see a difference in my size and told me my back was toning up
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    I just completed D7L1!! Yay me!! Although it wasn't easy to do, my DVD player decided to stop working right in the middle of circut 3! I tried to continue with the side lunges on my own but I really do need Jillian to tell me to keep going so I had to stop and find another DVD player. It sucked!!

    CaliArmyWife: YOu can do it! Once I got past days 3 and 4 my body didn't ache quite as much.

    Allykat8: Have fun doing the shred, it'squite a workout! Hope you like it as much as I do!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    I am wondering about the calories too. I have been logging it in as circuit training 20 minutes. It comes out to 242 calories. I am curious what those of you using heart monitors are getting.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Sunday Shredders,
    I made it through yesterday and didn't mess up til I got home - go figure that !!!! my pack didn't stay cold enough and my cukes and frruit turned to mush and were'nt very satisfying ... at all. At 2 lowfat fudge browniews and some cheetos when I got home - which put me over on my cals by 456! I'm disappointed in myself but It could have ( and has been) much worse!! I learned from the experience - I need to take one of those cold pack things in my cooler to keep my goods fresher and just plan a bit better.
    I can also take away something positive .....I was good and did not smoke!!!! That makes 11 days without a cigarette!!!!
    I got up this morning and DH offered to go walking so we did 3miles ( i jogged/walked and he walked) His endurance isn't where mine is yet and he's real competitive so I really appreciate the gesture and his support!! I also just finished shredding L1D5!!! I am running to Wally World for groceries and then I am going to do another 3 miles. That ought to atone for the Cheetos:laugh:

    TM- Hope everything went well with your dinner party - I said prayers for you!!
    Cali - I log as either Ciurcut training or Calesthenics - comes to 211 cals. I try not to concentrate so much on the cals as to how my body feels - I know I'm working something because I feel sore ( the good kind)

    Have an outstanding rest of the day everyone!!

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