Jobs that require sitting all day



  • SmartChoice popcorn, almonds, Tropical trail mix, jar of Jif peanut butter, crackers, tomato soup, and some candy can be found in my desk at any given time. Microwave is within arms reach.
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    First and foremost... WATER!
    All the getting up to pee will keep your mind off snacking, and walking to the bathroom 27 times a day has to burn a few calories.

  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Load up on liquids. I have two bottles of water at my desk at all times. When I feel like snacking, I grab some water instead. It took me awhile to break out of the 'snacking habit' but I have done it!!! And I think you'll find it you do it, it'll just get easier and easier to stay within calorie count AND to ignore those boredom snack urges.
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Will power to make it to lunch and dinner is that I use :) But, I keep those Newton fruit cookies handy... and ONLY limit myself to two per day to tide me over. I always have a bottle of water handy with MIO energy in it to cure my cravings :)
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    I also have a desk job. The things I changed to keep my mind off food:

    I drink a crazy amount of water. Then I have to walk to the bathroom like ten times a day.
    I don't email anyone in the office if it's a question, I walk up and go ask them. If I have tasks that require walking to other parts of the office I do them in as many trips as possible rather than consolidating.
    I keep pistacios on hand.

    I was finding that I wasn't really hungry 90% of the time, I was bored.
    Agreed :) I use the printer the furthest away from my desk :)
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Tax Accountant here! :-)

    I drink coffee (a natural appetite suppresant), have cheesesticks for when I need something to eat. 90 cal mini rice cake packs when I want something sweet. And 100 calories popcorn bags.

    I also have sugarfree gum for getting rid of the afternoon "I want something sweet, but I'm not really hungry" cravings. And Crystal Light for the same reason.

    Oh and CANDY CANES! Not great for you, but they are low calorie and take FOREVER to eat.
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I spend all day at a desk as well. My only real advice would be to keep up your water intake and bring high protein snacks like greek yogurt, almonds, cheese sticks, etc. and only bring enough for what you want to have that day. Keeping things around your desk can be dangerous when you're in the habit of mindless snacking. Another option? Ask your boss for more responsibilities so that you can keep busy and not think about food.

    Edit: My method is typically to give myself pre-determined snack times... then I am eating at regular intervals and I have something to look forward to every day at those times.
  • SmartChoice popcorn, almonds, Tropical trail mix, jar of Jif peanut butter, crackers, tomato soup, and some candy can be found in my desk at any given time. Microwave is within arms reach.

    I win on that last. Microwave, rest room, most of my colleagues, and the infernal mailsort machine that is the plague of my life as a software engineer are all down a floor, and in the case of the latter, the other end of the large warehouse :D
  • spoons81
    spoons81 Posts: 51 Member
    I sit at a desk for 8 hours also. I bring a lot of healthy snacks, like fruit, nuts, cottage cheese, granola bars, etc. I also drink a couple glasses of hot tea with zero calorie sweetener when I find that I just want something...usually out of boredom!
  • cblue07310
    cblue07310 Posts: 85 Member
    Thank you so much for your responses everyone! For the people who listed food items, I will def add that to my grocery list and bring some food with me. I love drinking water so that will be my appetite suppresant! :) As far as coffee, I love drinking it w/o cream/milk but I overload it with sugar. So maybe, I'll just stick with the glasses of water.....